mumsnet aibu forum

Mumsnet aibu forum

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Mumsnet aibu forum

I thought it was going to be a comedy? There were a couple of amusing moments but it was a lot darker than I expected. I'm guessing the title and references in the first episode were linked to mumsnet and similar forums. Anyone else watched it? I loved it. There's already a couple of threads about the series, one a. Yes I thought it was weird genius. I think because daisy may copper is a comedian and played it for laughs at first we were hoodwinked but it was clever and confusing and unexpected. It probably didn't help that I'd previously watched Ghosts which is a lot lighter and fun. AIBU just left an ick feeling but maybe that was the point? I watched it last night and thought it was really good! Had me wondering if she's on Mumsnet and it was series of Aibu threads? School mums Cheating husbands Domestic abuse Stalker friends Quiche The only thing she didn't put in there was how to make a chicken last 5 days.

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Join our Primary Education forum to discuss starting school and helping your child get the most out of it. DS has a 'friend' in his class who is very over powering, and has recently been controlling DS not letting him play with anyone else and asking him to do things etc and saying he wants him to play with him no one else. I've approached the teacher and said that DS is feeling overwhelmed by this boys constant obsession to play with him and want him to sit next to him all the time etc and he said he will monitor the situation and try and separate them during different daily activities. Last week I found out that DS was asked if he wanted to go and spend 'free time' with this boy who has an hour a day to play with what he wants in a separate room because of his attention difficulties and behavioural problems! I'm annoyed that they put my DS in that situation just to keep the boy happy in my eyes and make life easier so he doesn't kick off and he has his 'friend' with him so he's happy. I do not want my DS singled out and isolated from the rest of the class while the boy has his free time especially when we are trying to distance them and encourage other friendships!

Ok, here are the main points, Unmarried to partner, 20 years. I've always earned well but in a career that's been hard and incredibly stressful. It's been a slog and come at a cost to my health. He's a fairly low earner, more a lifestyle business than anything. I've paid all childcare and school fees, all holiday clubs, music lessons etc. All hobbies etc. We've rented for 10 years whilst property prices have almost escaped us. I've always saved hard, at great personal expense in that I've gone without in order to do that.

Mumsnet aibu forum

They missed home so had unlocked the scout hut door where they were having a sleepover and was found by a group of girls wondering the streets of a local estate at 11pm. Hope your child is happier now they are home, and very glad nothing too awful happened! Did the adults have an explanation as to how this could have happened? But the bolt was child height so easily opened. Oh dear I thought you might say 10 and they should have known better than to leave by themselves. Six is very young. I allowed my DC to go for overnight Beaver trips at that age although I was really worried about them. I never worried that they'd be unsupervised or able to wander off though. I don't know.

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Ignore your brother and just get on with living your life. I know mum has had enough really- she finds his behaviour very upsetting, and has actually told me she only has as much contact as she does to keep DF happy. My friend of about 7 years decided at Christmas she would launch a scathing attack on me, via fb pm. I've checked". Follow topic. Unanswered threads Acronyms Talk guidelines Hide shortcut buttons. I'm sure the vagina clamping shut at "sweet dreams baby girl" was a real thread! My feed I'm on I'm watching I started. Maybe it makes better financial sense to keep AIBU busy. Customise Getting started FAQ's. DBs excuse is he can't drive but apparently can't get public transport either. I loved it! It's polluting all the threads because succinct, blunt replies end up out of place in other threads upsetting folk and AIBU is stuffed with any old guff yet if you mention it you get neeenawed at for policing the thread. My DF is very keen for us to be close, as he would like it to be this way. DS has a 'friend' in his class who is very over powering, and has recently been controlling DS not letting him play with anyone else and asking him to do things etc and saying he wants him to play with him no one else.


Advanced search Saved Active Unanswered threads. Log in to update your newsletter preferences. But if the kids aren't there she can do what she wants. I'm on the three other "special interest" topics and they have a very different feel from AIBU. OP posts: See next See all. Add post Watch this thread Save thread. For desktop support. Unanswered threads Acronyms Talk guidelines Hide shortcut buttons. He put the ramp out, but it lay short of the road, and below the level of the pavement. Subscribe Subscribe. Follow topic.

2 thoughts on “Mumsnet aibu forum

  1. It is a pity, that now I can not express - I am late for a meeting. But I will be released - I will necessarily write that I think.

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