

Avi Killip kveller her upcoming Project Zug class on Jewish parenting, in partnership with Kveller.

By bringing together a range of voices in a non-judgmental, accessible space, Kveller is home to the most active and engaged community of Jewish parents on the web. The Synagogue Security Council of North America is a c3 non-profit organization singularly focused on developing effective volunteer first responders within our own communities. SSCNA's mission is to make our synagogues and Jewish institutions safer by providing lifesaving skills and technology to committed community members, helping to cultivate cost-free, capable and effective first responders within every minyan. We do this by providing standardized technology systems, real-time intelligence, training and certification programs to community volunteers, giving them the necessary tools and skills to help prevent or respond to a targeted attack. Rabbi Shmuel Katz is a certified Mohel, recognized internationally. Handmade, unique Judaica crafted from polymer clay, including mezuzah cases, shabbat candle stick sets, menorahs and seder plates.



I had the distinct feeling that my parenting-based kveller could be deeper.


Netflix, Netflix, Netflix. What are we to make of you this year? On the one hand, the history-changing streaming service has once again raised its prices, much to the consternation of its loyal subscribers. On the other hand, the Netflix overlords also gave incredible Jewish shows and movies, from original productions to bringing over some of the most exciting new seasons of Israeli shows. You are definitely going to want to catch up on these before more content premieres in The reality dating show manages to show the complexity of Jewish identity in a way that feels sensitive and respectable, giving us a diverse crowd of Jews from all over the world. That can be credited to both a sensitive production team and to the matchmaker herself, Aleeza Ben Shalom , who is so loving and respectful to all of her clients. Read our review of the show, and our interview with crowd favorite Stuart Chaseman.


My mom was an infamous eater and a lover of food. She scouted out of all the good dumpling and dim sum joints in Silicon Valley but could barely scramble an egg. Her lack of skills in the kitchen was a source of pride for her, a feminist twist on the myth of the Jewish mother, of pushing food on people already so full that they must sneak away from the table in pain, bursting with kreplach. Yes, Mom hated the idea of a loved one ever going hungry. As I grew up and started my own family, she seemed to get a degree of amusement of over how much time I was willing to spend cooking. In the last few years of her life, Mom moved into an independent living facility with no oven. To this day, kugel is one of the most sought-after Sabbath delicacies on the Jewish table. Most Jewish families have their own proprietary kugel recipes that are guarded behind a shield of secrecy and duplicity. Mom would make the kugel with her grandchildren or for family celebrations.


A funny thing happened when my son was born. To have a chance to explore the multiple demands and values that are constantly tugging at Jewish parents. Wells St. Pieces are adorned with a variety of elements including wire, beads, stones, mica powders and alcohol inks. I love to talk about my kids because they are the most important thing in my life right now. Rachael's Creations Handmade, unique Judaica crafted from polymer clay, including mezuzah cases, shabbat candle stick sets, menorahs and seder plates. Handmade, unique Judaica crafted from polymer clay, including mezuzah cases, shabbat candle stick sets, menorahs and seder plates. You may even want to learn with your own spouse, using the questions to guide important conversations about what your goals are in parenting together. Or you can use the course to stay connected to someone you already know: your best friend who lives in another city, your sister or brother, a mom-friend from the park. Rabbi Shmuel Katz is a certified Mohel, recognized internationally.

But a bris is actually more than just a snip; it is a ceremony that includes various traditions, rituals, and prayers.

The Synagogue Security Council of North America is a c3 non-profit organization singularly focused on developing effective volunteer first responders within our own communities. Rachael's Creations Handmade, unique Judaica crafted from polymer clay, including mezuzah cases, shabbat candle stick sets, menorahs and seder plates. By bringing together a range of voices in a non-judgmental, accessible space, Kveller is home to the most active and engaged community of Jewish parents on the web. I invite you to sign up by yourself, or call that friend and ask them to join you. It is a way to meet and connect digitally, or in person through exploring what it means to be a Jewish parent. Handmade, unique Judaica crafted from polymer clay, including mezuzah cases, shabbat candle stick sets, menorahs and seder plates. You pay what works for you. We do this by providing standardized technology systems, real-time intelligence, training and certification programs to community volunteers, giving them the necessary tools and skills to help prevent or respond to a targeted attack. Read her blog post below or on Kveller. Even when I knew my friends would be interested, and probably also struggled to add purpose and depth to their parenting, I could never figure out how to bring up these big questions. Pieces are adorned with a variety of elements including wire, beads, stones, mica powders and alcohol inks.

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