kurt nightcrawler

Kurt nightcrawler

Kurt Wagner is a demonic-looking mutant with teleporting abilities, being kurt nightcrawler as the soft-hearted X-Man Nightcrawler, kurt nightcrawler. Their conflict caught the attention of a mob, who believed Kurt to be a murderous demon and decided to hunt and lynch him.

Retcons are a natural part of comic books, and the history of the X-Men is flooded with them. The identity of Moira MacTaggert, the true sentience of Krakoa, and even Nimrod's history have all been fundamentally changed within just the past decade. Over the course of the X-Men's sixty year history, characters have been regularly updated, shifting entire branches of the team's mythos. The beloved veteran mutant Nightcrawler aka Kurt Wagner is an excellent example of this, as his story has changed several times since his introduction in Giant-Size X-Men 1 by Len Wein and Dave Cockrum. Nightcrawler has always been the heart and sould of his team, despite an appearance that would better fit a demon.

Kurt nightcrawler

Kurt Wagner was born with certain unusual physical characteristics, Margali Szardos , a Romani sorceress, allegedly found Wagner an hour after his birth in a bath, in a small roadside shelter in the Alps. She claimed to have found his alleged father, Eric Wagner, dead of a heart attack on the road outside, and Kurt's mother lying next to the baby dying. However, this claim was later called into question, and it was subsequently proven that Kurt's mother is the terrorist Mystique , and his father is the demonic mutant Azazel. Mystique revealed that she threw him into a river after a large mob found out about Nightcrawler's existence, and Azazel admitted that he secretly saved his son from the fall, giving him to his lover and crony, Margali Szardos, to raise him. Margali took the baby to the small Bavarian circus where she worked as a fortuneteller, as a cover for her activities as a sorceress. Wagner was never legally adopted by anyone, but was raised by all the members of the circus, who had no prejudices against mutants. Margali acted as Wagner's unofficial foster mother. Wagner grew up happily in the circus, and his two closest friends were Margali's children Stefan and Jimaine. Long before his teleportation power emerged, Wagner had tremendous natural agility, and by his adolescence he had become the circus' star acrobat and aerial artist. Circus audiences assumed that he was a normal-looking human being wearing a devil-like costume. Years later, the Texas millionaire Arnos Jardine, who ran a large circus based in Florida, heard of the circus for which Wagner worked and bought it. Jardine intended to move its best acts into his American circus. However, he demanded that Wagner be placed in the circus' freak show. Jardine drugged him to prevent escape but a young mutant child with the ability to sense other mutants helped Kurt escape. Appalled, Wagner left and made his way toward Winzeldorf, Germany, where his foster brother Stefan was.

He was originally stated to be from a small village called Witzeldorf in the German state of Bavaria. Because this ability kurt nightcrawler so limited, however, Nightcrawler will not teleport into any place that he cannot see or has not seen in the past.

Few things in the Marvel Universe go hand in hand more than the X-Men and convoluted family histories. That's certainly true for Nightcrawler and his mother Mystique, with Marvel offering several conflicting takes on the story of Kurt Wagner's birth. Is Mystique truly his mother? Who is his father? Now Marvel has published the definitive account of Nightcrawler's origins, and the truth is far different than what X-fans had always been told. Read on to learn the full story behind Nightcrawler's birth, but beware of spoilers ahead for X-Men Blue: Origins 1!

A forked, prehensile tail. Dark blue fur, yellow eyes and the ability to teleport in a cloud of smoke and brimstone. While he looks like a demon, Kurt Wagner is actually the swashbuckling X-Man Nightcrawler—a friend and ally to mutant and human alike. Mutantkind has built a new Eden Snared by questions of death, law and love, only Nightcrawler can fight for the soul of Krakoa.

Kurt nightcrawler

Growing up in the Bavarian mountains, Kurt Wagner was a member of a traveling circus who was kidnapped as a German captive of the Weapon X project as an early teen, and was, like Rogue and Wolverine , forced to become one of their mutant agents through brutal training regiments. However inhumane their treatment of him, Kurt refused to forget his idealism and faith. Killing Wraith, he said, would bring her to Wraith's level and he refused to allow that to happen. Freed from Weapon X, Kurt returned to his home, but soon decided to join the X-Men when they needed help against Magneto and began attending Xavier 's school.

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To this end, he reconnected with his former lover, Amanda Sefton, surprising her at her apartment one evening. He once teleported himself and Storm from the center of a small island into the water just off its coast without harming either of them. He was particularly affected by the Crucible ritual, in which depowered mutants were slain in combat to get resurrected with powers. Ora Serrata demonstrated how Arakkii culture opposed to the heresy of adoring deities, and requested Nightcrawler to be accompanied to Krakoa with one of her agents Weaponless Zsen to track down the fugitive god of chaos Tumult, the Trickster Chimera. After having the same continuous dream, Nightcrawler and Kitty realized that Rachel might have been trying to telepathically reach them. Among his more ironic character traits, Wagner is an extremely religious man. Raven agreed and they conceived a child with Raven morphing as a man for the act altering her gametes to pass on traits from both Azazel, Christian and countless others , and ended the affair with Azazel soon after. Destiny predicted that the Eternals led by Druig would go to war against mutantkind and urged Nightcrawler to alert Arakko [81] and its Great Ring. He soon learned that the local townsfolk tricked him and needed Nightcrawler's aid in defeating a monster called the Vielfras. He can subtract this inertia by teleporting short distances upwards as though taking two steps back for every one forward. While Bess is away getting revenge on the Crimson Pirates for their transgressions, Kurt--soul or no--remains busy at the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning, serving as a teacher and a role model for the next generation of mutants. For example, if he were falling from a great height, he could not teleport himself towards the ground in order to save himself; he would land with the same velocity that he teleported with. Nightcrawler now resided in Heaven, where he was somewhat of a loner. He confesses he was sorry he wasn't there for her and hugs the simulation and cries. He came across a Skrull bible and, after studying it, gave it to Beast , who figured out how to deal with the Skrulls.

Nightcrawler born Kurt Wagner is a mutant with the ability to teleport. He is a member of the X-Men.

Nightcrawler is a Catholic , and while this is not emphasized as much in his earlier comic book appearances, in later depictions he is more vocal about his faith. Achievements Leaderboard List of Badges. Being told by Illyana to let her go, Kurt consoles Magik about the theology of a soul, before she teleports them back to Earth. Nightcrawler is killed by Wolverine. During the event, the AoA reality seemingly is destroyed with Nightcrawler in it. Teleporting in the demon domain, the team was soon attacked, and separated, with Kurt rescuing Boomer from winged demons. A trip back to Germany renewed his conviction through an encounter with a boy cursed by gypsies into demonic form, a brush with Mephisto , and a romantic fling, before he returned to San Francisco to aid the X-Men against a foe they struggled with, lacking his help. She fled the town with baby Kurt, but the angry mob pursued them. He takes part in the final battle. Wagner which is Nocturne 's name however, in this timeline T. While meeting Amanda at an airport, Kurt recognized the plane of Arcade and overheard that he had been contracted, by Arnos, to kill Spider-Man and refused. Being told by Illyana to let her go, Kurt consoled Magik about the theology of a soul, before she teleported them back to Earth. Pixie, Mercury, and Rockslide were horrified at how brutal the older X-Men were towards the demons. Under optimal conditions, teleporting only himself and his costume, Nightcrawler can displace himself a distance of about 2 miles east-to-west, and up to 3 miles north-to-south.

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