Kari elizabeth bryon

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Kari Byron is an American television host and artist. She is best known as part of the B Team on the educational series MythBusters. While she is no longer busting myths, she is still active in educating others about engineering, physics, and how we can save our planet. Byron was born on December 18, in the Bay Area of California. Byron attended Los Gatos High School before going on to attend San Francisco State University, where she graduated in with a degree in film and sculpture.

Kari elizabeth bryon

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Kari Byron Actress Producer. Play trailer White Rabbit Project She was previously married to Paul Urich. Contact info Agent info Resume. Add to list. View contact info at IMDbPro. Photos Known for:.

Retrieved July 16, Contact info Agent info Resume.

From to , she presented Punkin Chunkin on the Science Channel. Outside of television, Byron is an artist and author. She wrote a memoir titled Crash Test Girl in Byron was born in the Bay Area, California. Byron was a cast member on MythBusters from to This Build Team worked with Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman to test the plausibility of various myths throughout their tenure with the show.

Byron hosted Head Rush, a science education and teen-oriented show, and Large, Dangerous Rocket Ships from to She hosted Punkin Chunkin on the Science Channel from until In March , Byron married artist Paul Urich. They have a child. Byron filed for divorce from Urich on June 26, , and their marriage was dissolved on March 20, Byron is an artist and author in addition to his work on television. In , she published her memoir Crash Test Girl. She and the others hosted their own portions as well. Byron was on maternity leave for the second half of the season and was briefly replaced by Jessi Combs.

Kari elizabeth bryon

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After Byron graduated, she was hit with wanderlust and decided to backpack around the world with her friend and actress, Dawn Gilbert. In , Byron embarked on a new educational series called Crash Test World. Related news. Pearl Street Software. They test-fired some of the weapons in the Red Jacket shop and watched as the staff re-tested a myth previously busted by the Build Team: that a propane tank could explode if struck by a bullet. December 20, Still really hard to believe I went through so many years with Kari Elizabeth Kelley Byron as her fan. July 31, I already feel foolish February 20, She is best known as part of the B Team on the educational series MythBusters. During the second half of the season, Byron was on maternity leave and was temporarily replaced by Jessi Combs. Trivia Once helped resuscitate a dying duck, during a myth on MythBusters , which went wrong.

Made for kids—underserved tweens especially—EXPLR aims to take them around the world, open their eyes to cultures, educational topics, and geography like never before and give them ammunition to dream.

She is also the co-founder of the platform. They share a daughter together. Self - Host. Use thumbnails when posting pics. February 20, I guess that's why she makes me so crazy!!! More to explore. Wikimedia Commons. I already feel foolish American television host and artist. September 25, Credits Edit.

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