
Census Bureau assigns and maintains only one NAICS code for naics establishment based on its primary activity generally the naics that generates the most revenue for the establishment. Since other federal government agencies, trade associations, naics, and regulation boards maintain their own lists of business establishments and assign classification codes based on their own programmatic needs, this will vary by agency, naics. For instance, naics, the SAM System for Award Management formerly CCRwhere businesses register to become federal contractors, will accept up to 5 or 10 classification codes per establishment.

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Codes are reviewed every five years to ensure their relevance, accuracy, and timeliness. NAICS codes can be up to 6 digits long. The more digits there are in a code, the greater the level of specificity in the classification of a business. In the NAICS Search search box, enter a keyword that describes the company or industry of interest, keeping in mind that you may need to try searching for multiple terms to find what you're looking for. After you've run a search, you'll see a list of codes relevant to the term s that you entered. Click on any code for more information about the types of business activities classified under that code. In Gale Business: Insights , click on the Browse All Companies button, enter a company's name in the search box, and then click on the company's name on the search results page. The company profile page includes a section titled "Industry" that shows the company's primary industry and NAICS code highlighted in blue. A link is provided for viewing the company's secondary industries. In Hoovers , enter a company's name in the small search box at the top of the database's home page. On the company overview page, below the business description, you'll see a section titled "Industry," where you'll find the main SIC and NAICS codes associated with the company. In Nexis Uni , click on the Menu link toward the top left-hand corner of the database's home page and then on Company Dossier. You can then enter a company's name in the search box. The NAICS code that you see for a company in a database just indicates what someone thinks the company's primary business activity is.

What is an Establishment and what is an Enterprise? A notable example is printing and publishing, naics.

An establishment is typically a single physical location, though administratively distinct operations at a single location may be treated as separate establishments. Each establishment is classified as an industry according to the primary business activity taking place there. NAICS does not offer guidance on organizing enterprises companies composed of multiple establishments. The first five digits are generally although not always strictly the same in all three countries. The first two digits designate the largest business sector; the third digit represents the subsector; the fourth digit represents the industry group; the fifth digit designates the NAICS industries , and the sixth digit represents the national industries.

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Their goal was to establish a North American standard. They developed the NAICS as the first economic classification system based on a single economic concept. What this means is a company selects the code that best depicts their primary business activity and then uses it when asked for their code. The Census Bureau is the Authority in such matters. The system was developed for statistical analysis, however, various government agencies, trade associations, and regulatory boards have adapted the NAICS classification system for their internal needs. By Acquiring NAICS Information, one can gain a better understanding of their best customers and the industries that might best benefit from their products and services. If you have been asked for a NAICS code by an organization or government entity, the requesting organization would be the appropriate entity to contact regarding their need for or use of the code. The only instances in which your code can not be fully self assigned for official purposes, is within OSHA, the EPA, and the DEP, which assign codes based on environmental factors and not by revenue. Again, your NAICS code is reflective of your primary business activity and is almost always a self-assigned system.


What is an Establishment and what is an Enterprise? Each digit in the code is part of a series of progressively narrower categories, and the more digits in the code signify greater classification detail. Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services. Lost your password? Share facebook twitter linkedin pinterest email. If you have the NAICS code for an industry, you can use it to find an overview for that industry by using any of the following databases:. The Census Bureau generally assigns NAICS codes to businesses on its list of establishments based on information provided by the business on a survey or census report form. The sixth digit allows for each of the countries to have additional detail i. These different agencies use their own methods for assigning NAICS codes to the establishments on their lists. Real Estate and Rental and Leasing. Gas household appliances except gas water heaters was moved to newly titled , Household Appliances, Electric Housewares, and Consumer Electronics Merchant Wholesalers. You can then enter a company's name in the search box. An enterprise, on the other hand, may consist of more than one location performing the same or different types of economic activities. Personal information cannot be used against respondents by any government agency or court.

Census Bureau assigns and maintains only one NAICS code for each establishment based on its primary activity generally the activity that generates the most revenue for the establishment. Since other federal government agencies, trade associations, and regulation boards maintain their own lists of business establishments and assign classification codes based on their own programmatic needs, this will vary by agency. For instance, the SAM System for Award Management formerly CCR , where businesses register to become federal contractors, will accept up to 5 or 10 classification codes per establishment.

Market Sizing Firmographics. You may also obtain data from the American Fact Finder website. Company Lookup Tool. Retrieved December 18, We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Toggle limited content width. To find more information about the SBA size standards, click here. Only need Company information occasionally? These different agencies use their own methods for assigning NAICS codes to the establishments on their lists. NAICS is a two-through-six-digit hierarchical classification code system, offering five levels of detail. For , revisions were made to address changes in the economy. We recommend keeping these cookies enabled. The first two digits designate the economic sector, the third digit designates the subsector, the fourth digit designates the industry group, the fifth digit designates the NAICS industry, and the sixth digit designates the national industry.

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