Juan garcia abrego sentence

Juan Garcia Abrego, described as the leader of a powerful drug ring based in Mexico, was convicted on October 16 on drug trafficking charges Deborah Tedford and Jo Ann Zuniga, "Cocaine kingpin is guilty," Houston ChronicleOctober 17,p. A4; "U, juan garcia abrego sentence. A3; Bruce Nichols, "U.

Gerald H. Defendant-appellant Juan Garcia Abrego appeals his conviction and sentence for ten counts of possession with intent to distribute cocaine in violation of 21 U. We affirm. For approximately two decades, Juan Garcia Abrego was the hub of a narcotics smuggling syndicate of staggering dimension. Headquartered in Matamoros, Mexico, Garcia Abrego's organization was responsible for smuggling tremendous quantities of cocaine and marijuana into the United States from the mids to the mids.

Juan garcia abrego sentence

Those penalties, along with an order permitting the U. After U. Assistant Atty. Several witnesses, all of them imprisoned in the U. But none implicated senior Mexican or U. The pursuit and prosecution of Garcia Abrego, 52, was said to typify an aggressive, cooperative new attack on the multibillion-dollar, cross-border drug trade by U. Mexican prosecutors, however, recently have suffered serious setbacks in their attempts to win similar prison terms for major traffickers. Palma was arrested last year, along with dozens of federal police who were protecting him, after an airplane crash. The Guadalajara judge sentenced him to six years in jail on illegal weapons charges. He was arrested a year ago near Monterrey, Mexico, by a squad of Mexican anti-drug agents. Within 24 hours, the Mexican government expelled him and flew him to Houston, where he was put on trial on a count drug-trafficking and money-laundering indictment.

Horace Vega testified that Medrano told him that the group wished to have Lopez Olivares killed because he threatened to expose high-level members of the group to the U. I, supra, we conclude that the district court had an adequate basis for concluding that the medication that Garcia Abrego received did not render him mentally impaired at the time law enforcement authorities read him his Miranda rights, juan garcia abrego sentence.


After 10 years of investigation, a monthlong trial and 11 hours of deliberation, a federal jury here convicted Garcia Abrego, 52, on all 22 counts of drug-trafficking and money laundering--parts of a criminal conspiracy that witnesses said protected itself with millions of dollars in monthly bribes to officials on both sides of the border. After the verdict, prosecutors and defense attorneys indicated that Garcia Abrego--who fought back emotion as he listened through headphones to the Spanish translation of a verdict that could result in a maximum sentence of life in prison--has no plans to cooperate with U. They are investigating widespread corruption that they say continues to aid the drug trade in Mexico. The trial drew wide attention from many in the U. The cartel was said to have paid off U. National Guard troops to escort their tons of cocaine across the border. Garcia Abrego.

Juan garcia abrego sentence

He started in the cartel under the tutelage of his uncle Juan Nepomuceno Guerra. Reports date his trafficking career beginning in the mids, exporting marijuana from Mexico into the U. In the early s he began incorporating cocaine into the cartel's trafficking operations. Claudio de la O. The buses made great transportation, as Antonio Ortiz noted, since they were never stopped at the border. In , Claude was removed from the case for unknown reasons, retiring a year later. The arresting officer, an FJP commander, is believed [ by whom?

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Gonzales, F. Jackson, F. A defendant's waiver of his Miranda rights is only effective if the waiver is knowingly, intelligently, and voluntarily made. Insufficient evidence supported Garcia Abrego's conviction of conspiracy to launder money. The hierarchy of Garcia Abrego's organization was firmly established. This testimony indicates that Garcia Abrego exercised indirect managerial authority over him. Davis, 19 F. Given that Medrano had previously told Vega to contact Ceballos and Ibarra in connection with another transaction, the jury had ample basis for concluding that the money laundering offense described in count 13 was committed by Garcia Abrego's coconspirators in furtherance of the conspiracy. In the mids, Carlos Resendez, who had begun working for Garcia Abrego full time, set up a meeting between Garcia Abrego and Fernando "El Aguacate" Martinez, another drug trafficker who sought permission from Garcia Abrego to move cocaine through the Matamoros area. Segura was later arrested, and at that time he had in his possession a telephone book containing a code that Segura testified was given to him by Medrano for use in deciphering encoded telephone numbers given to Segura by group members. Pierce, F. He argues that the court's standard cautionary instruction that the jury should view the testimony of an "accomplice" or "informer for pay or for immunity from punishment" with greater caution than other testimony was insufficient to adequately instruct the jury on this issue. Section a of Title 21 of the United States Code, which defines property subject to criminal forfeiture in connection with drug crimes, provides as follows:.

Those penalties, along with an order permitting the U. After U. Assistant Atty.

The individuals who worked directly with Garcia Abrego, along with Sanchez, arranged for the transportation of drugs and proceeds from their sale in the United States through a number of other individuals. See FED. I, supra, we conclude that the district court had an adequate basis for concluding that the medication that Garcia Abrego received did not render him mentally impaired at the time law enforcement authorities read him his Miranda rights. Section a of Title 21 of the United States Code, which defines property subject to criminal forfeiture in connection with drug crimes, provides as follows:. Gloria Keraga, testified that Valium taken in conjunction with one of the medications given to Garcia Abrego could increase suggestibility. Roberts, U. Furthermore, Garcia Abrego does not contend that, during argument, the government urged the jury to find Garcia Abrego guilty of conducting a CCE on the basis of his association with individuals who, as a matter of law, could not have constituted his supervisees. Even then, his statement is admissible only if it bears adequate 'indicia of reliability. Francisco "Paco" Perez also began working for Garcia Abrego in the drug trafficking trade around Francisco Perez testified that Garcia Abrego told him that he had two Mexican officials killed because they were moving drugs without Garcia Abrego's knowledge or permission. The court sentenced Garcia Abrego to concurrent month terms of imprisonment followed by concurrent 3-year terms of supervised release for the count of conspiracy to launder money and for each of the substantive money laundering counts. Assuming, merely for the sake of argument, that a juror strictly complying with this instruction--as we assume that the jurors in this case did, see United States v. A: I don't pretend to be an expert, but I do know something about Valium situations, dependencies.

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