marcus luttrell talks about mike murphy

Marcus luttrell talks about mike murphy

Navy Lt.

This first appeared in The Havok Journal on March 23, Lone Survivor was eventually made into a major motion picture, but that, too, generated significant controversy. I sat with my father in late December watching the UFC fights. This was not the first interview that I had watched where both Marcus and the director touted the extreme attention to detail and accuracy that they sought when making the film. Far too often Hollywood has a tendency to sensationalize stories in an effort to sell more tickets so I was anxiously awaiting a highly accurate portrayal of the entire mission and those involved.

Marcus luttrell talks about mike murphy

The crowd turned out to hear guest speaker Marcus Luttrell, a former U. But even those who had read the book or seen the movie might have been surprised by some of Luttrell's frank and often graphic speech. Wearing jeans and a blazer, his shirt untucked, the scruffy, 6-foot-7 Luttrell was a commanding presence onstage. Everyone in the room stood up and applauded as he entered with his service dog, a yellow Lab named Mr. He paced back and forth as he spoke, Mr. Rigby patiently curled into a ball, Luttrell's face projected onto a big screen behind him. His voice matter-of-fact, he sometimes made the audience laugh; at other times, they shook their heads as if to erase the images of violence he evoked. At first, Luttrell was "apprehensive" about having a movie made of the book, which details the events that occurred that fateful day on a mountain in Afghanistan, where he and three others were charged with finding a powerful Taliban official whom Luttrell described as "a bad dude. But the crew convinced him that "from the top down, everyone knew why they were there and worked hard. Luttrell was part of a special reconnaissance team that included Matt Axelson "one of the smartest guys I ever met" , Mike Murphy "my best friend" and Danny Dietz "one of the toughest men I ever met".

And it got bad in "buds training.

Michael P. Murphy, a Navy SEAL who was killed in fighting in Afghanistan in and who is under consideration for the Medal of Honor for heroism, Tuesday called the first public account of the mission by its only survivor a disservice to the men who died. His appearance was timed to the publication of his book, "Lone Survivor. In an interview with "Today" host Matt Lauer, Luttrell spoke of how the four SEALs were discovered hiding out on a mountainside in eastern Afghanistan by three local goat herders while they waited to kill or capture a high-ranking Taliban leader. He said the four men voted to spare the herders' lives, but that 45 minutes later they were surrounded by 80 Taliban fighters. Dietz, 25, and Petty Officer Matt Axelson, That account, said Daniel Murphy, is a far cry from what he said Luttrell told the Murphy family not long after the death of their son.

This first appeared in The Havok Journal on March 23, Lone Survivor was eventually made into a major motion picture, but that, too, generated significant controversy. I sat with my father in late December watching the UFC fights. This was not the first interview that I had watched where both Marcus and the director touted the extreme attention to detail and accuracy that they sought when making the film. Far too often Hollywood has a tendency to sensationalize stories in an effort to sell more tickets so I was anxiously awaiting a highly accurate portrayal of the entire mission and those involved. To my dismay, that is not what I got. Before I go any further I feel that it is necessary to say that I was a part of the search and rescue operation to pull those men out. My platoon aided in the recovery of Matt Axelson several days after the firefight had concluded. I was awarded a joint service commendation medal for actions during this operation.

Marcus luttrell talks about mike murphy

We then flash back three days to just prior to the start of the ill-fated mission. However, this part of the true story is significantly less dramatic. Luttrell was not near death when he was rescued and his heart never stopped beating. In reality, he and the Army Rangers took time to have a lengthy debriefing over tea, during which some of the villagers were present as well, including Gulab. Eventually, they bid the villagers farewell and boarded the rescue chopper. The purpose of Operation Red Wings, which began on June 28, , was first to identify Ahmad Shah, a key Taliban loyalist and leader believed to be hiding on the slopes of a mountain named Sawtalo Sar, located in the Pech District of Afghanistan's Kunar Province.

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Get all the stories you need-to-know from the most powerful name in news delivered first thing every morning to your inbox Arrives Weekdays. And then it got quiet, sir. And he'd do it with a smile on his face. I mean, no matter what you did to this guy, he'd be — you know, he'd bounce back. And then we were taking some heavy fire from underneath now. More Stories of Valor. Pick up the action and tell us what Lieutenant Murphy did:. That's why he died. This is your second appearance on the show, Mr. And the only cover we had was in between — it was on either side of the mountain. That sacrifice made him the first sailor since Vietnam to earn the Medal of Honor, and it inspired a Memorial Day challenge that's really caught on. They soon deployed to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.

On June 28, , deep behind enemy lines east of Asadabad in the Hindu Kush of Afghanistan, a very committed four-man Navy SEAL team was conducting a reconnaissance mission at the unforgiving altitude of approximately 10, feet. The four SEALs were scouting Ahmad Shah — a terrorist in his mids who grew up in the adjacent mountains just to the south.

Medal Ceremony President George W. Rigby patiently curled into a ball, Luttrell's face projected onto a big screen behind him. With the exception of Luttrell, all were killed on June 28, , by enemy forces while supporting Operation Red Wings. We have access to all the knowledge of a hundred generations in the palm of our hand and we abstain from its use. In the book, Luttrell, who was subordinate to Murphy on the team, casts himself as the decisive player in the drama, writing that he cast the deciding vote to release the herders. And then we were taking some heavy fire from underneath now. Wearing jeans and a blazer, his shirt untucked, the scruffy, 6-foot-7 Luttrell was a commanding presence onstage. Subscribe to Defense. But even those who had read the book or seen the movie might have been surprised by some of Luttrell's frank and often graphic speech. Lone Survivor was eventually made into a major motion picture, but that, too, generated significant controversy. But it was — they welcomed me with open arms, and you know, accepted me into their family for what I was and what I had to deliver, which was obviously the news of his son's death, and actually just what had happened up there. And we've got your back here on "The Factor. Photo By: Navy Lt.

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