joy jean patou vintage

Joy jean patou vintage

I never fully appreciated Joy until I smelled a vintage bottle from the 50's, joy jean patou vintage. It was from an old bottle found at the back of a dusty shelf in a vintage shop. All I can say is what a beauty it was. I definitely got a strong blast of civet with a powdery rose and lush jasmine.

Where to buy Joy by Jean Patou. If you purchase through these links, we may receive a small commission, which helps support and maintain our site. Thank you! Latest Reviews of Joy. You need to log in or register to add a review. Tlockerk Show all reviews. I inherited an older, nearly full bottle not THE black bottle , probably from late or early 's,no idea.

Joy jean patou vintage

Top quality, the best materials, and the best perfumes. First thing to know:. All Patou perfumes have a big, big problem: with a few exceptions, there is no batch code written on the bottle , but on the box only. Consequently, you have to rely on boxes. It will be very difficult do date exactly a Patou perfume without its box. Let's go in details: Between s and Between and Rare batchcodes used between and NOTE: during transition periods,. Since "SA Designer Parfums" label. Since 'SA Designer Parfums' label on box, with crossing lines on borders.

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This classic fragrance that has captivated hearts and stood the test of time — the iconic Joy by Jean Patou. Known for its timeless elegance and luxurious allure, Joy has been the epitome of sophistication since its creation in With its delicate floral notes and a history steeped in glamour, this perfume has remained a favorite among style mavens and connoisseurs alike. Today I want you to discover why Joy continues to hold a special place in the hearts of fragrance fans across the globe. Get ready to experience a touch of timeless beauty that transcends generations!

Joy jean patou vintage

When it comes to my favorite dead brand, Jean Patou, I am a bit like Charlie Brown and Lucy when it comes to her holding a football for him to kick. Every time I think I will get some gratification only to find myself on my back looking at the sky. What was odd was it had been done in such a way that people only learned of it well after the fact of the acquisition. Why was that? The press release announcing it was appropriately hopeful about giving the brand an elevated profile.

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Second: there was complete control over production, from beginning to end. Not all "wine and roses". Top quality, the best materials, and the best perfumes. Patou was the "number one" in perfumery. Projection is average, as is longevity at around 9 hours on skin. Although it was a unpleasant story with papers spreading the news exaggerately, and with legal consequences, Patou still flourished for a few years. It's simply TOO much for me in every way: too floral-laden, too rose-y, too heavy and "thick," and much too traditionally feminine. We used to say "stay away from Heat, Air, and Light". The most expensive Eau de Toilette for Men ever launched, and t he first "Aquatic Fougere": it was s o unusual. The house of Jean Patou has an amazing history. Could you believe it? Why so obsessed with quality at Patou?


I haven't tried any of the vintage versions of Joy but I have a bottle of the most current formulation. Having practically no competitor, it was the most famed perfume. You know the story: it was Patou's biggest fiasco. I would love to smell this on a young, very butch tomboy because the dissonance would be wonderful--but on a something female from Dallas with bleached blonde hair and lots of gold jewelry They are ruined for sure, in presence of air, light, and heat. Then in the middle of the s, we re-launched the "Joy Eau de Toilette" it already existed in the s , the lightest version, using further dilutions and further different amounts. Apart this, we sometimes had to change formulas when some molecules were banned, the classical example being certain musks, during the Seventies. By the same house All Patou extraits were sealed by hand using a wet membrane, so when it dried, it "solidified" around the cap and the bottleneck. While the more recent praise is wholly warranted, the house was churning out winners all the way back in the early to mid 's, and Joy by Henri Almeras is a fine example of its early success.

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