lord darth sidious

Lord darth sidious

This article is about a character who is identified only with their surname. Although this character has a first name, lord darth sidious, it is currently unknown. Please help Wookieepedia by editing this article. Once you have fixed an issue, you may remove it from the list of issues.

Caution is advised. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. Rising to power in the Galactic Senate as the senator of Naboo , the secretive Sith Lord cultivated two identities, Sidious and Palpatine, using both to further his political career and deceive his way into accomplishing his goal. He orchestrated the fall of the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order through the Clone Wars , and then established his reign over the galaxy which lasted until his death at the Battle of Endor. However, the dark side of the Force gave rise to powers which allowed him to escape death , seeking further immortality until the Emperor was eventually permanently destroyed and killed during the Battle of Exegol by Rey , his granddaughter born from his Strand-Cast clone son Dathan and his daughter-in-law Miramir. He eventually betrayed and killed his Sith Master , in order to train his own Sith apprentice , Darth Maul , for the Rule of Two limited their ranks to two Sith Lords at any given time.

Lord darth sidious

Yet there is one infamous character in Star Wars lore that we haven't seen on screen to date. And it is through his story that the narrative of Star Wars canon, from before the prequel trilogy and on, begins. His was a birth orchestrated by Darth Tenebrous, the Dark Lord of the Sith who used a force-sensitive Muun female to woo Caar in order to create a child strong with the Force. Hego was different from his peers and he knew it, with abilities the others didn't — or shouldn't — have. It didn't take long before Hego was lured to the Dark Side, with his first malevolent act forcing a youngling to jump to his death from a great height Tenebrous guided Plagueis in the use of his strong Force powers, and it was during this time that Plagueis crafted his own lightsaber, a single red blade with a large grip to accommodate the Muun's larger features. He was reportedly very skilled in lightsaber combat, but found it tedious and beneath him. Plagueis, like all Sith, craved power, and while working under Tenebrous established Damask Holdings, a banking corporation of great power and influence that established refining complexes on Naboo and Mustafar, two planets that would be of major importance in Star Wars canon. Eventually, Plagueis and Tenebrous found themselves on the planet Bal'demnic when a droid mining Cortosis ore inadvertently triggered an explosion nearby. Plagueis seized the opportunity to kill Darth Tenebrous, burying him under an avalanche and snapping his neck.

In an interview, he stated, "When we were doing Return of the Jedi there was a rumor that George Lucas had nine films in his head, lord darth sidious, and he'd clearly just completed three of them. Following the invasion of SerennoDooku left the Jedi Order to claim the title lord darth sidious planetary count[43] but Sidious eventually recruited Dooku to the Sith [44] by exploiting his anger with the Republic [45] despite also having Maul under his wing. Revenge of the Sith

Eventually, Sidious took on his own apprentice, Darth Maul, and killed his master. In his public persona, Sidious was the unassuming Senator Palpatine of Naboo, a position he used to manipulate galactic events to his own design. Thirteen years before his Imperial ascent, Sidious engineered the Invasion of Naboo and used the political crisis as a pretext to being elected Supreme Chancellor by the Galactic Senate. With Maul's defeat at the hands of the Jedi, Sidious was in need of a new apprentice. Together, they formed the Confederacy of Independent Systems to spark a galactic civil war. As Chancellor Palpatine, Sidious was given sweeping central, emergency powers to handle the Separatist crisis, and he raised the Grand Army of the Republic to fight the Clone Wars. The clone troopers in the Grand Army had been secretly commissioned by the Sith, and each contained a biochip with a preprogrammed protocol to eliminate the Jedi, the sworn enemies of the Sith, when the order was given.

The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural, and Sheev Palpatine is the most infamous follower of its doctrines. Scheming, powerful, and evil to the core, Darth Sidious restored the Sith and destroyed the Jedi Order. Living a double life, he was also Palpatine, a Naboo Senator and phantom menace. He manipulated the political system of the Galactic Republic until he was named Supreme Chancellor -- and eventually Emperor — and ruled the galaxy through fear and tyranny. The galaxy rejoiced when he died at the Battle of Endor, but Sidious had cheated death and patiently plotted a return to power.

Lord darth sidious

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Renton, Washington: Wizards of the Coast. His first act was to allow the use of the clone army, which had been discovered by Kenobi on Kamino, to counter the Separatist threat; this resulted in the First Battle of Geonosis , which served as the opening salvo of the Clone Wars. Once you have fixed an issue, you may remove it from the list of issues. Before Cham's forces could launch their attack, Moff Mors' forces arrived in two transport vessels and trapped the rebel fighters. Sidious went forward in the darkness seeing through the Force while testing Vader's loyalty once again until he decided to stop for a while. With the galaxy now at war as Sidious planned, Dooku brings him the secret plans for the Death Star. Janus Greejatus , then a politician on Chommell Minor , had established himself as an isolationist—in fact his political language concealed a virulent anti-alien prejudice that stemmed from his earliest formative years—with a significant popular following on his homeworld. Many commercial organizations—including the Trade Federation—pledged their droid military forces to this Confederacy. Hearing the disguised Palpatine laugh at his misfortune, Colandrus sicced his bodyguard on him, but the Chancellor defused the situation by explaining that "his son" had just made a joke, and promised that they would leave at once. For "security reasons," he named no date, but announced that all avenues of communication to his office were open to Dooku. Palpatine used the situation to have himself granted emergency powers from the Senate by Representative Jar Jar Binks. There was only one thing for it: a round of assassinations that could be blamed on the Separatists, and cause the rest to circle their wagons. Retrieved December 19,

Please consult the guidelines for Article format when making improvements. Remove this message only when the article is in the best quality. Originally the Senate Representative for the Mid Rim planet of Naboo, Palpatine used his connections and charisma to depose his predecessor Finis Valorum and assume the mantle of Chancellor.

Sidious was the apprentice to Darth Plagueis. Tiin recommended that the ship's carcass be placed in the care of the Jedi Council, but the Senate representative from Kuat lobbied successfully to give Kuat Drive Yards an opportunity to study it. Blaster Lightsaber. This led to Skywalker concluding that Palpatine himself was the Sith Lord the Jedi were hunting down, and drew his lightsaber. Having survived an assassination attempt by an unknown party on Bal'demnic and having killed his Master during that same incident, he was also the reigning Dark Lord of the Sith in Darth Bane's line. Although Vader was more interested in finding his former Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Emperor told his apprentice to have patience and to send an Inquisitor to hunt down Tano and the other Jedi discovered on Lothal. Satisfied, Darth Sidious praised his apprentice for once again proving his loyalty. With both the Senate and Valorum closed off to her as options, she was left with nothing but the choices Palpatine offered. OCLC Before he could continue in his plans to divide and conquer the Republic, he needed an apprentice who could be counted on to make the necessary preparations, to sow dissension among the Republic's member worlds. Palpatine personally congratulated the two Jedi during the celebration on Naboo, telling young Skywalker that his career would be watched with "great interest". But it was still not enough to tip the majority of Senators in favor of the Military Creation Act. Maul left for Tatooine, but he failed to kill the Jedi or retrieve Amidala. Following the defeat of Teller's insurgency, Tarkin and Vader spent the next three weeks hunting down Teller's collaborators and contacts in a ruthless crackdown.

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