Monaco wiki

Mediterranean country. English Wikipedia. Aerial view of Monaco

Monaco is a city-state , meaning that the entire country is just one city. The currency is the Euro , even though Monaco is not part of the European Union. Monaco is considered a tax haven and is often regarded as one of the wealthiest countries in the world because many rich people live there. Monaco began as a city named Monoikos and was under the control of the Holy Roman Empire , which later gave it to the Republic of Genoa. In , Francesco Grimaldi and his army captured the fortress on the Rock of Monaco , but they were evicted by the Geonoese army. However, the Grimaldi family continued to fight for Monaco over the next century.

Monaco wiki

It is bordered by France to the north, east and west. With an area of 2. Monaco has a land border of 5. The principality is about 15 km 9. Through ongoing land reclamation , started in and accelerating in the s, Monaco's small land mass has expanded by 20 per cent. The principality is governed under a form of constitutional monarchy , with Prince Albert II as head of state , who wields immense political power despite his constitutional status. Key members of the judiciary in Monaco are detached French magistrates. Despite Monaco's independence and separate foreign policy, its defence is the responsibility of France, besides maintenance of two small military units. Monaco's economic development was spurred in the late 19th century with the opening of the state's first casino, the Monte Carlo Casino , and a railway connection to Paris. In more recent years, Monaco has become a major banking centre and has sought to diversify its economy into the services sector and small, high-value-added , non-polluting industries. Monaco is famous as a tax haven , as the principality has no personal income tax except for French citizens and low business taxes. Monaco is considered a global hub of money laundering, and in February was placed under review by the intergovernmental Financial Action Task Force watchdog, with the threat of being placed on its 'grey list', for its failures in financial supervision and reform to inhibit global criminality and terrorism financing. Monaco is not formally a part of the European Union EU , but it participates in certain EU policies , including customs and border controls. Through its relationship with France, Monaco uses the euro as its sole currency; before, it used the Monegasque franc , which was pegged, and exchangeable with, the French franc until 1 January

The latest division dates from and created two reserved sectors and seven wards.

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In late , the Italian army invaded the principality for strategic purposes, in part because the Allies were gaining ground in North Africa. Just under a year later, German forces occupied Monaco after Italy switched sides and joined the Allies. Despite Hitler 's interest in Monaco's neutrality, which greatly benefited Nazi economic strategies, 90 Jews were deported, with most dying in concentration camps. In the s, Monaco was already known for its lavishness, with the Monte Carlo Casino and automobile racing attracting visitors from around the world. Monaco was a neutral state during World War II , but its function and position were fiercely disputed by Germany and Italy , which had conflicting opinions and ideas about its future. Germany coveted Monaco's neutrality because its flexible regulations and tax system allowed Nazis to trade with the rest of the world through figurehead enterprises it established in the principality. With access to a neutral country, Germany could obtain foreign currency, which was a necessary component for carrying out ambitious military projects and war-related activities. Eight hundred inhabitants were mobilized when the war started in , along with three hundred French soldiers. This served as a warning to Monegasque leaders, who closed the casino and arrested Mussolini supporters. In , tensions between Fascist Italians and the French population in Monaco rose, with the principality becoming a hotspot for these tensions due to its geography and demographics.

Monaco wiki

The Rock of Monaco was a shelter for primitive populations. Traces of their occupation were discovered in a cave in the Saint-Martin Gardens. The first sedentary inhabitants of the region, the Ligures, are described as a mountain people, accustomed to hard work and an exemplary frugality. The coast and the port of Monaco were probably the sea access for the interior Ligurian population, the Oratelli of Peille. The origin of the name "Monaco" has been subject to several hypotheses. For others, the origin comes from the Greek. This version seems to bear out, as the modern name for Monaco's main port is the Port of Hercules.

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Wikimedia Commons. France and Italy have embassies within Monaco, while most other nations represented via operations in Paris. Judaism 1. Retrieved 7 December For town planning purposes, a sovereign ordinance in divided the principality into reserved sectors, "whose current character must be preserved", and wards. Main article: Foreign relations of Monaco. Archived from the original on 7 December Archived from the original on 30 December Andretti Formula E. Nyck De Vries.

The early history of Monaco is primarily concerned with the protective and strategic value of the Rock of Monaco , the area's chief geological landmark, which served first as a shelter for ancient peoples and later as a fortress.

Archived from the original on 8 December A The latest division dates from and created two reserved sectors and seven wards. Main article: Rugby union in Monaco. Citi Private Bank. Archived from the original on 19 August Civilization V. Gambling Herald. Archived from the original on 21 July Wikimedia outline. Twenty-two territories, including Monaco, were thus evaluated between and on a first round. In other projects.

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