monona county auditor

Monona county auditor

This would include residential, multi-residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural classes of property. Real property is revalued every two years.

Auditor Directory. We've compiled a list of Iowa's 99 County Auditors. Browse the list by county, or quickly search by county or auditor name. Mandy Berg. Rebecca Bissell.

Monona county auditor

We know that we couldn't not do this without you and your service to Monona County is appreciated! The first tier canvass of this election was held Tuesday, November 14, , during the Board of Supervisors' regular meeting. At that time election results for Monona County were certified. To see how each individual precinct in Monona County voted, click on the square "Election Results" button on the lower right side of this page. The Auditor accepts petitions, registers complaints, and acts on routine business in the absence of the Board. The Auditor often prepares Board meeting agendas, notifies the media, attends all Board meetings, keeps and records Board meeting minutes, and publishes the proceedings in the official County newspapers. The Auditor initiates bid notices, solicits proposals for County contracts for materials and services, and receives contract proposals. Official papers dealing with Board of Supervisors' business are referenced and maintained by the Auditor. County Ordinances are also prepared, published, recorded and maintained by the County Auditor. Commissioner of Elections. As Commissioner of Elections, the Auditor is responsible for all regular and special elections in the county - federal, state, county, city and school. This is an important trust placed in the Auditor's care. Assurance that the voting process is conducted according to law is very important.

Doreen Pliner.


This would include residential, multi-residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural classes of property. Real property is revalued every two years. The effective date of the assessment is January 1st of the current year. The assessor determines a full or partial value of new construction, or improvements depending upon the state of completion as of January 1st. The Assessor is concerned with value, not taxes.

Monona county auditor

Monona County, Iowa, Auditor Brooke Kuhlmann resigned this week after a methamphetamine-related arrest last summer. A judge's order on Dec. Jensen had filed a petition asking a judge to remove Kuhlmann from office, citing the arrest and alleging other misdeeds on Kuhlmann's part. The judge's order scheduled a hearing for Dec.

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Box 61 Toledo, IA Eric Van Lancker. The Auditor accepts petitions, registers complaints, and acts on routine business in the absence of the Board. Melissa Wellhausen. Rochelle Van Tilburg. Box 18 Orange City, IA Judy Henry. Tentative and final equalization orders are issued by the Director of Revenue in odd numbered years on or about August 15th, and October 1st respectively. January 1 - Effective date of current assessment. Box Clarion, IA

The Board of Supervisors has both legistlative and administrative powers and is the policy-making body of Monona County government.

The Auditor tabulates the taxable valuation for each property owner in the county. Des Moines. Charlys Folk. The Auditor also keeps and maintains permanent financial records for the County. Jake Grandia. This office works closely with area realtors, attorneys, property owners and other individuals who deal with real estate transaction. Meet Our Auditors. Box Newton, IA Assurance that the voting process is conducted according to law is very important. January 1 - Effective date of current assessment. Kevin Dragotto.

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