lesbian bar barcelona

Lesbian bar barcelona

Image by congerdesign from Pixabay. Regarding having fun and entertainment in lesbian spaces, Barcelona is a place that does not disappoint.

Nenis hosts monthly parties for girls who like girls. It's a safe and fun space for lesbians and friends to gather and dance the night away. Casa Camper Hotel Barcelona. Carita Bonita is a lesbian music bar in the heart of Gaixample. It acts as the perfect meeting point of the lesbian community in the area where you can meet women of all ages and nationalities. Are we missing a new venue or has a business closed?

Lesbian bar barcelona

El Punto BCN is a classic gay disco and said to be the oldest gay bar in town. Things get going here earlier Mary Boone isn't a gay bar per se or even a bar per se, It's more like a stage set for how Mary Boone - the power art dealer in New York City in the 80s - might With a kitschy retro decor inspired by Pedro Almodovar, Sor Rita is the kind of place to kick back with an affordable cocktail or a beer surrounded by leopard A trendy cocktail bar with a popular corner terrace, PlataBar is the place to see and be seen. Hot bartenders, cool drinks and a crowd over age Named for the old vinyl records, the bar has tapas, art exhibits, WiFi and comfy couches. Location, atmosphere A good place to hang out with friends gay or straight, Moeem is a small cocktail bar that attracts a youngish crowd and university students. Good prices on the. On the small side for a nightclub, Moog has underground techno and house in the low-ceiling downstairs and an upstairs "mirror room" for the classics.

The bar is among those that open early in the evening to serve people from work. Read more. The place has a lot of boutique shops, exclusive queer restaurants, and bars.

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Thanks for subscribing! Look out for your first newsletter in your inbox soon! By entering your email address you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and consent to receive emails from Time Out about news, events, offers and partner promotions. Our newsletter hand-delivers the best bits to your inbox. Sign up to unlock our digital magazines and also receive the latest news, events, offers and partner promotions. Ready for a night out you'll never forget? No matter your orientation, the best gay bars in Barcelona are a riot.

Lesbian bar barcelona

Barcelona, as well as being the second-largest city in Spain, is one of the most liberal cities in Europe. Some of these places are exclusively for LGBT people, but you will also find places that welcome everyone. Its rococo style creates the atmosphere of a museum for visitors. Music nights and excellent cocktails are the stars of this bar. You can also enjoy a pool table and table football — definitely one of the liveliest places to dance on a weekend! Since , this bar has been offering a relaxed and unpretentious experience to its clientele, located in the heart of the famous Eixample Gay district. Through its glass windows, it offers an unbeatable panoramic view, both inside and outside, and you can also enjoy a luxury cocktail sitting on the terrace, while you enjoy yourself to the rhythm of the music! Without a doubt, if you want to spend a fun night out with a good atmosphere, this is the place to be. Punto BCN is the bar par excellence for the lgbt community. It is one of the first to open in the Catalan capital, and is a very spacious, calm and welcoming place.

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Whether you want to chill out after a hard day on the tourist trail or heat up for a night on the town, La Sue BCN is the cozy living room bar where lesbians of all These bars are strategically located in the city to help passersby spot the locations easily. There's plenty of variety too, from exclusively lesbian bars to more stripped back spots offering food and conversation in equal measure. You will love the place. About us. Its decor is cool minimalist - almost Try another? Reset all. Hostel Casa Kessler is a boutique Hostel with seven rooms and one exclusive apartment. Planning a trip to Paris? For Men

Nenis hosts monthly parties for girls who like girls. It's a safe and fun space for lesbians and friends to gather and dance the night away.

Bar Priscilla Cafe. La Sue We started the night at La Sue bar that is a popular spot for lesbians. Image by Social Butterfly from Pixabay. Condoms are free as is the For Men. Are we missing a new venue or has a business closed? The bar is known for its relaxing atmosphere and friendly staff. Sor Rita Bar Gothic Quarter With a kitschy retro decor inspired by Pedro Almodovar, Sor Rita is the kind of place to kick back with an affordable cocktail or a beer surrounded by leopard A parade on Saturday followed by a fabulous outdoor party is an absolutely blissful experience. The Bacon Bear Bar is full of friendly, hairy bears of all ages, particularly during the 7 p..

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