logan paul fiance nude

Logan paul fiance nude

By Charlotte Daly For Mailonline. Paul and Danis will go toe-to-toe in a highly anticipated crossover bout this evening, with a lot more than just bragging rights on the line.

However, several reports, including one by DramaAlert, have dismissed the claims, saying it is not Nina who is seen in the video. Dillon shared the recent video after various other posts he shared on social media about Nina. The video shows a woman, whoDillon believed is Nina, in anintimate setting alongside an elderly gentleman. The woman is seen showing off her private parts. On August 8, Paul announced his return to the ring, promptingDillon to launch a social media war. Dillon went on to troll and harass Logan, going to the extent of making sexist remarks about Nina.

Logan paul fiance nude

By Isabel Baldwin For Dailymail. Dillon Danis shared a photo of a scantily-clad Nina Agdal the day after he was served with papers in her harassment lawsuit against him. After Danis escalated the trolling to a sickening level last month by sharing an X-rated video of the Danish model discussing her sexual cravings, she filed a lawsuit against him, claiming her fiancee's opponent posted 'despicable' things about her more than times since the bout was announced. However, Danis has continued his attacks in the wake of the filing, even as recently as Tuesday. The MMA star posted a photo of a half-naked Agdal posing on a beach. The former Victoria's Secret model is captured with her back to the camera in a G-string bathing suit, which consists of two narrow strips of material draping over her shoulders, leaving her entire back, derriere and sideboob exposed. Dillon Danis left has continued trolling Logan Paul's right fiancee, Nina Agdal far right , despite being served in her harassment lawsuit against him earlier this week. Danis shared a photo of a half-naked Agdal to X on Tuesday morning, a day after he was served. Danis shared the photo to his X, formerly known as Twitter, profile, writing, 'Morning,' and the sun emoji - the same caption he has continuously used throughout his incessant trolling. His post came just one day after he was finally served f ollowing a week of dodging process servers. He continued his targeting of Agdal Wednesday morning too, posting a photo of the Dane in nothing but a bikini and socks taking a mirror selfie. Danis was served outside his apartment building in Jersey City, New Jersey Monday morning and, i n a video obtained by TMZ , a process server can be seen waiting for Danis outside the building as the fighter approached with two friends. Danis,' the server said as he attempted to hand the envelope to Danis.

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We have more newsletters. Paul won the close-fought battle in controversial circumstances as he delivered the winning blow whilst wearing brass knuckle dusters. Paul first posed alongside Nina naked under the covers whilst hugging his belt as little spoon. He also posed with his belt on a rooftop whilst smoking a cigar, in the gym whilst drinking a bottle of Prime and once again naked — this time alone in the shower with only the belt covering his modesty. Let us know in the comments section. The YouTuber now finds himself the holder of two titles across two different sports.

Thanks for contacting us. We've received your submission. Danis continues hyping up his Oct. The latest post , showing a nearly nude Agdal, came one day after Danis was served lawsuit papers by the year-old. Also on Tuesday, Danis was a no-show for the hearing concerning the restraining order requested by Agdal, according to MMAfighting. TMZ broke the news two weeks ago that Agdal was planning to sue Danis and seek a restraining order because of his relentless social media posts about her. Based on his X account activity over the last couple of months, Danis will likely have plenty to say about Agdal, who got engaged to Paul, the YouTuber-turned-boxer, in July. Breaking News. Russia detains 11 suspects after Moscow concert hall shooting leaves at least 93 dead. Published Sep.

Logan paul fiance nude

The YouTuber-turned-fighter is set to join forces with The Miz at WrestleMania 38 this weekend in Dallas, for a tag-team match versus Rey Mysterio and Dominik Mysterio check out our WrestleMania predictions for how we think that will go down. First things first, though. Logan Paul got into the spirit of the day, donning his birthday suit and posting a mirror selfie in more than one way ahead of his professional wrestling debut.

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The year-old said in the suit that she had suffered humiliation, emotional distress and reputational harm. Syphilis cases soar and there's a little-known symptom many miss. Let us know in the comments section. Bing Site Web Enter search term: Search. She was also accompanied by four security guards. Mauricio Pochettino 'still doesn't have a clue' what his strongest XI is - but must be given time to turn it Danis shared a photo of a half-naked Agdal to X on Tuesday morning, a day after he was served. HT Premium. Always free! She was seen wearing a black dress and heels as she arrived at the AO Arena in Manchester on Saturday evening.

The former Bellator competitor posted a video of Nina Agdal indecently exposing herself on Twitter. There will be a six-round exhibition boxing bout between Dillon Danis and Logan Paul on October 14, Danis has hounded his next opponent online since the match was publicized with images of his fiance with ex-boyfriends and other guys.

Story Saved. Back to top Home News Royals U. More Newsletters. Danis responded to the suit via X, informing his followers that he could not offer much comment at this time. Brazil deliver Man United hammer blow as they reveal Casemiro is injured, hours before crunch Liverpool Ten Hag heads for lunch at a lush artisan brasserie in Cheshire with his wife Declan Rice clears up why his shorts were stained with a 'very suspicious' mark against Porto Sign Up No thanks, close. Danis refused to take the envelope and brushed off the man as he entered the building. Share or comment on this article: Dillon Danis posts half-naked photo of Logan Paul's fiancee Nina Agdal on Twitter one day after he was served papers in lawsuit e-mail Let us know in the comments section. Sign out. Sign In.

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