kristen erotic stories

Kristen erotic stories

Please come back often. If you find a broken link, please help kristen erotic stories by reporting it to: The Staff. View More of This Archive? Naive Virgin - by Ickric - A teenage girl goes on a camping trip with a group of other youngsters.

It was a typical December afternoon in Minnesota. The sky was overcast and the gloomy clouds threatened to add to the foot of snow already on the ground. A chill wind whistled through the birch and fir trees outside my window. I looked out from my study onto the frozen surface of Loon Lake. I'd bought the house a dozen years ago with the proceeds from my first novel, and I owned all of the property around the rest of the tiny lake as well. It was a good location, far enough off the beaten path for solitude but not so far out that I missed out on the amenities to be found in Minneapolis. A flash of color out on the lake caught my eye: A young woman was skating on the ice, moving gracefully back and forth across my field of view.

Kristen erotic stories

It was a warm afternoon in May of the year when I laid eyes on Zack Clark for the very first time. Being a rather tall girl myself, I had a special eye open for any guy that exceeded me in height. My family was attending a Christian family conference near Dallas, Texas. Little did I know that this is where I would see my future husband for the very first time. He was sitting about ten rows in front of me with his family as we all listened to one of the conference speakers. I immediately noticed his height and how handsome he was of course. I wondered who this guy was. I knew he had to be somewhat of a decent person because he was at a great conference with his family. After the closing ceremonies were over on Saturday night, a group of us young people went outside to play ultimate frisbee. Several minutes later I saw Zack walking up with a few of his buddies!

I'm almost there," I yelled again, sliding across the ice as fast as I dared. Resident Author's Section. I reached underneath her and grabbed the bottom of the black sweater and pulled it up over her head and arms, kristen erotic stories.

All things within this archive are based upon two premises. First it must be free! And second, it must have something to do with the world of erotica! This archive is based upon Kristen's collection of erotic stories. It was begun by her in and has been built on extensively since then. You will find every type of sexual situation covered in these stories; there have been no judgments made as far as subject.

Please come back often. If you find a broken link, please help us by reporting it to: The Staff If you're having problems accessing the stories on this page. Click here! View More of This Archive? It was a beautiful summer day and the larks were singing.

Kristen erotic stories

Please come back often. If you find a broken link, please help us by reporting it to: The Staff. View More of This Archive? Kaitlin - by Steve - A writer with a love for the earth meets a lonely young girl who shares that love. Together, they explore a forbidden love. Mg, extreme-ped, 1st, rom Kammi Learns How - by Beating Off Bob - Lonnie is a beautiful woman who runs a ranch and her crew respects her. But when her 15 year old sister shows up for the summer, the men get restless. Follow Kammi's exploits as Bob, the foreman, teaches her what she wants to learn and Lonnie tries to keep her from getting a swelled head MFf-teen, 1st, reluc, voy, oral, preg Karen And Laci - by Letoria - A something recently out lesbian, and her estranged daughter's 14 year old best friend, begin a passionate love affair.

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He makes a move on the 1 man's wife first and receives some unexpected help in his quest to take over. The folks at ASSTR are trying to provide an adult resource without all of those obnoxious adult check scams and embarrassing banners. She becomes excited by the attention and she receives while behind the bar and that excitement leads her down a sexually destructive path. Holly loved in her mind more than the reality of life. As the crowd looks on, the girl gradually becomes a participant in her own rape and impregantion which is videotaped by one of the spectators. The story's centerpiece is a FM union, but the Ff aspect is the more meaningful. And not just older women either; the ones that got my dick really stiff were older white women. In this case, memorable events with my wife. She wasn't fond of country music but when he suggested that they go dancing, they took her car and found themselves at one of the largest country dancing places in Phoenix. She gets to partying a bit too hardy and winds up in a whole other realm of abuse and perversity. Don't get me wrong, my wife's sister and her husband are good people; it's just that they are about as opposite from Natalie and me as you can get. They would have to come off. About an unexpected first time during a camping trip. There was something about Zack that caused me to be deeply attracted to him.

Please consider leaving feedback on issues you experience or suggest improvements. Log In Sign Up. Explore New Story.

The man she finds turns out to be black and she enjoys the meeting. Lund answered. I like to go in there at break time and bend over to get a pop out of the refrigerator. She looked like a total slut as soon as I finished painting her face and tits with my copious load. I headed for School, but decided to play sick as well, and headed back home MF, cheating-wife, preg Cheating Wife - by Anon - A professional business woman goes on a trip planning to cheat on her husband with another man, but she gets more than she bargained for. I had about 6 hairs on my pussy and already it was deflowered, stretched, and soiled. And now he was broke. They turned toward me, smiling. Our relationship remained the same for three entire years.

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