Licking county auditors office

The recent reappraisal of Licking County properties left some owners in shock and wondering how high their tax bills might go. Property values are reassessed every three years. He said he even heard from his mother after his letter went out at the end of August. He noted that any tax approved in November is generally retroactive and collected for the entire year, unless the ballot language says otherwise, licking county auditors office.

Our Real Estate Web portal has been upgraded to provide you with a more modern and robust user experience across all devices! Check out the new platform by clicking on the "Search" link from the Main Menu. Watch video below for more information on the triennial update. The Who? Tentative Property Values for the Triennial Update.

Licking county auditors office


Some homeowners have expressed concern that the schools will receive a windfall in funding because an increase in property values will result in higher tax bills for some owners, but Treolo said this is not the case.


NEWARK -- Licking County property owners may be suffering from sticker shock after opening their recent property tax bills, but the county auditor said those soaring costs are all based on sales and state law. For 10 years, property values have been appreciating and six years at an alarming rate. Lickliter said there are limitations on the power to tax real property, but exceptions to those limitations include tax levies voted by the people in a political subdivision. In addition to property sales in an area and tax levies, state law provides tax breaks for schools and farmers, which increase the share for residents, Smith said. Typically as values go up, tax rates go down so levies generate the same amount of money. But state law prohibits school taxes, which are the main drivers of property taxes, from falling below 20 mills.

Licking county auditors office

The Licking County Auditor is the chief fiscal officer, chief assessor, and sealer of weights and measures of Licking County. The Auditor is responsible for keeping county financial records, granting warrants for payment of county debts, valuing all properties within the county for tax purposes, transferring real property deeds, and validating the accuracy of different commercial measuring devices. It is also the duty of the Auditor to issue licenses for dogs and vendors, certify tax rates, and administer applications for tax exemptions. The Licking County Auditor generally uses staff appraisals, sales contracts, building permits, conveyance forms, and comparisons to establish the market value of real estate in Licking County. Taxes are calculated based on market values.

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To lose that would be challenging, and it would have to be replaced with some other funding source. With the lower interest rates from a few years ago and now limited inventory due to people not wanting to leave these low rates, we have hit another wave of high sales prices. Contact Us. Ohio law also requires, at the mid-point 3 rd year of the six year cycle, that the Auditor conduct an analysis of sales of similar properties that have occurred in the county. Treolo said that a 0. She said the effective tax rate is adjusted so that the district collects the total annual amount voters approved. Tentative Property Values for the Triennial Update. He said he even heard from his mother after his letter went out at the end of August. Real Estate Changes to Homestead Program.

As required by the state, every three years property values on the tax rolls are adjusted by the county auditor.

Farm Program For valuation purposes, the state recommends a target increase that is reflective of the valid real estate sales that took place in the county over the last three years. Leveraging expert tools and analysis, the Auditor is able to get a clear picture of the impact the housing market is having on current home values. If owners believe their property appraisal is incorrect and want to challenge it, they have that right, Smith said. Skip to content. This analysis of sales at the midpoint of the Reappraisal is referred to as a Triennial Update, which our county is undergoing for tax year , with taxes payable on those values in The first set of changes in over a decade will increase the Ohio homestead exemption based on inflation read more. Changes to Homestead Program. Every three years, the County Auditor is required by the State of Ohio to reappraise all property in the County. Property taxes support schools, fire and safety services, parks, cemeteries, and such programs as those for recreation, mental health, children services, senior citizens, and local governments.

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