Kung fu panda funny pictures

A nerdy looking kung fu panda funny pictures wearing a white gi and a black belt flies through the air with a jump kick and kung fu chop at his dojo as he practices martial arts. His long hair fllying, face grimacing, and his giant glasses about to fall of his face, he appears suspended in mid air in front of a wood paneled wall.

Kung Fu Panda has become one of the flagship franchises of DreamWorks animation. It follows the adventures of Po Jack Black , a panda living in the Valley of Peace who is obsessed with all things kung fu. Po is chosen by the wise Master Oogway Randall Duk Kim to be the Dragon Warrior, which sends him on many quests of physical and spiritual enlightenment with his friends and mentors. The franchise is beloved for many reasons, including its iconic characters, stellar voice acting, gorgeous animation, and strong themes. Just as importantly, the Kung Fu Panda movies are also jam-packed with plenty of moments of comedy.

Kung fu panda funny pictures

How many bean buns did he eat? He manages to make it to Right at the beginning, you have two kids playing with action figures of Po and Tigress right outside the Jade Palace's training hall. The two kids then hear noises inside and assume that the "Dragon Warrior" must be training inside. The noise is actually Po stuffing his face as stated from the image on the top with as many bean buns as possible while everyone else cheers. Even Tigress is in on the action. Not So Above It All much? Master Shifu telling Po how he found inner peace through "pain and suffering". Shifu : Po, the day you were chosen as Dragon Warrior Cue Po's completely unamused "God, not this again" face in contrast to Shifu's completely serious Thousand-Yard Stare.

Vector illustration of kicking cute bunny ninja isolated on white background. Po: Well, this cloud is about to bring the thunder! When she notices something, Po dramatically goes back to sleep, cut to her being right next to his face and makes him jump, only kung fu panda funny pictures hurt himself.


Fans of the Kung Fu Panda series have good reason to rejoice with the announcement of a fourth film set to release in The martial arts comedy has many elements that recur throughout the series, which fans have illustrated perfectly through memes. These range from the way Po behaves in general to the mannerisms exhibited by masters like Oogway and Shifu. Checking out these funny posts is the perfect way to get hyped for Kung Fu Panda 4. Kung Fu Panda happens to be one of the longest-running animated franchises to keep releasing content , as many TV shows and spin-off media have been released along with the movies. Kung Fu Panda is considered among the best films in Dreamworks animation history mainly because of the balance between humor and the themes involved. Po learned that becoming the Dragon Warrior meant accepting himself, which is best described using this meme. Master Oogway was aware that the true Dragon Warrior would be able to see their self-worth.

Kung fu panda funny pictures

Please browse at your own risk. Panda Style is a kung fu fighting style that is used notably by Po throughout the Kung Fu Panda franchise. Panda Style is the newest of all the twelve kung fu styles.

Mixed up crossword

And then Ox and Croc go to find a new cell to be locked up in, with Croc declaring he's getting the top bunk. When all looks hopeless, Po pulls a Big Damn Heroes moment to rescue the Five before the climax, appearing on a tall rooftop to the waterway below. He makes a goofy face behind his giant glasses in front of a wood paneled wall. A nerdy looking guy wearing a white gi and a black belt stands with an awkward expression with his hands ready to kung fu chop at his martial arts dojo. The most obvious example of this in Kung Fu Panda is when Po gets launched into the Furious Five's obstacle course and gets wrecked. Shen: No they don't! To make my soup without radishes, and to raise you as my own son. Wolf Boss: It fought like a demon! Shen glares at him and points a knife at his throat And this is, the Year, of course, of the Peacock. However, what makes this line stand out is Master Shifu's sardonic tone full of disappointment at what he's witnessing but satisfaction at realizing his plan will succeed. Unfortunately, stealth isn't Po's strong point.

Kung Fu Panda has become one of the flagship franchises of DreamWorks animation.

Vertical with copy space. As with the previous line from the intro, this line is so funny, thanks to Black's delivery and how seriously it's treated. A nerdy looking guy wearing a white gi and black belt with big glasses and a goofy smile holds his new trophy he won at the competition, showing that he has mastered a martial art. Oogway is one of cinema's best mentors thanks to his wisdom and playful personality, both of which are displayed here. A nerdy looking kung fu master guy wearing a white gi and a black belt stands in a horse stance and punches into the air at his dojo as he practices martial arts. Inner peace! Flat vector illustration. Po: Well, thank you, but I find your evilness extremely annoying! Shen : So, one panda lives. Lord Shen is practicing the speech he'll give to a defeated Po. And then I made a decision that would change my life forever. Cute cool duckling kung fu fighter with nunchaku ninja weapon Vector illustration of kicking cute bunny ninja isolated on white background. The dog karate fighter in a kimono and a black headband with the lettering " champion " is making exercise.

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