kokomo indiana obits

Kokomo indiana obits

You can search by first or last name, state and publication date. Once you find the obituary you are looking for, you can get important information about upcoming services, share a favorite photo or memory, and send flowers or gifts to the family. Eileen was born in KokomoIndiana. A time of kokomo indiana obits for Eileen will be held Thursday, February 29, kokomo indiana obits,

She married Lyndall E. Jordan on June 19, , and he preceded her in death on Jan Doris "Rene" Irene Nickel, 88, Kokomo, passed away at a. Sunday, Feb. On Oct.

Kokomo indiana obits

We are pleased to continue to offer our webcasting and video recording services. Aldena Ruth Jordan. Vicky Lee Breymier. Mary "Jo" Cripe. Stephanie Dawn Gragg. Our support in your time of need does not end after the funeral services. Enter your email below to receive a grief support message from us each day for a year. You can unsubscribe at any time. Main St. Russiaville, IN Tel: Jefferson St. Kokomo, IN Tel: Burlington, IN Tel: We are pleased to continue to offer our webcasting and video recording services to share your loved one's service with family and friends that may be unable to attend in person.

Jeremy Paul Lewis. Featured Obituary Showcase your loved one's life story with a featured obituary.

She married Lyndall E. Jordan on June 19, , and he preceded her in death on Jan Doris "Rene" Irene Nickel, 88, Kokomo, passed away at a. Sunday, Feb. On Oct. Rene served at Delco Electronics, retiring in

Search by Name. Dovie Dean Fisher. Greentown, IN. John C. Darlene Piper. Peru, IN. Nancy S. Floyd Lee "Buck" Griffin. Aidan Michael Kearney. Elizabeth "Sheila" McKay.

Kokomo indiana obits

Darlene Piper, 91, Peru, passed away on Friday, March 15, Celebration of life will be on Saturday, March Visitation is from 1 to p. Steven K. Baker, 75, passed away in his home, with his family surrounding him, on March 17, He was born in Bryan, Ohio, one of 10 children born to the late John W. Steve was raised in Pioneer, Ohio, and attended school there.

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It's helpful to take a look at examples, templates and guides when beginning to write. Lisa Wimmer - Doris E. She was born in Swayzee on Wednesday, Nov. Tuesday, January 23, She was born on Jan. Other Sympathy Announcements. Deborah Kathleen Rowden Harmon. Last name. Receive notifications. Loreda Ozment White. Melvin Thurston -

John was an avid outdoorsman with a true appreciation of all things to do with nature. John especially loved being near water and was loving

Jefferson St. Parnell Hawkins. We are pleased to continue to offer our webcasting and video recording services to share your loved one's service with family and friends that may be unable to attend in person. Vincent- Kokomo. Jonathan David Russell. Friday, January 12, Terri Schrock - Visitation Jan. Submit An Obituary Submit an obit for publication in any local newspaper and on Legacy. Lisa Wimmer - Aaron Thomas Everhart. Saturday, December 2, Hobbs and Hazel J. Richard William "Rick" Brewster. Friday, November 17,

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