

It features lioden ability to breed, decorate, fight, banish, participate in elaborate storylines with, lioden, and trade these lions, lioden. When you join the game you chose the appearance and personality of your 'King', or lioden avatar lion, from a randomly generated selection lioden options. This initial king has only basic appearance options and few markings, but is fully customizable with applicators created from collected materials or earned in events.

First you should sign up! Remember to check your spam folder for activation e-mail if it didn't arrive after 5 minutes. You may have a total of two accounts to yourself on one IP address. If you have siblings that have accounts and share the IP address, just make sure to message the admins about their account IDs and you'll be set. You must be created! A lion represents you, the player, and after all you do need a piece to move around, don't you? You get a chance to roll your lion, like in an old school RPG!



All beetles die at 31 days.


If you're looking for a new lioness to add to your growing pride — but don't necessarily want to charm the paws off of her — look no further than the trading center! Wanting a different marking in your pride? Looking to add more stats? Or perhaps you had your eye on that adorable blind girl from across the way — the TC has it all! For your trading pleasure, the TC allows you to specify stats, bases, and markings you may be looking for. Mail-order lionesses have never been so easy! Are you constantly being rejected by the lioness you come across in explore? Not feeling the vibe with any of the ladies up in the TC? No worries, the Oasis is here for you! Here at the Oasis you can customize the lioness of your King's dream.


Not only are they mind numbingly adorable with their art, but they also present a plethora of new breeding challenges. These hybrids are unique among Lioden genetics and are accompanied by a swathe of attributes only they possess. Their bloodlines can become rather complex and it can be confusing to understand how hybrid genetics all play out. This guide is here to help you understand where leopons come from, how they can be bred, and what inheritance patterns they follow. Only vague proportions will be given to keep some mystery involved in breeding them! It really clears it all up! You have liked this post! A 2G leopon could get the leopon base and mark but also inherit some of the other markings of the father. Bookmarking for sure. Vampyzeneko Amiable View Forum Posts Posted on Vampyzeneko Amiable View Forum Posts Posted on So basically, a leopon could randomly be born if one of the parents have a mutation?

Dow closing history

Conservation Efforts - This link takes you to a page about all the things lioden does to help African Wildlife. Amicable Exes : Anubis and Bast were briefly married once in the distant past, though it didn't work out. By the 3rd roll, you must choose it, even if you don't like it at the time. Several decors can be worn by lions to completely hide their appearance, such as Nightmare Embers the lion appears with black fur with fire coming from their neck, paws, and tail , Toxic Embers same as Nightmare but with green fire , and Wraith Decor the lion turns deep blue with neon outlines of bones on their fur. You can use html to edit your profile to your fancy and show it off when people view it. Here you can access your lion's page, with that lovely name you picked at the very beginning or changed with GB. When you buy a cave, you have the ability to move the lion there. Unsorted - This is your den which, for now, all of your lions will be in. If you do somehow win, you can't proceed and will have to fight him again until you lose. Oh gosh, defeat 5 hippos, better get to exploring! Below that is your lion's name, followed by it's progress bars. Until the introduction of the Moss Agate base, the only non-joke color that a lion couldn't be was green.

When you first start the game, you will have rolled for your lion's appearance and stats.

There are ten slots, unless you expand this with SB. You find them, you can win them in battles, you buy general stuff with them. You must be created! These involve unique encounters while exploring, decorations that can only be earned during these events, and often a storyline involving NPCs that the player's king can interact with and whose choices effect. This is especially handy when you're looking for studs or lionesses to reverse breed. Category: News Updates. You can sort it out by categories on top if it's too cluttered. This is where a bunch of lions group together for the benefit of other members, or sometimes all of lioden! Showcase - A showcase is basically a type of gallery. You may have a total of two accounts to yourself on one IP address. This link will take you to your profile. If you have some stashed food in hoard, it's good to feed now, or wait for ladies' return. Make sure you feed and play with them done through hoard or by clicking the name of the lion you wish to visit or they'll run! To continue his storyline in Brotherhood of Zeal, you're meant to lose to him so that he'll offer to train with you.

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