lash larue cause of death

Lash larue cause of death

Lots of links in the boxes below. My initial research on Lash began with these records, sources, and dates. Over the years, I collected many magazine and newspaper articles, movie pressbook clippings, book biographies, etc.

Joseph Medical Center, Burbank, California. Questions or comments - send an e-mail to to Chuck Anderson at:. There's a bunch of info on Lash, much of it relatively new. And coverage is on two separate webpages. There's a dozen or so articles on Lash as a youngster as well as later articles with local citizens remembering him and his family. Below are a few of those newspaper reports: September 5, Watervliet Michigan Record newspaper: "Charles Wilson and wife have moved onto the Martin farm west of this village.

Lash larue cause of death


Ancestry had a few family trees on Mary Alice with Lash listed - but no divorce date. Louise filed for divorce from Charles A.


Alfred "Lash" LaRue June 15, [1] — May 21, was a western motion picture star of the s and s. Born Alfred LaRue in Gretna, Louisiana in , [2] [3] he was reared in various towns throughout Louisiana, but in his teens the family moved to Los Angeles , California , where he attended St. John's Military Academy and the College of the Pacific. LaRue was originally screen tested by Warner Bros. Durbin and LaRue were romantically involved during his tenure there. In independent producer Robert Emmett Tansey , releasing through the small PRC studio, launched a new western series with a difference: the features would be filmed in then-unusual Cinecolor. Al St.

Lash larue cause of death

Ex-Western star Lash LaRue, who made two of his final movies in North Carolina, returned to the spotlight in the s. He was the quintessential cowboy star - wearing a black hat and wielding a wicked bullwhip in a stream of Hollywood B-Westerns during the s and '50s. Lash LaRue became a matinee idol among the millions of children who filled their local movie palaces on Saturday afternoons to thrill at his latest exploits. Invariably, and literally, LaRue whipped the bad guys. They were two of the final roles for LaRue, who died earlier this month in Burbank, Calif. His age was reported as 78, but friends such as Smoot think he actually was several years older. Whatever the year, he was born Alfred Rue in Gretna, La. Years later, he was still handy with it. The latter movie has never been released in the United States.

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Wilson won the prize for being the youngest baby to take his first step. Lash's later years. She did an interview with Ron, and there's lots of details on his mother Wilda Juanita Cruthers - Wilson Chas. They were living at N. He always was quick with a poem but I never saw him play any musical instruments or sing. In the census, both children are living with the Charwood family in Benton Harbor, Michigan, and then are "inmates" at the Michigan Childrens Home in St. Marion Larue was Lash's last wife and was the informant on his death certificate. We communicated by phone and planned to meet at Mother's, the Greek restaurant in the first block of Huey P. Maude J. Wow - a cowboy movie star from our home town! Courtesy of Bill Sasser. Louise filed for divorce from Charles A. Charles Wigent and Mr. But there was a horrendous error by Forest Lawn and Lash was cremated early, prior to her viewing his body and snipping a lock of his hair as a remembrance.

Lash LaRue, the western movie star who was king of the bullwhip in low-budget films of the s and a one-time sidekick in St.

Navy and Leora was a "Waitress - Cafe". Wilson won the prize for being the youngest baby to take his first step. Reveal and her beauty shop at 38 E. November, newspaper want ad below. Family Trees on ancestry. That was son Pat's home address. He is 7 months old. Great piece of fiction from some creative writer. Sykes on June 23, in Clark County, Ohio. He entered the theater from the back thru the middle isle dressed all in black leading his white horse and cracking a long bull whip.

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