mon platin center

Mon platin center

E Technical Center Academy : Mitrop. GennadiouPhone 07 68 47 Warehouse: Ammochostou 35, Phone 90 63 90 Email: [email protected] Site: www.

Our hair says a lot about us. This is a task requiring highly tuned intuition and a special sensitivity to people, good listening ability and an understanding of the customer and his wishes, coupled with fine technical skill, confidence, professional expertise and experience. This catalog was designed for hundreds of thousands of customers in the 56 countries around the world where MON PLATIN products are distributed to the satisfaction of stylists and customers alike. We issue it with our love and good wishes for beautiful, healthy hair. The Science Behind the Mon Platin Products More and more consumers these days would like to get more information about the product they use and its properties. These are incredibly important to them due to the increasing safety awareness.

Mon platin center


We believe thattransparency is a notable key in the digital era we live in. Our consumers purchase our products for themselves and for their families.


People have always taken great care of their hair — its appearance, color, shape, length, volume, texture, softness, style and especially its health. Our hair says a lot about us. This is a task requiring highly tuned intuition and a special sensitivity to people, good listening ability and an understanding of the customer and his wishes, coupled with fine technical skill, confidence, professional expertise and experience. This catalog was designed for hundreds of thousands of customers in the 56 countries around the world where MON PLATIN products are distributed to the satisfaction of stylists and customers alike. We issue it with our love and good wishes for beautiful, healthy hair. More and more consumers these days would like to get more information about the product they use and its properties. These are incredibly important to them due to the increasing safety awareness. These details are crucial for making an optimal choice. We have successfully implemented this during the building of the current data base.

Mon platin center

Mon Platin Professional. Jojoba cosmetics shop. Hair Care. Men Care. Gold Edition Skin Care. Underdog for Men.

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This catalog was designed for hundreds of thousands of customers in the 56 countries around the world where MON PLATIN products are distributed to the satisfaction of stylists and customers alike. Become A Distributor. Our hair says a lot about us. Hy Loren Dream Hair Spray for colored dry hair. This is a task requiring highly tuned intuition and a special sensitivity to people, good listening ability and an understanding of the customer and his wishes, coupled with fine technical skill, confidence, professional expertise and experience. Premium anti break super mask set. We invest extensive resources in providing them with our full personal attention and professional support as we realize that their success is our success. We emphasis the need for constant collaboration between distributors, as this provides each of them with support by sharing of tips, advice, recommendations, finding solutions for various issues raised in daily work, new marketing ideas, sharing of marketing collateral, and more. E Technical Center Academy : Mitrop. Gennadiou , Phone 07 68 47 Warehouse: Ammochostou 35, Phone 90 63 90 Email: [email protected] Site: www. Thus, an educated and calculated choice of products will influence the enhancement of health, and more importantly, will make our consumers look and feel better.

Sivan-Group - Branding. Welcome to the world of Mon Platin where beautiful skin and hair is a way of life.

Premium anti break super mask set. Read more the public, our customers and our distributors, with factual knowledge, based on scientific publications and researches regarding the ingredients commonly used for creating and manufacturing of cosmetics and personal care products in Mon Platin. Our company provides professional training sessions on various topics including products, marketing, differentiation and promotion. As the creators of cosmetics and personal care products both for professional and personal home use, we in Mon Platin are committed to providing you with the details you need to make informed choices about Mon Platin products. This is a task requiring highly tuned intuition and a special sensitivity to people, good listening ability and an understanding of the customer and his wishes, coupled with fine technical skill, confidence, professional expertise and experience. Become A Distributor. The Science Behind the Mon Platin Products More and more consumers these days would like to get more information about the product they use and its properties. Our experts have collected and analyzed scientific information for the sake of creating your source for data concerning cosmetics and personal care products- all about how they work, their safety values, and the science behind their most popular components. We invest extensive resources in providing them with our full personal attention and professional support as we realize that their success is our success. We emphasis the need for constant collaboration between distributors, as this provides each of them with support by sharing of tips, advice, recommendations, finding solutions for various issues raised in daily work, new marketing ideas, sharing of marketing collateral, and more. Soft and Smooth hair straightening cream for colored and dry hair. We have successfully implemented this during the building of the current data base. Thus, an educated and calculated choice of products will influence the enhancement of health, and more importantly, will make our consumers look and feel better. Clean Cut cream for style icons.

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