marvel eternity

Marvel eternity

Eternity is generally seen as the personification of the universe, but each universal Eternity is a cell of a greater multiversal Eternity. Eternity succeeded the Sentience of the Sixth Cosmos as the embodiment of the Seventh Cosmos marvel eternity his sister-self Infinity. Eternity was destroyed when the Beyonders attacked and the incursions ended the Multiverse. Eternity was the embodiment of the Seventh Cosmos and sixth Multiverse alongside Infinitymarvel eternity, with whom he was one.

The upcoming series G. The driving force behind G. Out of the three most well-known Marvel Cosmic gods Eternity was introduced first, in s Strange Tales , with his "sister" Infinity being introduced many years later in s Quasar 24, as dual embodiments of the current Marvel Universe. The "siblings" are vastly powerful abstract entities with Eternity representing the concept of "time" and Infinity representing the concept of "space," and both of them are only surpassed in omnipotence and power by the Living Tribunal and The-One-Above-All. Despite their powers, these cosmic gods were murdered by the Beyondersin the lead-up to Secret Wars , but they have since been reborn in the new Marvel Multiverse. The histories of these cosmic beings are always complex and left a lof of questions unanswered. The cosmic personifications are usually intimately involved in many major events throughout Marvel history, but G.

Marvel eternity

Part of the fun of the Marvel Cinematic Universe , particularly for longtime comics readers, is hearing unexpected, often obscure names being thrown into the mythology of the films. Sure, we expect to hear names like "Spider-Man" and "Wolverine" in our comic book movies, but when the films and TV series start dropping things like "Ego the Living Planet" and "Blackagar Boltagon" on us, it becomes clear just how deep into the Marvel Comics mythology we've gotten at this point. Of course, just because these characters are finally deployed on the big screen doesn't mean they're always completely recognizable when compared to their comics counterparts. The MCU has always been a place where much of the flavor of the Marvel Universe is preserved, but the actual driving force behind plots and characters is often very different. We saw it with Thanos and his motivation to get the Infinity Gauntlet, with The Vulture's movie origin story, and we're still seeing it with the rise of characters like Ms. With Thor: Love and Thunder , the MCU introduced yet another interesting twist on a Marvel Comics mainstay with a deep cosmic history, so let's take a look at this mysterious figure and explore just who, and what, it is in comics and beyond. Unlike the comics, though, MCU Gorr was looking for a shortcut to wiping the gods out in the form of a visit to a figure known as Eternity. According to MCU lore, if Gorr could gain access to Eternity — a being located at the center of the universe — he could ask it to grant one wish. So naturally, he would wish for all gods to die, Eternity would have no choice but to grant the wish, and Gorr's mission would be accomplished. With the help of Thor's magical axe Stormbreaker, Gorr was able to open the door to Eternity and present himself before the entity, but at the last moment, with Thor's encouragement, he wished not for all the gods to die, but for his lost daughter India Rose Hemsworth to be restored to life. At the end of the film, Gorr dies as a result of the Necrosword's dark magic, leaving his daughter, now nicknamed Love, to be raised by Thor.

First mention of Eternity.

Eternity is a fictional cosmic entity appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Debuting in the Silver Age of Comic Books , the character has appeared in five decades of Marvel continuity and appeared in associated Marvel merchandise including animated television series , films , trading cards , and video games. Eternity debuted in an epic issue storyline dubbed "The Eternity Saga", which occurred in the ongoing feature " Doctor Strange " in Strange Tales — March —July Following the publication's retitling as Doctor Strange , the character returned in issues — May—July , and thereafter continued to appear in stories that were cosmic in scope, including in Doctor Strange vol. At the conclusion of that story, Eternity validated the existence of another cosmic character, Galactus. Howard University Professor of Literature Marc Singer stated Byrne used the character Eternity as a means to "justify planetary-scale genocide".

Of all the cosmic entities in the Marvel Universe, one of the oldest and most omnipotent of them all is Eternity. The living embodiment of eternity itself, the cosmic being often stays separate from the typical affairs of the heroes and villains throughout the universe, only becoming directly involved in superhero matters when he perceives that the very fabric of reality is being threatened. Each universe in the Marvel Multiverse is established to have its own iteration of Eternity as an extension of a larger multiversal version of the entity who personifies reality alongside the sentient embodiment of Infinity. Sensing the danger that Dormammu presents to the universe, Eternity approaches Stephen Strange to give him the encouragement necessary to save the day before stepping in to vanquish Dormammu himself. Eternity would later be kidnapped by the fearsome supervillain Nightmare, with the world plunging into cause due to the resulting disruptions to the space-time continuum. After Doctor Strange defeated Nightmare and freed Eternity, the liberated cosmic entity exiled Nightmare and would later work with Strange and his superhero team the Defenders to restore himself to full power when his form became fragmented. Eternity would temporarily merge with Infinity into a composite entity that overcame Magus and returned the universe to normal. Eternity has several children Empathy, Eulogy, Expediency, Entropy, Epiphany, Enmity, and Eon , each embodying a different concept within reality. Eternity was apparently destroyed along with the rest of the Marvel Multiverse during the crossover event Secret Wars by Jonathan Hickman and Esad Ribic.

Marvel eternity

Eternity is a fictional cosmic entity appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Debuting in the Silver Age of Comic Books , the character has appeared in five decades of Marvel continuity and appeared in associated Marvel merchandise including animated television series , films , trading cards , and video games. Eternity debuted in an epic issue storyline dubbed "The Eternity Saga", which occurred in the ongoing feature " Doctor Strange " in Strange Tales — March —July Following the publication's retitling as Doctor Strange , the character returned in issues — May—July , and thereafter continued to appear in stories that were cosmic in scope, including in Doctor Strange vol. At the conclusion of that story, Eternity validated the existence of another cosmic character, Galactus. Howard University Professor of Literature Marc Singer stated Byrne used the character Eternity as a means to "justify planetary-scale genocide". Other appearances, again in storylines that featured a cosmic theme, included Infinity Abyss 1—6 Aug. Eternity has also appeared in the alternate universe titles What If? Eternity, along with his sister Infinity , were born with the Big Bang and they represent the multiverse in its current iteration but each universe has its own Eternity and Infinity that represent that universe. Before Eternity, there was a single universe, whose animating force was the primal cosmic being that would later call itself the First Firmament.

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Torn by the cosmic solitude begotten by his nature as the embodiment of all existence, and wishing to experience the mortal feelings of struggle, love and otherness, Eternity created shells for himself, each one infused with an infinitesimal portion of his endless consciousness, and scattered them across the entire Multiverse. It had been watching from the void as the Multiverse passed through each renewal cycle in the hopes that one day it would reclaim his place as everything that is. Logos then transformed Galactus back into the Devourer of Worlds, with an enormously increased hunger. Eternity was also romantically involved with the Queen of Nevers. At one point, Eternity spawned several "children", or concepts that became separate, independent entities. However, in the end they were forced to say goodbye to one another. Start a Wiki. Steve Ditko. Archived from the original on March 1, Eternity had used the rescue of the Ultimates as an excuse to lure Galactus there to warn him of his predicament and that all of Creation was in danger from his jailer. After devouring him, Galactus knew all Rostov knew. Archived from the original on May 26, Comics character. Is Love now an aspect of Eternity — perhaps a pocket universe unto herself, like the Marvel hero Singularity?

Eternity is an abstract entity which embodies the Marvel Universe itself along with his "sister" counterpart, Infinity , with whom Eternity is one. Every universe in the Multiverse manifests itself as an anthropomorphic being called Eternity. At one point, Eternity spawned several "children", or concepts that became separate, independent entities.

This Magazine Is Haunted. Following the publication's retitling as Doctor Strange , the character returned in issues — May—July , and thereafter continued to appear in stories that were cosmic in scope, including in Doctor Strange vol. The A. Glorian informs the Silver Surfer that reality being held together by Doom's will has turned Eternity into the will of Doom. All thanks to Eternity. The first recorded human contact with Eternity is by Doctor Strange , who seeks the entity out when his master the Ancient One is attacked by former pupil Baron Mordo. Entropy soon regretted what he had done, when all of creation was destroyed, leaving only himself, his sister Epiphany, Genis and Rick Jones, since the prospect of spending the rest of eternity in an empty void was not all that alluring. Doctor Doom 's killing of the Beyonders and use of their power to create Battleworld out of what remains of the multiverse revives Eternity, whose face and voice are replaced by Doom's. Who Wants to Be a Superhero? Marston, George; Arrant, Chris November 3,

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