

Not the least of which is n3fjp it provides both logging and rig control in one package, n3fjp. I found it to be a perfect companion for POTA logging purposes both on-site and in the transfer of handwritten logs, n3fjp. I rearranged my visible fields and the sequence of completion as shown in Figure 1.

Unfortunately N3FJP is windows only. N3FJP offers some great rig control functions as well as that for general logging. Doing a park-to-park QSO with the other operator at a two or threefer? Simply list the parks as a comma separated string and it will create separate line logs for each of that activators parks. It will also show your spots by others as well as a general listing for activators that also want to hunt some P2Ps and doing park number lookups. HAMRS is a mission focused application.


Amateur Contact Log. Hi and welcome! My name is Scott, N3FJP, I became an amateur radio operator in , at the age of 14 and have been enjoying many facets of amateur radio ever since! I love working contests, making contacts via CW and phone, experimenting with antennas and general tuning around the bands. We are also blessed to share this amazing radio and software adventure with our younger son, Brad, KB3MNE, who jumps in whenever he can too! As an extension of my Amateur Radio hobby, I became interested in computer programming. I wanted to create easy to use software for my station that performed a variety of functions for contesting and general logging. I began in with a program to log contacts during November Sweepstakes and shared it with local hams. The program was so well liked, I started to receive requests for additional software. From that first program, our software library has grown to more than applications! Amateur Contact Log is an easy to use general logging program that has many great features including tracking of worked all states, counties and countries. The rest of our programs are easy to use "contest specific" applications.

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When you subscribe, you receive only messages for the product you have subscribed to. You can check your current subscriptions and remove yourself from subscriptions at any time by visiting the Reviews Home page and clicking on the 'here' box under Subscriptions. If you have comments, questions, or problems with this procedure please write to the Forums Manager. This project involves a management team of volunteers who each take a topic of interest and manage it with passion. The site will be something of which everyone involved can be proud to say they were a part. Toggle navigation.

Amateur Contact Log 7. XP and Vista versions here. Download Amateur Contact Log Now! If you are upgrading from a previous version of AC Log, please click here for the the steps to upgrade. The Origin of Amateur Contact Log. After I started computer programming, I knew I wanted to create a program that would perform all the functions my Dad and I used to dream about when I was a kid. The result of this dream is Amateur Contact Log.


Listed below are all of our amateur radio programs currently available, along with their individual registration fees. You can register an individual program from its download page and we also offer a package suite, which includes all of the programs listed, free registration of any additional amateur radio software that we add to the package, as well as free upgrades to existing programs. Please see the registration options at the bottom of this page for more details! General Log.

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The site will be something of which everyone involved can be proud to say they were a part. As far as N3FJP not knowing the state where the park is, state is not required for the log to be accepted. N3FJP works great for me and I see no reason to change right now. Do not offer rewards for positive eHam product reviews. With the exception of one little shortcoming see my review of the contest log programs , the interface of this program with the contest logs is easy and thorough. The program was so well liked, I started to receive requests for additional software. If they are in their home state, cool. But do this with gentleness and respect This is very useful, you can discover very old QSOs and find friends that you lost for years. This helped with knowing how to use the most common features. Then decide on what sequence works for you. A review should provide useful relevant opinions of a product. Please click the links above to browse through our software library, try our programs, put them through their paces and see what you think. I used DX keeper for many years and when a friend showed me maclogger, I decided to search for a more user friendly logging program.

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It's a conflict of interest for manufacturers or their employees to review their own products. There's a delay before newly submitted reviews are Approved and posted in eHam's reviews. Those reviews are subject to removal. DX keeper is ancient and feels like something from windows 3. Forgot Password. My name is Scott, N3FJP, I became an amateur radio operator in , at the age of 14 and have been enjoying many facets of amateur radio ever since! Every field can be hidden, moved, enlarged Figure 5 Figure 5 Now do a few test entries and see how it all works. Easy to read screen and easy to navigate. But do this with gentleness and respect

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