lol jungle route

Lol jungle route

A lot of your initial route lol jungle route on your Champion. Some characters spike at level 3 and want to be really active within the early game, while other characters want to farm a bit more. This is a very aggressive pathway that often lends itself to those early spiking Champions, lol jungle route. This route can be switched depending on sides and definitely accelerates your progress towards the opposite side of the map.

League of Legends has five uniquely designed roles varying in both early and mid to late game responsibilities, map rotations, and farming methods. Once mastered, the jungler role is highly rewarding that can definitely increase your solo queue win rate. On top of that, with proper jungle pathing, you will be able to set up the deciding plays that can result in your team taking the best map objectives like Baron Nashor. Jungle pathing, or jungle routing, simply entails the route you take as a jungler , including the order of camp clearing, ganks, and even invades. Largely because of this, they are able to predict their rotations and warn their teammates about potential ganks. So, you can always attempt to throw off the enemy team as a jungler by taking more spontaneous paths, but you still run the risk of slowing your clear speed, and, therefore, potentially lowering your impact on the game.

Lol jungle route

Jungle Pathing is one of the most dynamic aspects in League of Legends. Jungle Pathing represents the choices Junglers make in regards to when and where to gank. These choices include how they involve farming camps and buffs between their ganks, anticipating counterganks, and looking for opportunities to invade. It involves understanding the different abilities the champions in the game have and how they interact, as well as the overall interactions between the two team compositions. Mastering Jungle Pathing can be a long process because it involves tons of game knowledge and the game sense of reading the map and understanding the flow of the game. This is why we set out to make the tool — to not only help Junglers hone their pathings, but to also help players in the other roles understand where the action is likely to happen. The main goal of our tool is to help players understand which lanes are likely to be ganked according to the champions that are in the game. The colors are simple enough, but a lot goes into defining them. In reality, we accomplish this by using a formula that considers factors such as crowd control, kill potential, and mobility options. Note that this is the early stage of the tool and it will only get more advanced in time. Crowd control helps to enable successful ganks by locking down victims or can prevent ganks by peeling and protecting. Lanes that have more CC have an advantage in ganks because so much of ganking comes down to timing and positioning. The more control a lane has of holding someone in place and for a longer time, the better chance it has of succeeding. Think about the difference between ganking for a bot lane that has Leona 3 CC abilities versus a lane that has Soraka 1 CC ability.

Tyler Esguerra Tyler Esguerra Mar 13, Lol jungle route a successful gank on a yellow lane may create conditions that are more like a green lane, the opposite is also true in that a failed gank may swing the lane into a red.


The jungler in League of Legends has one of the most unique roles in the game. They spend most of the their time tucked away in the foliage between the three main lanes of Summoner's Rift, fighting neutral monsters, gathering buffs and looking for ways to flank the opposing team. It can look like a daunting, complex role when you first consider jumping into the role, as it's not your traditional laning experience by any means. There are peculiar and highly specific mechanics to learn, as well as knowledge of certain monsters, buffs, and routes. That's where this guide is ready to step in. Here we'll introduce you to the role of a jungler, explain the basics of performing the role effectively, and offer up a handful of tips which will put you well on your way to becoming king of the jungle in League of Legends. Where all the other players on your team will spend the early game gathering experience and gold in lane while attempting to emerge victorious over their opponents, you'll set off on an entirely different path as a jungler. Instead, you'll accrue gold and experience by defeating monsters dotted around your side of the jungle. There are some tough creatures to fight in the trees, so junglers are usually stocky bruisers or tanky champions that can dish out a decent amount of damage while also being comfortable taking a few hits themselves. Of course, some unorthodox picks make their way in from time to time, but fighters and tanks are generally considered the safe option.

Lol jungle route

League of Legends has five uniquely designed roles varying in both early and mid to late game responsibilities, map rotations, and farming methods. Once mastered, the jungler role is highly rewarding that can definitely increase your solo queue win rate. On top of that, with proper jungle pathing, you will be able to set up the deciding plays that can result in your team taking the best map objectives like Baron Nashor.

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Playing as a yellow laner against the Jungler Look to be aggressive but be calculated with your positioning and health trades. For those that like to be cheeky, the option to steal a buff at level one is always there. You should probably avoid these and spend your time elsewhere. Lanes that have more CC have an advantage in ganks because so much of ganking comes down to timing and positioning. Thanks to Akaadian for taking the time out to help with the piece! This is probably your most standard route. Renekton, for example, is a very gankable laner since he has the double-dash into stun that makes him both excellent at setup, and excellent at diving a weakened enemy. The most usual overextended offenders are heavy-pushing champions like Lux , Malzahar , Darius , Draven , and Zyra. Published: Aug 31, am. Thanks for the read!

Most of the time, they are hidden in the bushes between the lanes of the map, preying on neutral monsters, obtaining buffs, and waiting for the ideal chance to gank the enemy players. Many people also consider jungle the most important position since it usually determines the outcome of the game. Therefore, newcomers to the role should become familiar with all the intricacies that will help them improve their skills.

If you notice that the enemy jungler is repeatedly ganking your top lane , rethink your strategy and consider pathing the top side to counter-gank the imminent gank. Note that this is the early stage of the tool and it will only get more advanced in time. Champions like Lee Sin and Nidalee take a lot of time to become good at and comfortable on. Jungle pathing, or jungle routing, simply entails the route you take as a jungler , including the order of camp clearing, ganks, and even invades. Playing as a yellow laner against the Jungler Look to be aggressive but be calculated with your positioning and health trades. Mastering Jungle Pathing can be a long process because it involves tons of game knowledge and the game sense of reading the map and understanding the flow of the game. Lanes that have more CC are also more difficult to gank, a good comparison would be an Alistar bot lane to a Sona bot lane. Mateusz Miter Mateusz Miter Mar 14, The three camp is also one of the best strats for ganking Mid. If these sneaky wards catch you on the move out or in, the enemy team may make moves to collapse on you. Players will be able to clear all three of the jungle camps and move on to the next quadrant to destroy the next three camps.

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