lily pichu nude

Lily pichu nude

On her channel, lily pichu nude, one can find gameplays, piano arranges of anime and game music as well as original compositions and fandubs, as of lately tl;dr lores and other miscellaneous videos. Many of her videos were Madoka and are League of Legends lily pichu nude, as these are her favorite anime and game. Lily has a whispery, cute, calm and kind voice, which according to her self reminds her of the voice of Fluttershy from My Little Pony. It has over 5 million views on YouTube, as of November

File: Hellweek is currently active! Read the thread. I heard some people think her voice is fake? I think it's quiet enough not to be annoying, but maybe it's just me, but i feel like she's also like nyanners in the sense that she's kind of pushing the loli shit? She's a lying cunt who used to whore around for free shit and it's even sadder that she keeps up the voice facade around her boyfriend and friends.

Lily pichu nude


She caters to people who like anime, League Of Legends, and.


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Lily pichu nude

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Got I hade those women who fake a really cutesy high voice all day long. Bad proportions. Might even have been the OP of that r9k thread who knows. Despite all this, she seemed to be well liked among her friends. I see lots of Asian chicks dress like this in late 20's even in clubs I frequent. Voice acting takes a lot more than that, and she got where she is because of her fan base. No longer friends though. All too sad. Okay so aside from all the shit about her voice or being fucking stupid abour surgery things.. Lily, since we know you're reading: you're Not allowed to bring guys home. Lily isn't perfect, but she's not some Frankenstein's monster. Sooner or later, someone younger and with a similar schtick will replace her. Ayy Lily.

File: Hellweek is currently active!

She's trying to play up the "loli" but she probably is actually insecure about that. She's decent looking. She probably doesn't have a low voice but we can stop pretending her kawaii voice is real. People who have gone through extreme sexual abuse as a child retain child like voices for some reason. I just don't get why people come to white knight when they feel as if this particular cow shouldn't be here, there's plenty of other threads that are just as dry and have nothing but nitpicking. I'd diss the sneakers and tell you to go for girly shoes but this is just a casual outting it seems so do you. God forbid that anyone acts mean on fucking lolcow. Idk if mods would be cool with it though. It also barely has any information about her. Her misaligned jaw was affecting the way she sounded. Maybe she's slighted a few close people? OP claims she's not even 25 but gets called 28 or The posting style is way too different. It's not Lilypichu. I guess if you're into beta nerds it would be manageable???

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