linda lovelace documentary movie

Linda lovelace documentary movie

Takes a look at the rise and fall of Linda Lovelace, the first porn star. Sign In Sign In. New Customer?

The story of Linda Lovelace, who is used and abused by the porn industry at the behest of her coercive husband before taking control of her life. Linda : You know I spent exactly seventeen days in the pornography industry and somehow these seventeen days are suppose to define who I am for the rest of my life, but I hope that people can see me for who I really am. I mean Linda Lovelace was a fictitious character. My name is Linda Marchiano. I can finally be myself. I'm a mother and a wife and that is where I found my joy.

Linda lovelace documentary movie

Lovelace is a American biographical drama film centered on porn actress Linda Lovelace , star of Deep Throat , a landmark film at the forefront of the Golden Age of Porn. Lovelace covers her life from age 21 to Lovelace had its world premiere on January 22, , at the Sundance Film Festival and opened in a U. While out dancing one night with her best friend, Patsy, Linda attracts the attention of a man named Chuck Traynor and the two soon develop a relationship after a vulnerable Linda reveals to him that the relationship with her parents is strained. The strain was caused because Linda had earlier given birth to a son out-of-wedlock and her domineering mother Dorothy had tricked her into putting the baby up for adoption. Chuck, much older than Linda, begins teaching her how to perform sexual acts, which she is initially thrilled about. After breaking curfew one night, Linda is berated by her mother Dorothy; forcing Linda to move out so she can live with Chuck, later marrying him. During a party, Linda watches one of Chuck's homemade pornographic films for the first time and tells him that good girls never do things like that. Six months later, Linda bails Chuck out of jail for facilitating prostitution, although he claims to have had little knowledge of what went on in the parking lot behind his bar. Desperate for money, he persuades Linda to become a porn actress. By , Linda begins working on a film, Deep Throat , in which she uses her new stage name "Linda Lovelace". After it becomes a worldwide phenomenon, Linda is interviewed by a variety of print and radio reporters and becomes the subject of late-night television humor. Her life is seen as exciting and glamorous, and Linda poses nude, and attends parties, weekly.

In DecemberFranco received the part of Hugh Hefner. Did you know Edit.

James Franco appears around the midpoint of "Lovelace" to clarify exactly what's wrong with the movie. He plays Playboy titan Hugh Hefner circa , when Hef would have been about 46 years old. Franco is 35 and looks about He also looks deeply remorseful and sheepish as he strains to deliver "come to papa "-type pick-up lines to porn starlet Linda Lovelace Amanda Syefried. Directed by the great documentarians Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman , "Lovelace" seems meticulously researched and passionately written. It wants to advocate for women like Linda, who found herself seduced into pornography by a smooth pimp who happened to be her husband, and who molded her into the most famous porn star of the s. Mobster financiers, her abusive husband and other exploiters pocketed most of the money.

Lovelace is a American biographical drama film centered on porn actress Linda Lovelace , star of Deep Throat , a landmark film at the forefront of the Golden Age of Porn. Lovelace covers her life from age 21 to Lovelace had its world premiere on January 22, , at the Sundance Film Festival and opened in a U. While out dancing one night with her best friend, Patsy, Linda attracts the attention of a man named Chuck Traynor and the two soon develop a relationship after a vulnerable Linda reveals to him that the relationship with her parents is strained. The strain was caused because Linda had earlier given birth to a son out-of-wedlock and her domineering mother Dorothy had tricked her into putting the baby up for adoption.

Linda lovelace documentary movie

Released 50 years ago in the summer of , the barely hour-long film — directed by Gerard Damiano and starring then-unknown leads Linda Lovelace and Harry Reems — brought hardcore pornography out of the Times Square XXX houses and into the mainstream. It also ignited a firestorm of controversy that continues to this day about the line between free expression and obscenity in the public sphere, as well as the line between exploitation and consent within the adult film industry. And both debates could flare up again as a restored version of Deep Throat heads back into theaters for a series of 50th anniversary screenings and panel discussions in the U. Watch a clip from the restoration above.

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See our picks. Later, this moment resounds painfully when Linda learns to stifle her great sadness and disappointment at Chuck's combination of cruelty and sentimental neediness. Amanda Seyfried as Linda Lovelace. In one of her four books yes, she wrote four books , she claimed that Traynor forced her to act in such movies, which would have made a good case in this movie for how controlling Traynor was. During a private screening in Los Angeles, Playboy founder Hugh Hefner convinces Linda that she has the potential to be more than a porn actress. This film was made shortly after her death in a car crash; Traynor, who appears herein, died from a heart attack shortly after it was finished but prior to its release. Eric Roberts Nat Laurendi. January 22, Sundance August 9, United States. User reviews 3 Review. Hank Azaria as Jerry Damiano.

Something wrong?

Mark Kermode Narrator voice. Robert Patrick John Boreman. Film Credits. Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content. The Real Wes Bentley as Larry Marchiano. January Sundance February 11, After all, having sex with a dog, especially on camera, is not an action in which most would engage willingly. Andrew Abbott Russell Leven. Lions Gate UK Ltd. A Life in Dirty Movies A Life in Dirty Movies is a love story about legendary sexploitation director Joe Sarno and his wife and collaborator Peggy, as he struggles to get one last film on screen in an industry that's long d

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