
LOLcats are image macros consisting lolcats humorous photos of cats with superimposed text written in a form of broken English known as lolspeak, lolcats. According to an article in The Star, [5] LOLcats originated on the imageboard 4chan sometime inlolcats, when an anonymous user submitted a picture of a relaxed cat waiting for "Caturday. Caturday, for example, was a meme on a 4chan.

Lolcat images' idiosyncratic and intentionally grammatically incorrect text is known as lolspeak. Lolcat is a compound word of the acronymic abbreviation LOL laugh out loud and the word "cat". British portrait photographer Harry Pointer created a carte de visite series featuring cats posed in various situations in the early s. To these he usually added amusing text intended to further enhance their appeal. The first recorded use of the term "lolcat" was used on 4chan , an anonymous imageboard.


If you are a cat person, then you most likely love funny cat memes. Because cats love to push the boundaries of their humans, it is not hard If you are the type of cat owner who wishes your fur baby would stay kitten-size forever, we have good news for you. There are several domestic cat These cats grow up to 25 pounds and Your cat may vomit frequently, have bouts of diarrhea, a rumbling stomach, and gas can Siberian cats originated from Russia. These cats' most distinct features are their long plush hair, large eyes, and plumed tails. Hyperthyroidism, or having an overactive thyroid gland, is relatively common in cats, especially as they get older. Since thyroid hormones affect nearly all of the organs in the The first thing you notice about Siberian cats is their big size. Siberian cats are big, albeit not as large as the Maine Coons. Siberian males often weigh

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LOLcats are image macros consisting of humorous photos of cats with superimposed text written in a form of broken English known as lolspeak. According to an article in The Star, [5] LOLcats originated on the imageboard 4chan sometime in , when an anonymous user submitted a picture of a relaxed cat waiting for "Caturday. Caturday, for example, was a meme on a 4chan. In the s, photographer Harry Pointer [3] took black-and-white photographs of cats posed in a variety of different situations, adding humorous text referencing the context of the photo shown below, left. In the early 20th century Harry Whittier Frees, [4] an American photographer, produced similar-looking photographs with overlaid text shown below, right. In the s, a motivational poster of a cat hanging from a tree branch with the caption " Hang in there, baby " was released shown below, left , which spawned a series of imitations shown below, right. On June 14th, , the website LOLcats. On June 12th, , Time Magazine [8] published an article about the LOLcat phenomenon, reporting that a Google search for "lolcat" already yielded over 3.


Lolcat images' idiosyncratic and intentionally grammatically incorrect text is known as lolspeak. Lolcat is a compound word of the acronymic abbreviation LOL laugh out loud and the word "cat". British portrait photographer Harry Pointer created a carte de visite series featuring cats posed in various situations in the early s. To these he usually added amusing text intended to further enhance their appeal. The first recorded use of the term "lolcat" was used on 4chan , an anonymous imageboard. The domain name "caturday. The term lolcat gained national media attention in the United States when it was covered by Time , which wrote that non-commercialized phenomena of the sort are increasingly rare, stating that lolcats have "a distinctly old-school, early s, Usenet feel to [them]". Y, lolcats of corse!

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Read Edit View history. New York. According to an article in The Star, [5] LOLcats originated on the imageboard 4chan sometime in , when an anonymous user submitted a picture of a relaxed cat waiting for "Caturday. Online trend spreads across campus". Retrieved December 23, Monorail Cat. This cat is British portrait photographer Harry Pointer created a carte de visite series featuring cats posed in various situations in the early s. Login Now! Associated Press. Network Solutions. Wikimedia Commons.

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These images Archived from the original on September 6, Grumpy Cat. Caturday, for example, was a meme on a 4chan. Retrieved June 17, Don't have an account? Image combining a photograph of a cat with text intended to contribute humour. The name of Siberian males often weigh Is it can be hugs tiem now plees? Common themes include jokes of the form "Im in ur [noun], [verb]-ing ur [related noun]. Archived from the original on April 15, Oh God! April 21, Cat Memes 5 Comments.

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