livescope video

Livescope video

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Livescope video


SMF 2. It's adjustable to what distance you want to scan out. For example, If I'm in ', livescope video, will it work to scan out horizontally from the hole for fish livescope video are on the bottom, or would it only scan the area ' horizontally and ' vertically from my hole?


John Soukup has been using Garmin Livescope longer than most. Soukup is also a professional bass and crappie fishing tournament angler. We asked Soukup to give us a rundown of the 10 best settings for Garmin LiveScope to help anglers get the best looking picture on their units, and be able to see the fish, their lures and the cover in all fishing situations. Noise reject helps filter the information that is coming into your unit from your LiveScope processor and transducer. You will want a little clutter to filter through because you want to be able to see your line and small jigs on the screen and you need some of the information to pass through. But the Noise Reject setting at high will eliminated a lot of unwanted clutter. This is filter information top to bottom to let you see further into the water. Deeper than that and you can start with low. To set it.

Livescope video

In this informative video, pro bass angler Cody Huff takes us on a tour of his Garmin LiveScope Plus fish finder while scanning a school of bass in a brush pile. He shows his go-to settings for finding and catching bass in brush piles and most situations in general, including his deep water sharpshooting technique with Rapala Jigging Raps and heavy Jigs. Huff starts by emphasizing the importance of doing a factory reset to get the device back to its default settings before making adjustments.

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If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. I can think of three lakes around me immediately where this would increase the number of fish I catch. You can run Panoptix and LS on same unit? If you're still having problems resetting your password, contact us. Noise turned off Trails off Rejection off Scroll speed to ultra scroll They say the 22 works a lot faster with the One of the problems when scanning further or deeper is the scaling image size. May just be me. Pretty cool for sure. That is making my move to Garmin an easier decision all the time. I have the 73cv package from last year, got it early this past sept to use in the boat. Some days I might be sick. Gosh not sure on the down at ' that's a big foot print, which everything is squeezed together. Hoping someone can let me know soon as the ice is going to be starting pretty quick it looks like

W ell, it seems there are two ways to fish, with or without sonar. One an ancient, mysterious art form of guessing where the fish may be, and the other using our modern technology to leave little mystery at all. If you are going to use sonar, why not go all-out with a setup like the Garmin LiveScope.

LiveScope stuff starts around 7 minute mark. I cant see any of them. Well done. Or are they fb videos? Not me lol Off from another group. I don't use Facebook and no one answered my questions regarding Livescope a month or two ago. One of the problems when scanning further or deeper is the scaling image size. You adjust to ' it squeezes everything together more. May just be me. Quote from: Iceicemike on Nov 18, , AM. I heard they were working on it. How does it work in deep water? To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. Welcome to BBCBoards.

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