lisa edelstein hot

Lisa edelstein hot

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User Name: Remember Me? Forum Leaders. Request a Forum View New Forums. Mmm, now I can see those pictures and they're gorgeous. I'm voting for Season 3 and 4 hair. Plus, Cuddy was just enormously all kinds of beautiful in 4x05, just look at these random caps I got of her: Cuddy knows where House hides his Vicodin stash And these are just randomly -worthy: This is my favouritest random cap of LE ever.

Lisa edelstein hot


See the full list. She gets hotter and more gorgeous as the episodes go on.


Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Play trailer Dr. Bird's Advice for Sad Poets From her role as Dr. Set for a Summer Season 5 premiere, "Girlfriends' Guide" is a dramedy following a best-selling author of a self-help series who separates from her husband and must navigate big career changes and the dating world as a newly single mother. Created by Marti Noxon, the show not only gave Edelstein the opportunity to be the series lead playing everything from heartfelt drama to physical comedy, she also had the chance to expand creatively by being a writer, producer and director on the show.

Lisa edelstein hot

She is known for playing Dr. Lisa Cuddy on the Fox medical drama series House — Edelstein was born in Boston, Massachusetts , to Bonnie and Alvin Edelstein, the youngest of three children in a Jewish family. Her father worked as a pediatrician at Chilton Memorial Hospital. At 16, Edelstein was a cheerleader for the New Jersey Generals.

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The way her hair is now seems like a much more Cuddy-ish style, if that makes any sense. She's so beautiful!!! Ali Decker. I'm voting for Season 3 and 4 hair. Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content. Visit Shikabane-Mai's homepage! She has a gorgeous smile! View Public Profile. Digg del. Find More Posts by Fez. Created by Marti Noxon, the show not only gave Edelstein the opportunity to be the series lead playing everything from heartfelt drama to physical comedy, she also had the chance to expand creatively by being a writer, producer and director on the show. Edelstein is developing a dramedy pilot with Universal Cable based on the book Confessions of a Sociopath by M. It's the perfect length as well. Bird's Advice to Sad Poets.

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The first one makes me giggle out loud, her expression is wonderful. Hillary's 6 Picks for March. Videos She gets hotter and more gorgeous as the episodes go on. Ah, I love the last two caps. New Customer? User Name:. See all. Joshy 5. Photos Edit page. The whole look in season one was just very severe, which was probably supposed to add to the prickly image they gave her at first. Expand below.

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