liveleak stoning

Liveleak stoning

The two-minute clip shows a group of men throwing rocks at a covered woman who is lying in a hole that has been dug liveleak stoning the ground. The woman's cries and screams can be heard.

The Islamic State IS group has released an undated video that appears to show an elderly Syrian man stone his daughter to death for alleged adultery. A UK-based Syria monitoring group said it took place in central Hama province but could not confirm the date. The video's authenticity could not be independently verified by the BBC. IS is known for employing brutal tactics in areas under its control in Syria and Iraq, including mass killings of religious and ethnic minorities. The group has increasingly posted video clips online of public executions carried out on people living under its strict implementation of Islamic law, or Sharia, including the beheadings of captured soldiers and foreign journalists.

Liveleak stoning

A pregnant woman has been stoned to death by her own family outside a courthouse in the Pakistani city of Lahore for marrying a man her family disapproved of. Farzana Parveen, a year-old, was killed while on her way to court to contest an abduction case her family had filed against her husband. Arranged marriages are common among conservative Pakistanis, and hundreds of women are murdered every year in so-called honour killings carried out by husbands or relatives as a punishment for alleged adultery or other illicit sexual behaviour. Stonings in public settings, however, are extremely rare. The courthouse is located on a main downtown thoroughfare. Her father, Mohammad Azeem, had filed an abduction case against Iqbal, which the couple was contesting, said her lawyer, Mustafa Kharal. He said she was three months pregnant. I killed my daughter as she had insulted all of our family by marrying a man without our consent, and I have no regret over it. As the couple walked up to the main gate, the relatives fired shots in the air and tried to snatch her from Iqbal, her lawyer said. Iqbal said he started seeing Parveen after the death of his first wife, with whom he had five children. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, a private group, said in a report last month that about women were murdered in honour killings in He said Pakistanis who commit violence against women are often acquitted or handed light sentences because of poor police work and faulty prosecutions. Video Duration 05 minutes 06 seconds

Blocked, But Why? The country's aid-dependent economy has shrunk dramatically as natural disasters, climate change, and forced liveleak stoning of Afghan refugees from neighboring countries have worsened the world's largest humanitarian crisis. Iqbal said he started seeing Parveen after the death of his first wife, with whom he had five children, liveleak stoning.

The two-minute clip shows a group of men throwing stones with increasing intensity at a covered individual crammed in a hole in the ground. A crowd of onlookers are seen capturing the incident on their mobile phones and a woman's pitiful cries can plainly be heard. Local official Mohammad Zaman Azimi, in a previous report , blamed Taliban militants for the execution. Azimi said the woman, identified as year-old Rokhshana, was stoned to death after being accused of having premarital sex with her fiance, a year-old man named Mohammad Gul, who was reportedly lashed. It was unclear why the young woman would have received a more severe punishment, although Taliban and religious courts in the past have been more lenient toward men.

The two-minute clip shows a group of men throwing stones with increasing intensity at a covered individual crammed in a hole in the ground. A crowd of onlookers are seen capturing the incident on their mobile phones and a woman's pitiful cries can plainly be heard. Local official Mohammad Zaman Azimi, in a previous report , blamed Taliban militants for the execution. Azimi said the woman, identified as year-old Rokhshana, was stoned to death after being accused of having premarital sex with her fiance, a year-old man named Mohammad Gul, who was reportedly lashed. It was unclear why the young woman would have received a more severe punishment, although Taliban and religious courts in the past have been more lenient toward men. Azimi added that the stoning took place in the village of Ghalmin on the outskirts of Firoz Koh, the provincial capital. Unmarried girls in Afghanistan are often restricted to their homes and banned from having contact with men outside their immediate families. Death by stoning for convicted adulterers is banned under Afghan law, although adulterers face long prison terms. The penal code, originating in , makes no provision for the use of stoning.

Liveleak stoning

Donations from readers like you allow us to do what we do. Please help us continue our work with a monthly or one-time donation. ISIS Member : You are the first woman in this area on whom we are implementing the punishment of stoning for adultery. We hope that this will serve as a lesson for other women.

Gozno xx

The Taliban's attitude is deeply insulting and extremely aggressive. February 22, The Taliban's theocratic government appears to have little support among Afghans. By Mustafa Sarwar. Haji Zaid, the Balkh governor's spokesman, said on social media that there were no immediate reports of damage or casualties. Some Afghans are unable to do their jobs because of the weather conditions, curtailing their already meager income. The Taliban's mahram rules prohibit women from leaving their home without a male chaperone, often a husband or a close relative such as a father, brother, or uncle. The Kyrgyz Foreign Ministry said in a statement that participants discussed current developments in the South Asian country and the UN-led process ahead of the Doha meeting that Taliban representatives have been invited to attend. Women are barred from or discouraged from running or visiting beauty salons and restaurants. There are plenty of reasons to believe that China would want to bring the attacks to an end.

WITH stonings, beheadings and being shot with assault rifles at point blank range, the women of Afghanistan face being left to a horrific fate.

The organization said this week that the political upheaval following the Taliban takeover has plunged the country of around 40 million people into turmoil. Images of humans and animals are generally avoided in Islamic art, extending for some Muslims to an aversion to any images of living things. This fosters a culture of impunity for abusers of power throughout the public sector," it added, noting a decline in government transparency and the prevention of journalists and the public from exposing wrongdoing are increasing corruption risks.. Meanwhile, Islamic scholars have questioned whether the Taliban has met the stringent conditions required by Islamic law in implementing such harsh punishments. Three More Stories From Eurasia 1. The Taliban, which used such forces in its nearly two-decade-long war against NATO-led forces and the security forces of the former republic, is known for this tactic. These punishments have provoked strong criticism from human rights watchdogs and Afghans. Feb 23, AM. The 5. With reporting by AP. Here's what I've been tracking and what I'm keeping an eye on in the days ahead. By AFP. The Taliban, however, celebrated the move as a major diplomatic victory. Image source, AP. Organizers said participants from 25 nations and groups would include those from "Afghanistan, the wider region, and beyond.

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