Minato and kushina

In a heartfelt celebration of the Naruto anime's 20th Anniversary, the mastermind behind the ninja-filled universe, minato and kushina, Masashi Kishimoto, treated fans to an extraordinary one-shot manga. This special new story delves into the lives of two beloved characters, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki, before they became parents to the iconic hero, Naruto. Titled "Naruto: The Whorl Within the Spiral," this one-shot captures minato and kushina pivotal moment in Minato's past when he created the renowned Rasengan jutsu. To protect none other than the fiery-haired beauty, Kushina, whose spirited personality had endeared her to fans all over the world.

In the beginning, Kushina was ordered to leave her village and live in Konohagakure. Having no knowledge of this, she was approached by Mito , who confirmed that it was due to her special chakra. Before the transfer was performed, Mito told Kushina that love was the only way to tame the Nine-Tails and overcome its hate. Revealed by the flashbacks of Kushina's memories, Minato was somewhat shy when Kushina was first introduced and because of this, he dreamed of being acknowledged by the Konoha villagers by becoming the Hokage. Kushina considered this to be an impossible dream for someone like him, since her thoughts of him consisted of girly, weird and strange. At some point in time, Kushina was kidnapped by Kumogakure shinobi, who wanted to make use of her special chakra in order to gain control of the Nine-Tails. As they escorted her to Kumo, she secretly plucked and left behind strands of her red hair to mark her trail in the hopes that someone would find her.

Minato and kushina


In the beginning, Kushina was ordered to leave her village and live in Konohagakure. As Minato performed the sealing, and already at the point of death, Kushina told Naruto how much she loved him and gave him her best advice for the future; her final act in this world was to fill her son with as much of her love as possible, minato and kushina. Minato and kushina Premium.


Minato entered Konoha's Academy with the dream of earning the villagers' respect and recognition by becoming Hokage. Minato was immediately drawn to her bright red hair, finding it beautiful. Minato was a natural prodigy as a ninja, the likes of which appears only once in a generation. The Sannin took a special interest in Minato and took him on as his apprentice, teaching him many of his own signature abilities. Years later, after they graduated and became ninja, Kushina was kidnapped by Kumogakure forces. Konoha mobilised its ninja to retrieve her, but only Minato noticed the strands of red hair Kushina left behind to mark their path. Minato, acting alone, rescued her from her captors.

Minato and kushina

After joining Team Kakashi , Naruto worked hard to gain the village's acknowledgement all the while chasing his dream to become Hokage. He was named after Naruto Musasabi , the protagonist of Jiraiya 's first book , which made the Sannin his godfather. A masked man, Tobi , tracked down their location, however, killed the midwives and Anbu, and captured Naruto, forcing Minato to quickly rescue him and teleport him to a safe house. Returning to Naruto and Kushina's location, Minato realised the only way to stop the Nine-Tails was to seal it within Naruto, believing that his son would someday need the fox's power to defeat Tobi when he returned. After telling Naruto how much they loved him, Minato and Kushina succumbed to their wounds from protecting their son from the Nine-Tails and passed away. Orphaned, and not having anyone else to provide for him, Naruto received monthly income from the village in order to afford daily necessities. Naruto grew up not knowing who his parents were, receiving only his mother's surname, as Hiruzen wanted to protect Naruto from his father's enemies. Soon, the Third Hokage forbade anyone from mentioning the Nine-Tails, hoping that the younger generation would not blindly hate Naruto as their parents did. This social isolation caused Naruto to crave acknowledgement, which he would gain by pulling pranks. Despite not knowing her, Naruto immediately came to her defence, but he was outnumbered and knocked unconscious, and the bullies damaged his red scarf.

Meaning of life 42

View history Talk 0. She laments to Minato about her worries, but Minato states that he will protect his child no matter what because he is his father. Your Subscription Plan. In Minato's flashbacks, Kushina is seen saying her goodbyes to Minato as he leaves for a mission. Saved Articles. Sign in. To protect none other than the fiery-haired beauty, Kushina, whose spirited personality had endeared her to fans all over the world. Sometime later, Kushina became pregnant and both were overjoyed of becoming parents and they decided to name their unborn son Naruto after the main character in Jiraiya's latest book, making him Naruto's godfather, because they hoped their son would grow up to be a strong ninja like his namesake.. Studio Pierrot. Minato wants to talk to Naruto but Naruto tells to him that men do not need to waste time talking and says that he already met his mother's chakra and knows what they want to tells him. Because the seal keeping the Nine-Tails within Kushina's body would weaken during childbirth, special arrangements were made. Minato then sealed the rest of their remaining chakra into Naruto, ending their lives.

In the beginning, Kushina was ordered to leave her village and live in Konohagakure.

Kishimoto's poignant writing and evocative artwork remind us why these characters remain etched in our hearts after two decades. The Couple. Join Hindustan Times Create free account and unlock exciting features like Newsletters, Alerts and Recommendations Get personalised news and exciting deals Bookmark the stories you want to read later. Minato then sealed the rest of their remaining chakra into Naruto, ending their lives. After rescuing her, Minato explained that he had always admired her hair. The chapter unfurls as Kushina finds Minato diligently training to perfect the newly minted jutsu. Explore Wikis Community Central. The vitality inherent to the Uzumaki Clan allowed her to survive the extraction, though greatly weakened by experience, the masked ninja tried to have the Nine-Tails finish Kushina off. He explains that he crafted this powerful technique with the sole purpose of complementing her own chakra, ensuring her safety on the battlefield. Despite knowing the trauma would kill her in her current state, Kushina volunteered to have the Nine-Tails sealed back into her body so that it would die with her. So, as we cherish the memories of Naruto's journey, let us celebrate the origins of love between Minato and Kushina—a bond that laid the foundation for a hero's destiny! Elections As they escorted her to Kumo, she secretly plucked and left behind strands of her red hair to mark her trail in the hopes that someone would find her. This special new story delves into the lives of two beloved characters, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki, before they became parents to the iconic hero, Naruto. Happy with his son's prospects for the future, Minato returned to the afterlife by the sage of the six paths with Minato silently promising to tell Kushina everything about their son.

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