mike tyson funny pics

Mike tyson funny pics

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Mike Tyson is one of the greatest boxers in the history of the sport. He's also a major force in Hollywood, with several major film and TV projects under his heavyweight championship belt. On Aug. The real-life Mike is furious: He told " Entertainment Tonight " that Hulu sees him as just another Black man "on the auction block ready to be sold for their profit without any regard for my worth or my family. To mark the Aug. Keep reading to relive the highlights from Mike's time in the spotlight — good and bad!

Mike tyson funny pics

All Search Everything. User Name Remember Me? Author Thread. I have followed "Iron Mike's" career from the start. He was absolutely ferocious in the ring. As a boxer, the terms used are "boxer" and "brawler. Watch his fights in the way that he slips punches, bobs, and weaves. Those are not the skills of a brawler. He won most of his fights before even entering the ring. His opponents were usually scared of his uppercuts and hooks before the fights even began.

Those are great pics, Josh. That said, I "think" that Frazier would have been no match for Tyson's power George Foreman destroyed him due to Foreman's sheer powerbut Tyson vs Ali in their prime would have been the match I would have liked to see. Kudos to you and your pal, mike tyson funny pics.


Mike Tyson , the legendary boxer known for his ferocious punches in the ring, has also become a source of endless amusement on the internet thanks to the world of memes. From witty one-liners to clever visual gags, these memes prove that Mike Tyson is not only a knockout boxer but also a knockout source of comedy. So, get ready to laugh until your sides hurt as we explore these 15 Mike Tyson memes that will leave you rolling on the floor with laughter. From the absurd to the ingenious, these memes show that humor knows no bounds, even when it comes to the world of sports and boxing legends. To use social login you have to agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. Privacy Policy. Cancel Accept. Username or Email Address.

Mike tyson funny pics

Mike Tyson Mysteries was one of the most insane, nonsensical series Adult Swim had ever produced. In the now canceled eponymous animated series, the former heavyweight champion of the world solved mysteries with his team. That included a ghost, a pigeon with the mind of a human, and his adopted Chinese daughter.

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He briefly returned for the sequel and then portrayed versions of himself in "Scary Movie V," "Grudge Match" and the "Entourage" movie. We have thousands of helpful DIY articles for you right here! About LinkBacks. It was a lull for heavyweights, which there are many. So while he's made a lot of bad choices near the end of his career, keep in mind who was holding onto the reigns. Editorial Guidelines. Outside of the ring he needed a lot of help. Next ». All times are GMT The poloroid was actually given to me by one of the photogs that was there that day. I had almost forgotten what a great fighter he really was. Garage Garage. Your offensive game goes in the schitter. One take at a time. In early , Mike Tyson starred on the Animal Planet reality show "Taking on Tyson," which chronicled his involvement in competitive pigeon racing.


Sorry for the delay in getting pics out to everyone. Remember Me? By joining our free community you will be able to post topics, communicate privately with other members, upload content and access many other special features. Outside of the ring he needed a lot of help. The show debuted in Las Vegas and had a run on Broadway before the boxer took it on a three-month national tour. Originally Posted by vash. The boxer fessed up to taking drugs that night and checked into rehab a couple months later. Last edited by Rob; at PM.. Sometimes I think he's trying to scare me," she said. Corrections Policy. Ethics Policy. This could be partly because of all the media attention Tyson has garnered recently after his comeback fight against Roy Jones Jr. Mike and Lakiha have two children: daughter Milan and son Morocco. GDPR Compliance. She reportedly died at 98 in

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