miracle rogue

Miracle rogue

Choose an opponent class to see suggested mulligans, miracle rogue. Versus Aggro:. Miracle rogue Rogue is an archetype that has gone through many changes throughout the years and has consistently survived through format rotation. Currently, in standard, this archetype has focused on payoff cards from Murder at Castle Nathria.

Miracle Rogue is a Rogue combo deck , aiming to control the board in the early game with spells and the rogue Hero Power Dagger Mastery , and in the mid-game take advantage of the cheap cards like Backstab and Preparation to power up cards like Questing Adventurer or draw cards from Gadgetzan Auctioneer to find sufficient damage to destroy the opponent. Miracle Rogue takes advantage of Rogue's ability to chain many low cost cards in quick succession with cards like Preparation , Shadowstep, and Backstab. Miracle Rogue has historically revolved around drawing cards from Gadgetzan Auctioneer in order to gain significant card advantage , and draw into win conditions such as Leeroy Jenkins. With Leeroy Jenkins rotated to Wild and newer card draw options like Swindle and Secret Passage , the Gadgetzan Auctioneer is not currently played in Standard iterations of the deck. The Coin is especially useful in this deck, as it gives Rogue mana , activates Combos and can draw a card for free with Gadgetzan Auctioneer. In order to increase the odds of drawing Gadgetzan Auctioneer or damage, as well as providing benefits such as Spell Damage , alternative card draw options such as Shiv and Bloodmage Thalnos are commonly used. Miracle Rogue is also capable of buffing cards such as Edwin VanCleef and Questing Adventurer to massive stats as early as turn 1, but typically on turn 3, in order to race aggro decks or defeat control decks before they have a chance to draw removal.

Miracle rogue


It was later hit by the increase in mana cost to Leeroy Jenkins and Gadgetzan Auctioneer the former change being made to prevent the then-popular damage OTK combo involving Leeroy, Miracle rogue Blood and Shadowstep causing the deck to die off again, miracle rogue. The Core Set rotation brought back Fan of Knives at 2 mana, which slots into this archetype nicely.


Forgot your password? This guide contains detailed strategy, mulligan, and deck-building information to help you improve your Miracle Rogue play for Murder at Castle Nathria expansion meta. Miracle Rogue is one of the oldest and most established decks in all of Hearthstone. The deck's strength comes from its ability to rapidly draw and play large numbers of cards in a single turn. This provides the deck with huge consistency in gaining tempo advantages over opponents to quickly dismantle their boards and overwhelm them before they can come up with a strong response turn. This deck lies solely on the generation of Coins from Loan Shark , which can be greatly improved through the use of Snowfall Graveyard , Sketchy Information , and Forsaken Lieutenant. With a large number of coins available, they can be freely played around Turn , drawing extra cards with Gadgetzan Auctioneer and Shroud of Concealment. After playing as many cards as possible, turns can be finished up with Sinstone Graveyard and Necrolord Draka to create truly massive minions and weapons that can instantly end the game.

Miracle rogue

Miracle Rogue is a Hearthstone deck archetype that will be very familiar to those of you have have played the game since its very earliest days. The way this deck works is pretty simple on paper: control the early game by using minions and spells to efficiently clear the board, and get some ridiculous card draw combos off to give yourself more resources. From here, it's all about outvaluing your enemy. Since Leeroy Jenkins ' departure from the Standard format this deck has struggled somewhat with burst damage, so it's more of a board-control, mid-range type of Miracle Rogue this time around. No more Edwin VanCleef either, so don't expect those massive ol' unkillable monsters. Just value - and it can work out great if you play it properly!

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Astalor Bloodsworn. In beta Miracle Rogue was deemed too powerful and was the target of several nerfs , such as Edwin VanCleef losing Stealth , decreased Attack gain on Mana Addict and the mana costs of Shiv , Conceal and Headcrack increasing by one, causing the deck to not see play for months. Queen Azshara. During the "Classic cards nerf" of spring , Miracle Rogue saw another drawback with the loss of Blade Flurry 's ability to also damage the enemy hero, and soon after with the loss of core cards like Tinker's Sharpsword Oil due to the introduction of Standard format. Wild cards that fit well into this deck type:. Later expansions over the Year of the Kraken gave Miracle Rogue decks new additions like Counterfeit Coin and Arcane Giant and continued to remain as one of the most played Rogue decks. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Random page Community portal Recent changes Admin noticeboard Discord. Categories : Deck. Game modes. Ghostly Strike.

Miracle Rogue is a Rogue combo deck , aiming to control the board in the early game with spells and the rogue Hero Power Dagger Mastery , and in the mid-game take advantage of the cheap cards like Backstab and Preparation to power up cards like Questing Adventurer or draw cards from Gadgetzan Auctioneer to find sufficient damage to destroy the opponent. Miracle Rogue takes advantage of Rogue's ability to chain many low cost cards in quick succession with cards like Preparation , Shadowstep, and Backstab.

The Miracle Rogue will then play Gadgetzan Auctioneer and begin casting cheap spells such as Preparation , Sap and Deadly Poison in order to draw into game-winning damage while simultaneously dealing with the opponent's minions. Death Knight. Festival of Legends did not give much support to this archetype, though Breakdance is a card that makes its way into some lists. Achievements Cards Card changes Battlegrounds minions Battlegrounds heroes Mercenaries abilities Mercenaries equipments Mercenaries tasks Mercenaries bounties. With the Gadgetzan Auctioneer on the board, Miracle Rogue can chain together many spells such as Cold Blood to begin killing the opponent and generate a high-stat Edwin VanCleef, or drawing towards Arcane Giant to generate a huge board presence potentially for free. This means that Miracle Rogue should strive to end the game in early-mid game. Miracle Rogue is one of, if not the oldest surviving deck in Hearthstone , dating back to the beta and earlier. Door of Shadows. It was later hit by the increase in mana cost to Leeroy Jenkins and Gadgetzan Auctioneer the former change being made to prevent the then-popular damage OTK combo involving Leeroy, Cold Blood and Shadowstep causing the deck to die off again. Versus Aggro: -1 Photographer Fizzle.

2 thoughts on “Miracle rogue

  1. I am final, I am sorry, but this answer does not suit me. Perhaps there are still variants?

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