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Cumhuriyetimizin ilanndan sonraki en nemli adalama projesi olan Avrupa Birlii katlm sreciyle lkemiz ekonomik, sosyal ve siyasi birok alanda dnm gerekletirmektedir. Bir kere, Avrupa Birliine Katlm Antlamasnn imzalanabilmesi iin Topluluk mktesebatnn Trkeye evirisinin tamamlanm olmas gerekmektedir.
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SZLK 5. Cumhuriyetimizin ilanndan sonraki en nemli adalama projesi olan Avrupa Birlii katlm sreciyle lkemiz ekonomik, sosyal ve siyasi birok alanda dnm gerekletirmektedir. Bir kere, Avrupa Birliine Katlm Antlamasnn imzalanabilmesi iin Topluluk mktesebatnn Trkeye evirisinin tamamlanm olmas gerekmektedir. Bunun yan sra, ok dillilik zerine kurulu Avrupa Birliine katlan ye lkelerin resmi dilleri Topluluk resmi dili olmaktadr. Dolaysyla gzel Trkemiz, lkemizin Avrupa Birliine ye olmasyla beraber resmi dillerden biri olacak, Avrupa BirliimevzuatdierresmidillerinyansraTrkeolarakdaAvrupa BirliiResmiGazetesindeyaymlanacaktr. Bu birimdeki arkadalarmz zverili bir almaylaAvrupaBirliiTerimleriSzlgibisonderecedeerli bireserinihaihalegetirmilerdir. Avrupa Birliine yelikle beraber hukuk dzenimizin bir paras olacakyaklak,sayfalkToplulukmktesebatnnevirilmesi konusunda en nemli hususlardan biri terminoloji birliini salamaktr. Genel Sekreterliimiz tarafndan hazrlanan szln Avrupa Birlii uyum srecinde alan uzmanlar tarafndan kullanlmasyla terminoloji birlii de nemli lde salanm olacaktr. Bu eserin ortaya kmasnda emei geen uzmanlar sadece tarihi bir dnm srecine tula eklemekle kalmamlardr. Onlar, titiz almalaryla gzel Trkemizin doru ifadesine de katkda bulunmulardr. UnutmayalmkiTrke,ulusalkimliimizinentemel unsurudur. BabakanmzSaynRecepTayyipErdoanndediigibi bu temiz dille medeniyetler ina ettik, iirler syledik, fermanlar yazdk,devletler kurduk,ehirlerinaettik vebudilsayesindebaka medeniyetlerletemasagetik. Siyasete atlmadan nceki mesleki deneyimlerimden evirinin ne kadar zahmetli bir i olduunu ok iyi biliyorum. Bu meziyetleriyle, szln ortaya kmasn salayan tm yetkililere teekkr ediyorum.
Its narrow streets lead down to the old harbour today an international yachting marina. Established in BCand including remains from the ionic.
İyi yolculuklar dileriz. You have seen it in w ar films; soldiers with painted faces, branches attached to their helmets, tanks similarly bedecked with branches, and uniforms with undulating designs in tones o f brown and green. In recent times the soldiers that we have watched so often on television have been wearing beige uniforms rather than these brown and green ones, because this time they have been fighting not in forested mountainous. The M adeira rockfish changes co lo ur to blend in w ith its b ackground so successfully that it becom es alm o st invisible b elo w. Facing page: Sole above left and sq u irrel fish above rig ht ; flying g u rn a rd , D actylop teru s vo litan s below. This method of concealment used by armies is actually nothing but imitation of a technique used by animals in their struggle for survival.
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Turkey accommodated demands for expansionary policies tocounter the marked economic contraction and largely embedded them in a broaderdevelopment strategy entailing higher public investment, job creation and sectoral reforms. Job creationcontinued to be hampered, notably by a skills mismatch between labour demand and supply,relatively high social contribution rates and by the rigidity of employment practices. They lie motionless on the bottom for most o f the time, waiting for prey to approach, and change colour to become almost invisible. With respect to the efficiency of the judiciary, the regional courts ofappeal have not been established yet. However, the poverty rate of children under 15 years of age increased by 0. Other Internet addresses for THY: www. Bu farkllklarn giderilmesi ve terminolojide birlik salanmas amacyla bir terminoloji szl hazrlanmas ngrlmtr. EN 10 EN. Unemployment increased significantly. In later centuries it becam e known as Habessos and Andifli. Do Dr. EN 32 EN. It is important that proceedings in this context fully respect the due process of law, inparticular the rights of the defendants. It was as if nature had chosen this village to display its artistry.
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Judges and prosecutors, including the High Courts,discussed the draft strategy on a number of occasions. The clay tablet b e a rin g the fam o u s T re a ty of K ad esh below right. Ammunition andweapons were discovered in the course of the investigation. The d e ep er into the w oo ds w e w en t, the more sounds of wildlife we heard. If the preceding does not apply to you, you must complete one of the forms provided. Overall, the legal framework on associations is broadly in line with European standards. Professionnel Documents. Among the most astonishing of Mediterranean fish is the broad-nosed pipefish Syngnathus typhle , which looks more like a reptile, with its long body and head, and pipe-shaped mouth. Efforts to equip policeand gendarmerie statement-taking rooms with audio- and video-recording systems continued. Representativesof the Turkish authorities met members of non-Muslim community foundations and visitedMor Gabriel monastery to discuss property-related matters. However, improving the difficult working conditions in the Turkish national police, includingwith the aid of training, would be needed in order to address the issue of use of force duringdemonstrations. The e-school system enables the Ministry of National Education to identify and reachchildren who are out of school at any given time. Linked to the other islands around it by several bridges, it is one of the most perfectly preserved historic towns in existence.
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