

An image gallery of Noriaki Kakyoin, featuring art and screenshots kakyoin various media he is featured in, kakyoin. Weekly Shonen Jump 36 Cover. Heritage for the Future Poster.

He is the Stand master of Hierophant Green. After being freed from DIO's influence, he decides to join Jotaro on his quest to Egypt to save Jotaro's mother and find redemption. Kakyoin is considered to be the best character in the game, right next to Pet Shop due to having excellent offense, defense, setups, mixups, high combo potential, and supers as well as long reaching normals and pokes. Edit Introduction. System Info.


He also appears as a posthumous primary character in the spin-off manga Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak. After being freed from DIO's influence, he decides to join Jotaro on his quest to Egypt to save Jotaro's mother and find redemption. Kakyoin is a Stand user and wields the long-ranged Hierophant Green. Kakyoin is a young man of average to above-average height and fit to slender build. In the anime, he wears the pajamas when admitted to the hospital. Kakyoin keeps medium-length hair, characterized by a large, twisting bang hanging before his face. He wears cherry-shaped earrings: each is a long, fine arch, tipped by small spheres. He is considered handsome and has captured the attention of a few women. One of Jotaro's own admirers commented on his looks and during the Tower of Gray encounter, he swooned two female stewardesses. He is also referred to as beautiful upon arriving in India by a man trying to sell him a tattoo. Later, Kakyoin acquires two thin scars vertically crossing both eyes from Geb , which he often hides with a pair of dark sunglasses. Noriaki Kakyoin is first introduced as an evil and cruel teenager because of DIO's brainwashing. Thus he remorselessly attacks unrelated civilians and adopts a might makes right mindset. Kakyoin is ruthless with his enemies but loyal to his companions.

Non-canon Agents.

He is the Stand master of Hierophant Green. After being freed from DIO's influence, he decides to join Jotaro on his quest to Egypt to save Jotaro's mother and find redemption. Kakyoin is considered to be the best character in the game, right next to Pet Shop due to having excellent offense, defense, setups, mixups, high combo potential, and supers as well as long reaching normals and pokes. Can combo into several other normals. Kakyoin's fastest Stand Off normal. Combo Filler. Kakyoin performs a straight high kick.

Kakyoin Noriaki was born in in Japan. When Kakyoin was a little older, he had difficulty making friends due to the fact that he felt no one could understand him since no one he met could see Hierophant Green. One day, one of his teachers even told his mother that none of the other children disliked Kakyoin, but that he was unapproachable and just didn't seem to want to make any friends. His mother, saddened, admitted that even she didn't know much about her own son or understand why he was so withdrawn. Kakyoin observed the children around him writing down the names of their friends and thought about how the people around him had someone who could understand them. He felt even his own parents had each other, but that they would never be able to relate to him. This caused him to become a withdrawn individual who felt different from others. Kakyoin returned to Japan and attended the same school as Jotaro. Stalking Jotaro on the way to school, Kakyoin attempts a first attack on Jotaro by slashing his leg just as Jotaro goes down some stairs. Jotaro tumbles down but manages to land on a tree to soften his fall.


After being freed from DIO's influence, he decides to join Jotaro on his quest to Egypt to save Jotaro's mother and find redemption. Kakyoin is a Stand User and wields the long-ranged Hierophant Green. Kakyoin is a young man of average to above-average height and fit to slender build. He is also shown wearing striped pajamas during his initial encounter with Death Thirteen. In the anime, he wears the pajamas when admitted to the hospital, along with bandages wrapped around his eyes. After he rejoins the rest of the group, he begins to wear black sunglasses over his twin scars. He is always seen wearing cherry earrings. Kakyoin keeps his red hair styled fluffed up in the back and longer around the nape of his neck, characterized by a large, twisting bang hanging to the side of his face.

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Noriaki Kakyoin is first introduced as an evil and cruel teenager because of DIO's brainwashing. Fatally punched in the abdomen by The World. Kakyoin meets Jotaro for the first time. Kakyoin reuniting with the group. Novel Appearances. This link is absolutely crucial to getting good at Kakyoin. Zombies and other Undead. All because of my current mental state! Key visual of Egypt arc. Stylish Evade 1. If he does get in however, I hope you're good at blocking. Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak. He is also referred to as beautiful upon arriving in India by a man trying to sell him a tattoo. Consider that your make-up handshake, Polnareff. In the arcade version, he has considerable offense power but is slightly slow.

He also appears as a posthumous primary character in the spin-off manga Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak.

Right after the startup, Kakyoin is free to move and attack the opponent. Extremely quick anti-air, good for opponents directly above you. Volume 17 Cover. It surrounds you for 20 meters in every direction! Views Read View source View history. While it's not the fastest move, it is disjointed horizontally to such a degree that it's funny. You can have up to 3 nets active at the same time. Hair Reddish-vermillion. Kakyoin places an invisible net on the stage. At the end of the day, Jotaro will usually be the one approaching you whether he likes it or not, so simply wait for your opportunity to safely punish him. Kakyoin wearing pajamas in Death Thirteen 's nightmare. Battle in Egypt Volume 4 Menu. In the semifinals, Kakyoin returns to the tournament, paired with Jotaro. Strong normal with good priority. Fatally punched in the abdomen by The World.

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