leshawna and harold

Leshawna and harold

Do NOT post any information relating to episodes that have not aired. This article focuses on the interactions between Harold and Leshawna.

This article describes the interactions between Leshawna and Harold. Before the start of the season, Harold and Leshawna barely saw each other. Harold did at some point sell some of his prized cherry action figures to visit his girlfriend and stay at her hometown for a week. He got Leshawna's parents' approval, but his own parents and siblings still didn't approve of their relationship. Leshawna and Harold were doing well when they were reunited on TDC, but sadly did not manage to spend a lot of time together. This was due in part to Leshawna being eliminated fairly early in the competition.

Leshawna and harold

While some opinions have remained unchanged, others have been completely altered from personal experiences. If you don Old Opinion: " Before you complain that this relationship is only semi-confirmed, let me just say there is more than enough proof to prove otherwise. Just watch a few episodes of Total Drama: World Tour, listen to "Sisters", and see the scene in the first episode of Total Drama: Revenge of the Island where all the older contestants are seen on the yacht. There is a very good chance you'll then see why I think the relationship is canon. Now I love weird relationships. They are very interesting to watch, as you don't know how both characters are going to act towards each other. It could make for either great drama or great comedy. Also, I love Sam and Dakota together. They are for sure an unusual couple, but their relationship is so darn heartwarming you don't care. Combine these two aspects, and you'll know why I love Harold and LeShawna together. Both characters have completely opposite personalities, but somehow make it work. Also, LeShawna is definitely one of the best things to ever happen to Harold. All this poor character has been going through in the series is bullying brought from Duncan, horrible pranks done to him, being cheated out of the game twice because of a manipulative character, and having no appreciation for the great things he has done. Harold is by far one of the biggest underdogs in the Total Drama series, who really deserved better.

This article describes the interactions between Leshawna and Harold. Harold is also angered and deeply hurt at Leshawna for lying in One Flu Over the Cuckoos and is equally frustrated when she insults all the other contestants on her spa trip with Leshaniqua. Carrie and Junior Leshawna and harold.


Do NOT post any information relating to episodes that have not aired. This article focuses on the interactions between everyone and Leshawna. The contestants celebrate Leshawna's victory in Hide and Be Sneaky. Leshawna's loud mouth, sassy nature and hot headed attitude didn't stop her from making many friends in the show. However, she has little tolerance for those who are rude to her and her friends, such as Duncan , Heather and Alejandro , and usually exacts her revenge on the offender. She made many friends throughout the first season and maintained those relationships through the next two seasons.

Leshawna and harold

Do NOT post any information relating to episodes that have not aired. This article focuses on the interactions between Harold and Leshawna. Since they are on opposing teams , the two have very few opportunities to interact and become a couple right before Harold's departure in X-Treme Torture.


Fan Feed 1 Heather 2 Pairings 3 Noah. New Opinion: This girl still loves weird after a year and definitely this couple. Harold seems to be delusional over the matter, thinking she's actually undressing "romancing" in censored version him with his eyes. It is then brought to Duncan and Heather's attention that Leshawna was only pretending to cry to get the reward in the previous episode, and they try to fight with her, swearing revenge. Both Harold and Leshawna team up for the pyramid challenge, along with DJ, and they make it cross the finish line first. Harold calls out to Leshawna that he'll win her over eventually, saying he is still in love with her. Before the start of the season, Harold and Leshawna barely saw each other. He then swoons over her eyes, calling them beautiful, like chocolate almonds. Later, when all of the campers are sitting around the pool, Harold wishes for Leshawna to win as she is in the Final Five at this point. Harold becomes so angry that he punches through the punching bag. Leshawna is shown to miss Harold, as she is seen sentimentally holding a pair of Num-Yos he left her, however, when the plane lands in the Yukon, Leshawna hugs Alejandro for warmth. She attempts to form an alliance with Duncan and Harold, but she feels unappreciated when they both utterly refuse. Harold is the one who is voted off the island in this episode, but before he boards the Boat of Losers , he admits to writing the poem, insisting that he meant every word of it. Leshawna says in a confessional that she looks out for her friends and that Harold is one of them, saying she'll keep an eye on Duncan.

Do NOT post any information relating to episodes that have not aired. Leshawna is cheerful, confident and very thoughtful to those who are respectful to her, with large generosity.

Both tried to cook the egg Chris gave them as a consolation prize together at the end of the episode, by her holding Harold up, since the sticky fluid causes him to hold the egg over. Harold comforts her, putting a hand on her shoulder, telling her that she doesn't have to cry, assuring her that he would save her. He had teamed up with her and Duncan to vote out Heather. Having these two together is just a perfect idea in my mind. Harold and Leshawna. During the bonsai challenge, Harold splashes Duncan's water in his face, and then punches him in the face after he made fun of Leshawna. Start a Wiki. He starts to trail off, however, talking about how "bad" she is in a soft, lovestruck tone. New Opinion: This girl still loves weird after a year and definitely this couple. He later lists all their shared qualities, saying that both have beautiful eyes and a hard shell. Leshawna snaps at him for assuming she cried, claiming that she never cries. Though, he does become annoyed with her as her farts fill up their hideout with noxious gas, and almost costs them the challenge. Even though Beth starts to develop feelings for Harold, Harold says that it would never work because he "couldn't do that to Leshawna and Heather," implying he believes both are attracted to him. Harold eventually forgives her, claiming that he is a "slave to love" and joins Duncan in voting off Heather instead of Leshawna at the Gaffers' final Award Ceremony as a team. Harold asks if they can still be friends, to which Leshawna reassures him that they are very close friends.

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