melody gardot nude

Melody gardot nude

Graham Reid Feb 5, 5 min read.

On the occasion of the release of her new and acclaimed album "Entre eux deux" and her European tour, Melody Gardot, an essential artist of the international music scene, does us the honour of presenting a photography exhibition. Finally, meet Melody through the eyes of talented photographer Laurence Laborie, in two photographs to be discovered on yellowkorner. Her style and iconic black sunglasses also came from her accident. Gardot was born in in New Jersey to a single mother who worked as a photographer. Her mother had trouble making ends meet and Gardot spent a large part of her youth in Philadelphia, with her Polish immigrant grandmother.

Melody gardot nude

Live in Europe is the first live album by American singer and songwriter Melody Gardot , released on February 9, , by Decca Records. The album was recorded in various venues across Europe between and It contains 17 tracks carefully selected from more than concerts and is released as a double CD or triple LP. She also was the album producer. Gardot explained, "I dreamed to have a live album since many years ago. Something that would be a dedication to the people who welcomed us all over the world. This album holds my heart, and the love of all the people who supported us along the way. It is as much a gift to me, for the memories it holds, as it is my gift to you, the listener. I wanted an image that was pure femininity, which could please a sculptor. I went through a lot of suffering. But managing to stand up nude on stage carrying a guitar is a victory. Matt Collar of AllMusic described Live in Europe as "a gorgeously produced collection showcasing her emotive vocals in an organic, deeply atmospheric concert framework. The inference is obvious: This, her first live album, is Gardot laid bare.

I would like to be emailed about offers, events and updates from The Independent. Sex would sell, even if the music was neither sexy nor even especially good.

This album is like a thank you to the public for all her concerts sung in the main European capitals between and A compilation actually? Of course, and the compilations are positive as they allow the cream to rise to the surface. Then in this case, it is a true goldsmith work to which the artist lent herself: more than concerts were through the fine comb of the singer attentive ear, who sought obviously perfection without never finding it, she says. A kind of introspection where each sentence, each sound, would have been analyzed by the sole yard of emotion, sensitivity. Since we are invited there, we are happy to share her memories and nostalgia with her. Her music lends itself to it.

When one door shuts, another one can sometimes open, revealing a new path or opportunity hitherto unknown or even unsought. And so it was for Melody Gardot. Her life almost ended when she was knocked from her bicycle in a road traffic accident in Philadelphia during , when she was She was lucky to survive but was left in constant pain and had to battle life-changing head and spinal injuries. It was there, while lying in her hospital bed, that a new door of opportunity opened for her; Gardot discovered that singing — and, later, writing songs — offered not only a form of emotional healing and therapy but also a form of cerebral rehabilitation that would help recover her cognitive abilities. For Gardot, then, music is as essential to her being as oxygen — and its importance to her can be felt in every heartfelt note that she sings. Listen to Live In Europe right now. Stylistically, she fuses the naked, febrile emotion of Parisian chanteuse Edith Piaf with the cool coquettish artifice of Peggy Lee and comes up with a unique sound defined by a hushed, torch-song-like delivery complete with a tremulous vibrato. Watch this video on YouTube Click to load video. As its front cover intimates, Live In Europe reveals Gardot in all her glory — in terms of being a singer and songwriter.

Melody gardot nude

At the age of 19, Gardot was hit by an SUV and sustained a head injury. Music played a critical role in her recovery. She became an advocate of music therapy , [1] visiting hospitals and universities to discuss its benefits.

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The Christian Science Monitor. L'ange blues. Please refresh the page or navigate to another page on the site to be automatically logged in Please refresh your browser to be logged in. Finally, meet Melody through the eyes of talented photographer Laurence Laborie, in two photographs to be discovered on yellowkorner. When approached for a career in modelling, it all became very clear: photography was her true vocation. You know the record Tijuana Moods by Mingus? What a difference a decade makes. Post Comment. She focuses on the singing — the inhabiting — of a set of songs comprising Brazilian standards, French love songs and new, co-written compositions. I take no responsibility for your choosing to click the link. Before we get to jazz chanteuse Melody Gardot a previous Elsewhere favourite , starting with her major label debut a cdecade ago , just a digression here about using sex to sell a product. Share Tweet Share Pin. And she is indeed a totally changed woman.

Graham Reid Feb 5, 5 min read.

View offers. Of the women artists Cilla , Dusty, Sandie and even the exotic looking Joan Baez were most often presented like the girl next door, someone your mum would approve of. Folk and country artists like Judy Collins and others usually parlayed a more homely kind of sexuality although Loretta Lynn made a significant departure with her famous Squaw cover. A kind of introspection where each sentence, each sound, would have been analyzed by the sole yard of emotion, sensitivity. The came « The Absence » , in This album holds my heart, and the love of all the people who supported us along the way. Hung Medien. But managing to stand up nude on stage carrying a guitar is a victory. Read our privacy notice. But in the Seventies the game changed considerably. There are some standards here -- notably My One and Only Love and her slippery Latinesque treatment of Over the Rainbow -- and humour: edited in after her Goodbye co-written with Jesse Harris, formerly Norah Jones' writing partner she says she'd like to dedicate it to her ex-boyfriend. Couple of months later Lizzo comes out with a record, naked and huge on the front. Sex would sell, even if the music was neither sexy nor even especially good. GfK Entertainment Charts.

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