naked justice beginnings

Naked justice beginnings

For years, naked justice beginnings, Class Comics has been creating and publishing amazing gay comics that touch readers on many levels. Each title is brimming with exciting stories, lovable characters, and incredible art. Here comes the newest publication from the Class Comics universe. From Naked Justice and Trip, to Mako Finn, Ghostboy and Diablo, Jacob has brought these beloved naked justice beginnings to glorious, horny life time and time again.

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Naked justice beginnings

Past Forward is a curiosity company dedicated to educational accessibility. Listen to episodes on our website, Apple , Spotify , or wherever you podcast. Search millions of discounted books with next business day shipping in the US. To learn more, please visit the following pages for Context , Policies , and Terms. Celebrating 10 years and episodes. Podcast Microcast Books Search. Your cart. Jacob Mott, Patrick Fillion. Add to cart. For years, Class Comics has been creating and publishing amazing gay comics that touch readers on many levels. Each title is brimming with exciting stories, lovable characters, and incredible art. Here comes the newest publication from the Class Comics universe. Mission Past Forward is a curiosity company dedicated to educational accessibility. Podcast Listen to episodes on our website, Apple , Spotify , or wherever you podcast. Books Search millions of discounted books with next business day shipping in the US.

Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 reviews. This origins story is packed with new characters to meet, villains to loathe and hot, hard naked justice beginnings hung male bodies to admire! Mission Past Forward is a curiosity company dedicated to educational accessibility.


Patrick Fillion Average rating 4. Patrick Fillion ,. Jacob Mott Illustrator ,. Shemyaza Illustrator. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Error rating book.

Naked justice beginnings

For years, Class Comics has been creating and publishing amazing gay comics that touch readers on many levels. Each title is brimming with exciting stories, lovable characters, and incredible art. Here comes the newest publication from the Class Comics universe. From Naked Justice and Trip, to Mako Finn, Ghostboy and Diablo, Jacob has brought these beloved characters to glorious, horny life time and time again. Patrick is an artist who has a very clear idea of what he wants out of life, and is open to sharing his passion for nudity, the male form and his artwork. Drawing came as naturally to Patrick as breathing, and, never afraid to express himself on paper, he began to draw comic book art and nudes at a very early age. When asked if he has always preferred to illustrate erotic art, Patrick is confident in his reply. Eventually, an unprejudiced high school art teacher encouraged him to draw what came naturally. When Patrick moved to Vancouver and discovered the gay community and a new-found sense of freedom and self-awareness, his work went from merely slightly erotic to XXX erotica.

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From Naked Justice and Trip, to Mako Finn, Ghostboy and Diablo, Jacob has brought these beloved characters to glorious, horny life time and time again. Books Search millions of discounted books with next business day shipping in the US. Every hero has a beginning Community Reviews. Genres Comics. Today he draws for a wide variety of gay magazines in the USA. Born in Quebec in , Patrick Fillion discovered his love for drawing comics at the tender age of fi ve. One fateful day, Felix finds himself seduced by a handsome stranger. This was a natural progression with which he is extremely pleased. To learn more, please visit the following pages for Context , Policies , and Terms. He and his life and business partner, Fraser pictured above with Patrick , have created their own publishing company, Class Comics, through which they have released several gay-themed erotic comics. He also created illustrations for popular Gay adult publications such as Black Inches, Latin Inches and Torso magazines for seven years.


Search millions of discounted books with next business day shipping in the US. Listen to episodes on our website, Apple , Spotify , or wherever you podcast. Loading interface One fateful day, Felix finds himself seduced by a handsome stranger. Description For years, Class Comics has been creating and publishing amazing gay comics that touch readers on many levels. To learn more, please visit the following pages for Context , Policies , and Terms. About the author. Patrick is an artist who has a very clear idea of what he wants out of life, and is open to sharing his passion for nudity, the male form and his artwork. Ends on a cliffhanger and I need to get the next one now Lots of graphic and adult art. This was a natural progression with which he is extremely pleased. Jacob Mott, Patrick Fillion. Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 reviews. Born in Quebec in , Patrick Fillion discovered his love for drawing comics at the tender age of fi ve. Community Reviews.

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