muscle drain comic

Muscle drain comic

By Mgk March 5, in Stories.

I agree you had a great year with a lot of great comics. Hope to see more of that kind of thing in ! That will be released sometime early next year. Some of you might have noticed I had Philip Lawson do some text for me. Yes, and no, and then yes again… I actually have the art done for three Ms.

Muscle drain comic

Log in. Forgot your password? Forgot your username? Create an account. Please Log in or Create an account to join the conversation. Liberty returns in another exciting installment presented by Mighty Female Muscle Comix. She's tasked with making sure that all the Soviets attempts to create a super-weapon are squashed, and thanks to her nigh invulnerability and super human strength she does just that crushing them right beneath her high heels! Fans of female muscle growth should also rejoice with this issue as its jam packed with lots and lots of fmg and also superhero feats of strength! Liberty tears through tanks like they are tin foil in this issue just like every Ms. Liberty issue really.

This issue continues the young couples adventures as they try to beat the game and return to reality. After I drain Superman, you other heros are next!

WumboCumboo Watchers 0 Deviations Profile Navigation WumboCumboo. Home Gallery Favourites About. Female Superiority. Attribute Theft.

Add to Favourites. Deviantart no longer allows sexually explicit content as free deviations, so I'm putting them in here. More by SteeleBlazer84 Watch. Kycolv Watch. KinkyRocket Watch. Weak normal males vs much stronger women Part 3. Artista - SteeleBlazer Featured in Groups See All. Published: Mar 24,

Muscle drain comic

WumboCumboo Watchers 0 Deviations Profile Navigation WumboCumboo. Home Gallery Favourites About. Female Superiority. Attribute Theft. The Age of Muscle. Mario Universe. Muscle Girl Games. Saxxon FMG. Cammy White.

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If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. And with your continued support I hope to be able to work with him on even bigger and bigger projects. And as always I want to thank you all for your amazing support. This comic is for those who like the campy era of superhero comics. So I want to thank you all for this support. Some of you might have noticed I had Philip Lawson do some text for me. This is not a world for the weak or the meek. Not bad looking, in a nerdy way, she always wore her red hair in tight bouncing but unkempt curls, her face obscured by coke-bottle glasses with giant round lenses. Liberty release is going to be super epic. Bigger just like the girls that he draws! College didn't worry me. Remember me.


Liberty 3. I particularly loved the heroine's succession of strength demonstration. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Log in Forgot your password? As the last 2 Ms. This is a really special issue for me and I am so excited to share it all with you. Female Muscle Drain Stories - Comics I know this won't be for everyone on this forum. The comic is 25 full pages and I believe is one of the very best Ms. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Thank you very much for these latest Miss Libery adventures. It's your support that makes Mighty Female Muscle Comix grow bigger and bigger, just like the women in our comics. You can purchase the 27 page comic here: mighty-female-muscle-comix. But, super big, super sexy, super strong, superhero action. Mighty Female Muscle Comix.

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