millennium falcon wiki

Millennium falcon wiki

The Millennium Falcon is a fictional starship in the Star Wars franchise. Additionally, the Falcon appears in a variety of Star Wars spin-off worksincluding books, comics, and games; James Luceno 's novel Millennium Falcon focuses millennium falcon wiki the titular ship.

Riders are seated in a 6-passenger motion simulator , themed after the Millennium Falcon. In , Disney announced that the new Star Wars-themed land would be called Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge and it would hold two new attractions. Millennium Falcon: Smuggler's Run was not officially announced until Star Wars: Millennium Falcon — Smugglers Run had wait times ranging from 30 to 60 minutes upon opening day. The ride benefited from having four slowly rotating attraction turntables.

Millennium falcon wiki

To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! Content approaching. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. The Envoy was destroyed in a collision with a bulk freighter above Nar Shaddaa , but it was rebuilt and served various owners under different names before Quip Fargil named it after the bat-falcon , and it eventually fell into the hands of Lando Calrissian after a game of sabacc —but Calrissian himself lost the ship in another game of sabacc to the smuggler Han Solo several years later. Solo and his Wookiee copilot, Chewbacca , became the ship's most famous and permanent owners, flying the Falcon during their smuggling careers and their subsequent work with the Alliance to Restore the Republic ; a fateful trip to the planet Alderaan from Tatooine , ferrying Ben Kenobi and Luke Skywalker there, saw Solo and the Falcon embroiled in the Alliance's affairs and participating in the historic Battle of Yavin —during which Solo and Chewbacca flew the Falcon to save Skywalker from Imperial TIE fighters and allowed him to fire the shot that destroyed the Death Star. Despite Solo's insistence that he did not work for the Alliance, his misadventures continued to draw him back to the Rebels and Princess Leia Organa , and the Falcon was present for many pivotal battles of the Galactic Civil War such as the Battle of Hoth and the Battle of Endor —where Lando Calrissian and his copilot Nien Nunb flew alongside Wedge Antilles into the second Death Star's superstructure and fired the shots that spelled the massive battle station's destruction. Solo continued to fly the ship for several decades through a slew of galactic conflicts. While still on the assembly line, an accident with a fuel droid sent the freighter rocketing out of control, and the ship almost destroyed the entire assembly line before several workers were able to regain control of the vessel. During those twelve years, a number of pilots flew the YT with varying degrees of success, with one pilot making a run to Tralus in record time while another was marooned over five hundred kilometers from Selonia with an entire cargo of defrosting plar fish. One pilot was able to beat another vessel named the Fusion Flame in a race around the planet Drall , and every pilot retrofitted and tinkered with the vessel in a series of makeshift repairs and retoolings—one pilot was forced to install a poorly-built pulse generator , and a later navigator nearly destroyed the ship's Fabritech transceiver relay with a hydrospanner when it refused to work. As the Jackpot , the ship was sold to Kal and Dova Brigger , and the siblings used the newly rechristened Hardwired for various and increasingly illicit cargo runs between Corellia and other planets in the Core Worlds.

The concussion missile launchers were modified to incorporate four concussion missiles from a variety of manufacturers, including Arakyd and Dymek.

The Millenium Falcon was an YTf light freigther most famously known ui for its use by the smuggler and Rebel hero Han Solo and his companion Chewbacca. Even though the Falcon looked shabby and was often described as 'a piece of junk', it actually was heavily modified and one of the best freighters of its kind. It most notably made the Kessel run in less than twelve parasecs. Constructed out of two convex saucers, two mandibles facing forward and a sidemounted cockpit, the Millenium Falcon was easily recognisable. In contrast to other ships of the same model, the Millenium falcon had heavily altered systems, as many components had been either up- or downgraded by its successive owners over a span of approximately 90 years. The Falcon was equipped with an arsenal of weapons normally suited for larger vessels, including two CEG AG-2G Quad laser cannons, with one mounted at the top and one at the bottom of the ship's centre.

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Millennium falcon wiki

Millennium Falcon is a featured article , which means it has been identified as one of the best articles produced by the Disney Wiki community. If you see a way this page can be updated or improved without compromising previous work, please feel free to contribute. The highly modified YT light freighter first appeared in the original Star Wars trilogy and made a cameo appearance in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. The Falcon also appears in a variety of Star Wars Expanded Universe materials, including novels, comics, and video games. In particular, James Luceno's novel Millennium Falcon focuses on the titular ship. Luke doubted that the ship would be able to lift off from Docking Bay 94, much less make it halfway across the galaxy.

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Even though the Falcon looked shabby and was often described as 'a piece of junk', it actually was heavily modified and one of the best freighters of its kind. Join the community. The Falcon ' s main source of power was a Quadex power core. A Christmas Fantasy Parade Believe In spring , Marcon Fabrications, a heavy engineering firm that served the UK's petrochemical and oil industries, [10] was hired to build a movable full-scale external model capable of "moving as if it were about to take off. However, with Jacen remotely bolstering her abilities with his own, Leia was able to hold the ship together for a safe, but rough landing. Lando Calrissian acquired the Falcon in a game of sabacc on Bespin around 5 BBY, from a gambler who couldn't cover his debt. His suit became damaged during the attempt, but he got the door open. Kal survived and renamed the ship Wayward Son , changing the ship's registry to Fondor , before joining Iaco Stark 's Commercial Combine , but he was devoured by the predatory insects known as challat eaters on Troiken in 44 BBY. Like many science fiction spacecraft, the Falcon ' s interior sets cannot actually physically fit within the exterior sets. After learning that the Wookiee uprising was underway and that the Empire was orbitally bombarding Kashyyyk, Organa convinced the Alderaanian pilot Evaan Verlaine to fly her on the Millennium Falcon into the Kashyyyk system to aid her husband and Chewie. The model was reused for Return of the Jedi Solo and his Wookiee copilot, Chewbacca , became the ship's most famous and permanent owners, flying the Falcon during their smuggling careers and their subsequent work with the Alliance to Restore the Republic ; a fateful trip to the planet Alderaan from Tatooine , ferrying Ben Kenobi and Luke Skywalker there, saw Solo and the Falcon embroiled in the Alliance's affairs and participating in the historic Battle of Yavin —during which Solo and Chewbacca flew the Falcon to save Skywalker from Imperial TIE fighters and allowed him to fire the shot that destroyed the Death Star.

Han Solo's ship is one of the most recognizable in the Star Wars universe. Known as the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy, a bucket of bolts, and the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs, the Millennium Falcon has a reputation. Han and Chewbacca have made many "special modifications" to the Corellian YT light freighter over the years to maximize its speed and agility.

When challenged by Kenobi about his ship's speed, Solo bragged that the Falcon was capable of attaining 0. A Sienar Systems augmentor was also installed and the missing escape pods were replaced. The secret to her speed was master starship tech "Doc" Vandangante's modifications that "streamlined" the ship in hyperspace by controlling the warp of the space-time continuum around her. Robbed of Jabba's credits, the idea of joining the Rebellion became the best option available to its young Captain, thus the ship became the fastest in the motley assortment that constituted the Alliance's fleet. Joss Whedon credits the Millennium Falcon as one of his two primary inspirations for his Firefly television show. If the file has been modified from its original state, some details may not fully reflect the modified file. Lucas confirmed that it was the Millennium Falcon itself and not just some other YT freighter. Han Solo won the Millennium Falcon from Lando Calrissian in the card game ' sabacc ' several years before the events of the original Star Wars film. The ship was later liberated by Lando, though Han, Kyp Durron and Chewie nearly destroyed the ship with the Sun Crusher before finding out that Lando had taken over the ship. Archived from the original on October 11, The helmet and blast shield would remain in the freighter's hold for decades under a succession of owners until Obi-Wan Kenobi found a use for it in training Luke Skywalker in the ways of the Force in 0 BBY. Wonderful World of Animation. They were attacked by coralskippers and were able to fend most of them off, before Jagged Fel and his squadron arrived to help them. It was not quite finished when, in a second game, Han won the ship back. Star Wars Legends novels —

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