michael jackson rare pictures

Michael jackson rare pictures

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Michael jackson rare pictures


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June 25, marks the eight-year anniversary of Michael Jackson's death. The music icon was 50 when he passed away suddenly. In memory of the King of Pop, here's a look back at the decades he spent revolutionizing music. August June June 25, marks the six-year anniversary of Michael Jackson's death. Comeback Plan. The unparalleled performer addressed the crowd during a press conference on March 5,

Michael jackson rare pictures

Michael Jackson often referred to as king of pop is an eternal entertainer in the world of pop. He is a dominant figure in pop music over decades. He is regarded as the greatest recording artist, entertainer and also a businessman. He contributed a whole lot to the pop music and dance and received several awards.

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At that point I shifted the red mask he was wearing and while still hugging him I kissed him right under the ear on the jaw. Log in. Accept Learn more…. Bad Tour : Part II. It was undoubtedly one of the most incredible days in my life, having the chance to meet and talk to one of the most special beings that ever walked on this planet. You should upgrade or use an alternative browser. Exposition In Paris. Pimboli Proud Member. Once at the top floor, we were told to wait in the corridor. Rare Pictures : Part 1.

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Red : Part I. We were told we could walk towards him, now. Pepsi commercial You are using an out of date browser. Outside there were our friends waiting for us, the media who knew we had just met Michael Jackson wanted to interview us but we declined. Thank you, Michael. I could see he was wearing the mask because he had little make up on and was unshaved, so he probably needed to cover the blotches on the skin. You know what I mean. Pimboli Proud Member. At that point I shifted the red mask he was wearing and while still hugging him I kissed him right under the ear on the jaw. MJ's head on another one's body.

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