murder of junko furuta pictures

Murder of junko furuta pictures

This case takes place in Tokyo, Japan. Junko had just celebrated her 17th birthday only 3 days before she was kidnapped. She was only murdered because she murder of junko furuta pictures to date a young man by the name of Hiroshi Miyano; he was a known bully with ties to the Yakuza the Japanese mafia and Junko had not wanted any part of that.

Junko Furuta was a 16 year old Japanese girl who underwent 44 days of rape and torture before dying in the hands of her captors on November 22, There are only a few crime scene pictures of the murder, but whatever there is, is shared in the gallery below. She was a good looking, active teenager who enjoyed a lot of attention and that made some people jealous. She did not smoke, did not drink alcohol and did not do drugs which was seen as very uncool in the eyes of more gangster like teens. One of them — Hiroshi Miyano had a crush on her but not looking for a relationship, Junko Furuta turned him down.

Murder of junko furuta pictures


There are only a few crime scene pictures of the murder, but whatever there is, is shared in the gallery below. I hope the other inmates had beaten them.


The tragic murder of Junko Furuta remains one of the most heinous crimes ever committed in Japan, even decades later. Furuta was a year-old high school senior preparing to graduate. She had already accepted a job working for an electronics manufacturer after graduation and aspired to become an idol singer. On November 25, , Furuta was kidnapped on her way home from work. Over the following 44 days, a group of fellow teenagers horrifically tortured Furuta until she died on January 4, In addition to attending Yashio-Minami High School, year-old Junko Furuta worked at the local plastic molding factory. She was riding her bike home from work around pm on November 25, , when she was reportedly kicked off of her bike by year-old Shinji Minato, who quickly fled. Another boy, year-old Hiroshi Miyano, claimed to have seen Furuta get kicked off of her bike and offered to walk her home. Instead, Miyano forced Furuta into a warehouse where he raped her, then took her to a hotel where he assaulted her again. This was just the beginning of Furuta's day ordeal.

Murder of junko furuta pictures

You have a good future ahead of you. But you made one mistake. Normally, turning down a boy who likes you, results in some hurt feelings and maybe a little intimidation or harmless retaliation — especially when the boy you turned down is part of a gang. Little did she know, Junko Furuta had made the biggest mistake of her life. Read at your own risk. On November 25, , after school was over for the day, 17 year old Junko Furuta started on her way home. Along the way, she was abducted by 4 boys, one of them the boy she had just turned down. She was taken to the home of their leader, 17 year old, Jo Kamisaku. Familiar with crime, and covering it up, Kamisaku knew they would need plenty of time to achieve their goal.

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While she was only one quarter through her ordeal, owing to ongoing beatings, Junko Furuta was unable to breathe through her nose due to accumulation of blood in her cavities. However because they were all underaged when the crime was committed, they were to be tried as juveniles, but eventually faced sentences of adults, except that the court withheld their identities. The group soon dropped the act, and the adults were told that Hiroshi was a member of the Yakuza; if they attempted to help the girl or alert the police, then they would be murdered as well. She attempted to phone the police, but was caught before the call could be connected. Had they only bothered to really look around, who knows what may have happened. Her hands and feet were damaged so badly, it took her over an hour to crawl downstairs to the bathroom. March 3, , am. Greatings from Romania. After 30 days, Junko Furuta was unable to urinate properly due to damage to internal organs and to vulva from insertion of foreign object and burns from cigarettes and lighters. I love your blog since i Discovery first time since there was just instagram.

Japan and the United States are two of the only industrialized democratic nations in the world that continue to execute criminals.

Junko was beaten with weights and golf clubs, and they hung her from the ceiling and used her as a punching bag. Trending Articles. Child shot in car in Santa Ana, is reported to be in critical condition February 25, , pm. The largest amount of time which any of these monsters served was 8 years, and today each and every one of these brutal rapists and murderers are free. A Web Of Deadly Deceit. Hiroshi Miyano was the bully in the school and being involved with the new generations of the Yakuza, nobody dared to oppose him. One of them — Hiroshi Miyano had a crush on her but not looking for a relationship, Junko Furuta turned him down. Email Name Website. However because they were all underaged when the crime was committed, they were to be tried as juveniles, but eventually faced sentences of adults, except that the court withheld their identities. Type your email… Subscribe. Greatings from Romania Loading Article 1 Article 2. May 2, , am. Parents of Nobuharu Minato in whose house Junko Furuta was kept paid their son a visit on a few occasions but under a threat of increased violence against her, Junko was requested to pretend that she was a girlfriend of one of the boys.

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