Kaieteur newspaper today

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Dear Editor, I know the current administration is quite capable of successfully mounting its own defense against the tabloid-styled reportage of the Kaieteur News KN. Nonetheless, I wish to address the patently false narrative that the publication continues to foist on Guyanese on a daily basis with regard to the relationship between the Government, citizens, and the media. I have found that the current administration has greatly facilitated and successfully engaged both the media and the public. For instance, there are by far more press conferences facilitated by President, Dr. I can still recall the bold headlines in the press complaining about the lack of press conferences by the former president. Vice President, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo has taken a similar approach when it comes to hosting press conferences.

Kaieteur newspaper today

Monday, 11 March , Leave a comment. Amid persistent calls by sections of Guyanese for government to use some of the oil earnings to pay increased wages and salaries, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo on Sunday sought to calm expectations that the country has a huge chunk of money pouring into the economy to do so. Sunday, 10 March , Leave a comment. They got to come right. An early Sunday morning fire destroyed two hotels and two houses at Eteringbang, a gold mining community on the Guyana side of the border with Venezuela, sources said. No one was injured. A source said the fire was caused by a faulty electricity generator. Saturday, 9 March , Leave a comment. That is because there is more money in the economy. That is because there is more disposable Police on Saturday said a prisoner, who escaped from the Mazaruni Prison last month, is the prime suspect in the murder of a man and his mother at Saxacalli Mission, Essequibo River. Police said the killings occurred between 5 PM and Friday, 8 March , Leave a comment.

You bathe in female colognes, rub lipstick on your shirt, have crushed. Prev Next.

Seven men, including two former employees, were on Friday remanded to prison for their various roles in the armed robbery invasion committed on Kaieteur News. Police Prosecutor Assistant Superintendent of Police, Neville Jeffers, strongly objected to the men being released on bail since they all gave statements detailing the different roles they played in the commission of the crime. He further disclosed to the court that the alleged robbery was planned a week in advance by its mastermind Wharton. Based on the seriousness of the crime and in the interest of public safety, the Chief Magistrate remanded the quintet to prison until November Meanwhile, the two other men, Collis Heywood and Kevin France, were separately charged for gun and ammunition possession. Heywood denied two charges which alleged that on October 10 at Georgetown he had a. Similarly, France denied his two charges which alleged that on the same date in question at East Ruimveldt he had a 9 mm pistol along with 10 matching rounds in his possession when he was not a licensed holder.

It was stated that during the wee hours of Tuesday, the taxi driver had just dropped off a passenger at the West Vybz Bar, which is located at Tuschen. While there, he was approached by the two suspects who asked if he was workingtaxiandhetoldthem yes. According to the police, thesuspectsrequestedthatthe taxi driver take them to the Demerara Harbour Bridge. However, upon reaching the. According to the victim, when he arrived at Nismes Village, one of the suspects exited the vehicle and the otherchokedhimfrombehind and dealt him several cuffs to hisfaceandhead.

Kaieteur newspaper today

He has no right in international law to tell the people of Guyana, a sovereign country, how to pursue its affairs Maduro said he has instructed his regulators to create a mining conglomerate as well as an oil company that would be in charge of issuing licences for companies to operate in the Essequibo area. He also instructed that a special law be drafted that would essentially bar companies from engaging with ExxonMobil as well as other companies within the area. Another egregious measure he announced. Until definitive statements or the next course of action is handed down from the council or the ICJ, Kaieteur News asked the Vice President if any oil sector issues would be put on pause. He also noted that the latest. Vice President, Dr. Jagdeo also referenced aspects of the IMF report which praised the government for containing inflation in spite of enhanced spending on capital. Going forward, oil production will continue to expand rapidly as four new fields will come on stream by end Real GDP is expected to continue to grow extremely fast in

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This includes taxes leviable in relation thereto. CBJ therefore turned to Dr. It was noted that three more mammogram machines will be added and placed at the New. The celebration is expected to attract hundreds, if not thousands, of people in and out of the region and from as far as West Coast Berbice to Crabwood Creek, East Corentyne. The ministry said investigations so far have revealed that the vessels appear to have been bound for Guyana. B Serial violators. It is alleged that in response to. Prev Next. They steadfastly refused to have sexual relations with their husbands, beating senseless any desperate dolt who tried to breach their sanctuary. Elgar reached his century after lunch and said the pitch had eased off a little as the day wore on. Guyana, being an oil producing nation and being pegged as the fastest growing economy in the world, together with the attraction of many international investors, have done very little to solve the woes of the working class. Two years jail for man, 67, involved in Bartica fatal accident. Playing at the Chesney ground, Whim won the toss and elected to take for strike. Jagdeo totally circumvented the issue in contention: why in terms of salaries has the government refused to engage in collective bargaining with the recognised union for teachers in Guyana? He urged him to remember his roots.

Mar 10, 0.

Pradoville Scheme Fiasco. He asked how in such a situation government was going to fund its wages bill. Mar 05, 0. GFF Competitions D i r e c t o r Tr o y P e t e r s confirmed the completion of all arrangements for the final and third-place matches. The ministry quoted line minister Fitzgerald Hinds as saying he appreciated the support provided by both agencies. Call: , Amarnath Dukhi Under15 tournament with two huge victories. There is nationally the need for leadership that is respectful of the Constitution and legal rights of all, including unwavering support for the integrity of holders o f p u b l i c o ff i c e a n d c o n s t i t u t i o n a l institutions, which should act fearlessly when challenged by political office holders that seek to abuse their authority. Venezuela is supported by the eastern powers and Iran, another nemesis of America. Hence, the current government has allowed 3 opportunities to. These very workers are valued on the international market and have been known to seek and obtain better opportunities overseas, much to the detriment of t h e p o p u l a c e.

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