mass effect storyline

Mass effect storyline

In the yearexplorers on Mars discovered the remains of an ancient spacefaring civilization.

Mass Effect is an action role-playing game developed by BioWare and published by Microsoft Game Studios , originally released for the Xbox in November It is the first game in the Mass Effect series, and takes place within the Milky Way galaxy in the year , where civilization is threatened by a highly advanced machine race known as the Reapers. The player assumes the role of Commander Shepard , an elite human soldier who must stop a rogue agent from carrying out the Reapers' galactic invasion. The game involves completing multiple quests that generally involve space exploration, squad and vehicular combat, and interaction with non-player characters. Planned as the first chapter of a trilogy, Mass Effect was developed over the course of three and a half years, and uses the Unreal Engine 3 as a groundwork. It was designed so that the player would assume the role of a central character that could make important decisions and impact the story of the game in numerous ways. The combat was designed to offer the tactics and customization of a role-playing game, but through a simpler and real-time third-person shooter interface.

Mass effect storyline

It is a science fiction story, of the starships and space aliens kind. Most of the action takes place in a military context, as an apocalyptic threat against the galaxy emerges. The core articles are setting for Mass Effect 1 and the setting for Mass Effect 2, plus the profiles for the heroine — Staff Commander Mandala Shepard. This is a general, non-technical article that sums up the overarching plot of the 3 Mass Effect games plus DLCs and comics. It is intended as reference material so our Mass Effect character profiles and setting articles do not have to repeatedly explain the same things. And being spoiled would be a shame, since the trilogy is one of the very best computer games of the s and piecing together what is going on requires some investigative effort. More than a billion years ago, colossal maritime creatures called the Leviathans became the dominant species of the galaxy — as they refined a psychic influence power that could put entire planets under their thrall. The seemingly immortal Leviathans gradually imposed themselves as gods, with innumerable aliens races giving them tribute. However, the Leviathans noted that they consistently lost thrall species as these developed synthetic life — self-aware robots — that turned against their creators. This pattern had also existed before the rise of the Leviathans, and the immense creatures decided that this was the key problem with organic life. They built an AI to roam the galaxy and find a solution, by analysing all data about the development of organic and synthetic life. However, the programming of the AI was actually terrible.

The squad tries taking the elevator to the Citadel Towerbut it stops halfway when Saren locks down the station's systems. The story for Infiltrator involves Randall Ezno, a Cerberus agent, who discovers Cerberus's cruelty and goes rogue, mass effect storyline, killing Cerberus troopers and freeing prisoners from a hostile base.

Mass Effect is a military science fiction media franchise created by Casey Hudson. The franchise depicts a distant future where humanity and several alien civilizations have colonized the galaxy using technology left behind by advanced precursor civilizations. The franchise originated in a series of video games developed by BioWare and originally published by Microsoft Game Studios on the first two games and its expansions. Later on, the series was taken over by Electronic Arts. Each installment is a third-person shooter with role-playing elements.

Mass Effect is a military science fiction media franchise created by Casey Hudson. The franchise depicts a distant future where humanity and several alien civilizations have colonized the galaxy using technology left behind by advanced precursor civilizations. The franchise originated in a series of video games developed by BioWare and originally published by Microsoft Game Studios on the first two games and its expansions. Later on, the series was taken over by Electronic Arts. Each installment is a third-person shooter with role-playing elements. The first three games form a trilogy in which the player character , Commander Shepard , attempts to save the Milky Way galaxy from a race of ancient, hibernating machines known as the Reapers.

Mass effect storyline

A story spanning millions of years, hundreds of characters, and dozens of worlds, with the fate of the entire galaxy resting on your every choice, it's easy to see why this franchise captured the imagination of millions of gamers. That being said, this can still be a difficult franchise to follow, due in part to its expansive lore that, again, spans millions of years and plot twist upon plot twist. But fear not, citizen, because this is Commander Shepard's favorite Mass Effect timeline on the Citadel! To get you prepared for the remastered version of the franchise coming later this year , we've put together a timeline of all the events in Mass Effect, from Reaper invasions and wars with AI, to elevator rides and multiple-colored endings. After observing a repeated cycle of destruction wherein the civilizations under Leviathan control collapse once they create synthetic lifeforms that inevitably turn on their creators, the Leviathans decide to break the cycle by — creating a synthetic intelligence of their own, dubbed The Catalyst. The Catalyst is tasked with preserving organic life at any cost, and serve as a bridge between organic and synthetic lifeforms. The problem is that The Catalyst believes it to be inevitable that organics will create synthetics to improve their existence, and be destroyed by their creations because synthetics will always try to surpass their creators. The Catalyst's solution? To the surprise of absolutely no one, The Catalyst targets its creators first, has its pawns absorb every single Leviathan, and then turns the pawns into the first Reaper — huge machines made in the image of the Leviathans themselves. Right before going to rest on the 7th day, The Catalyst builds a network of mass relays, which would allow spacefaring-ready civilizations to speed their development process and signal to the Reapers that they are ready to be harvested.

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The civilizations of the galaxy call it Archived from the original on March 17, After decades or centuries these facilities started running out of power — and the eradication of the Prothean Empire was still ongoing. Desolas then says that he now has an evolution accelerator. He wants them to see him as protector, one who is giving the artifact a place of respect, while he figures out how to make it control them. After he touched it, the turians left him for dead, but when they subsequently attempted to move the artifact, he awoke. Mass Effect is a military science fiction media franchise created by Casey Hudson. He continues by saying that the cover is fine for the masses, but it does him little good as the "evolved" turians can tell him nothing about the artifact, but Harper can. It declares Shepard's attempting to stop the Reapers from returning to be futile, before heading towards Shepard's position. When the man behind the counter sees James flash a blue chip, he demands that James leave the store, calling him a junkie. Archived from the original on December 11, Mass Effect 2 begins two years later and sees Shepard's forces battling the Collectors, an alien race abducting human colonies to facilitate the Reapers' return. The PC version can be authenticated five times. Please check your spam folder.

In the year , explorers on Mars discovered the remains of an ancient spacefaring civilization. In the decades that followed, these mysterious artifacts revealed startling new technologies, enabling travel to the furthest stars.

Archived from the original on November 12, Retrieved September 24, Weapon and talent proficiency is in turn determined by the player's selection of one of six classes : Soldier , Infiltrator , Vanguard , Adept , Engineer , and Sentinel. Eva rushes to his side and says that she know it was too soon to go anywhere. Unwilling to cross a teacher with a brutal reputation, the students scramble to obey. With the second and third game, it became possible to select these choices during the non-player's character dialog, resulting in an interruption of the action that could have even larger ramifications. Archived from the original on March 7, It is intended as reference material so our Mass Effect character profiles and setting articles do not have to repeatedly explain the same things. The Systems Alliance is an independent supranational government representing the interests of humanity as a whole. Jack then pulls out a device and asks if it is a communicator.

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