josha stradowski nude

Josha stradowski nude

Pay attention because Josha is going to teach us how to be impossibly, naturally sexy - which, of course, he is. It's undeniable! Why is everyone clamoring for some Josha Stradowski info on Mr.

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Josha stradowski nude

Based in Amsterdam, hot Dutch actor Josha Stradowski began acting at a young age. While studying at the Theatre School of Amsterdam he found his love for singing to come in handy as he appeared in a number of musicals including The Sound of Music. While he mostly works throughout Europe, he speaks fluent English, so he is looking to expand his efforts to the United States and has recently begun landing parts in Hollywood. In one scene we see him walk out of the shower and drop his towel as he crosses the room, flashing some bare booty on the way. In another, he hooks up with another guy and lets that guy go down on him. The sexy Dutchman shows off his fit upper body in an episode of the Amazon series show Wheel of Time. Sitting on the edge of the bed shirtless, Josha talks to a woman sharing the bed with him. As they chat, we get to soak in his sexy abs and nice chest. Just Friends - as Joris Wierijn. The Wheel of Time - as Rand al'Thor. Made with love in Chicago since ! All Rights Reserved. Toggle navigation. Live Cams.

This actually isn't the first time that we have seen Josha show some skin.


Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Josha Stradowski Actor. Play trailer The Wheel of Time —. His screen debut was with a lead in the youth series 'Naranjina en de Kadekapers', followed by 'Spangas' and appearances in the shows 'Dokter Tinus' and 'Verborgen Verhalen'. He also starred in a few shorts and the television film 'Just Friends', which won many international awards. In he was selected as a shooting star for the Subtitle Film Festival. In he starred as fighter pilot Rutger in the international series High Flyers. The show is a hit and he just finished shooting the 2nd season and season 3 has already been green-lit.

Josha stradowski nude

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He is one of the most stunningly gorgeous actors I've ever seen and did a fine job in the movie. By continuing to use this site, you are consenting to our use of cookies. Login Sign up now Contact Customer Service. Not in the books, not explicitly. In one scene we see him walk out of the shower and drop his towel as he crosses the room, flashing some bare booty on the way. Forgot your username or password? Just Friends Sexy , bulge, sexy, shirtless, underwear Josha is watching video in his underwear when he positions the laptop on his chest to masturbate. JavaScript is disabled. Free Signup. Username or e-mail address.

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Reactions: hanzosword , Sauerkraut , Nyx24 and 3 others. Skin Jobs at Mr. Where did this guy come from? That might be why staring at Josha inspires people to break into song and dance Log in. Live Cams. It's undeniable! It may not display this or other websites correctly. Reactions: bigboaster. He's a Dutch dude who is based in Amsterdam, so he knows how to have a good time! All Rights Reserved. Forgot your username or password? Posts Attachments. This actually isn't the first time that we have seen Josha show some skin.

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