mumsnet sex forum

Mumsnet sex forum

How times have changed. Mumsnet sex forum was not an isolated post. In the past year or so, the website — once known primarily as a place where mums could discuss feeding routines, ask politicians about their favourite biscuits and argue about who is hotter, Ant or Dec — has become notorious for transphobic and anti-trans posts, mumsnet sex forum. In June, Mumsnet brought in tougher moderation rules after activists threatened to boycott companies who placed adverts on the site.

A feminism forum for sex and gender discussions, feminist chat, theory and intersectional feminism. Today Yesterday Please create an account or log in to access all these features. Start a new thread. My feed I'm on I'm watching I started. Advanced search Saved Active Unanswered threads.

Mumsnet sex forum

Mobile version of the Forum Click here. Menu Menopause Am I at the Menopause.? Menopause Matters Forum. Please login or register. News: Mobile version of the Forum Click here. Home Help Search Login Register. Honeyb X. Joyce Guest. Needed a good laugh! Claireylou Member Posts: Both hubby and myself laughing so hard we're both aching. Wonderful, Thank you xxx.

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We have a great family with 8 grandchildren. Our granddaughters are like friends and I love to go out shopping with them and they can talk to me about anything. I go to the gym, I do voluntary work and I have lots of lovely friends who would probably say I look pretty good for my age. My husband plays golf, keeps pretty fit and we have wonderful holidays together. However, I am not a bit interested in sex anymore.

Mumsnet has not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. Many Mumsnetters experiencing domestic abuse have found this thread helpful: Listen up, everybody. So here goes… realise that I may be opening myself to a mumsnet blasting but…. I have two beautiful children one with additional needs. One child sees dad, one child doesn't.. I do have some spare time during the school day but not every day. I would love a relationship at some point… but my god what I really want at the moment is someone who actually wants me or would do a good impression of it to kiss me and jump my bones!

Mumsnet sex forum

You need to have been registered for 7 days to post in the Sex forum. Ladies wondering when you first start seeing somebody what's the longest you've gone not having sex? What's too long haha X. My first bf.. Never been longer than a few days. I've always felt that if I found someone attractive enough to want sex with him, I should just go for it. In a long-term relationship now but I've never regretted the enjoyment and variety of my dating days :- I was always careful though and insisted on a condom being worn. New man, been 6 months, due to bloody covid and living in different cities we are yet to do the deed. Under normal circumstances I would not have waited. Husband and I slept together about three days before our "official" first date haha.

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We are all different and there is no normal in the bedroom. Think of England, Sam. Tory donor's alleged Diane Abbott remarks were racist, says Kemi Badenoch Women athletes launch landmark case against transgender inclusion Only because ensuring a site is female, as it were, must be nigh on impossible, and some comments may be from men, goading women into over-sharing, in a modern day Readers' Wives scenario. I go to the gym, I do voluntary work and I have lots of lovely friends who would probably say I look pretty good for my age. However, there are other ways and means. Join the conversation Registering is free, easy, and means you can join the discussion, watch threads and lots more. Women's rights general conversations - Thread 7 However, I am not a bit interested in sex anymore. We had a wonderful sex life until about 12 years ago but sometimes in the press it appears that we should all be doing it forever. These have helped me a lot no soreness or discomfort. Adverts on this website are not endorsed by Menopause Matters. It would be quite surreal if they decided to never mention this key fact again, as if their children were the result of Immaculate Conception, or a stork arriving with a cute little bundle hanging from its beak. Smith to Bosch, these are our picks for what you should be watching on the streamer.


Wonderful, Thank you xxx. Help me complain to the school View mobile site. These have helped me a lot no soreness or discomfort. Think of England, Sam. Love does not equate with sex that's only part of a bigger picture. Lily echoes this sentiment. Stephanie Hayden How times have changed. This is why sexuality should never be muzzled on Mumsnet. Active Watching Add thread I'm on Search. However it's just not happening. The potential of no longer paying National Insurance. Stay in touch with Gransnet Get our top conversations, latest advice, fantastic competitions, and more, straight to your inbox. Swansea University library removes Helen Joyce book from display 2.

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