Namaste england movie download

Param and Jasmeet, a married couple, want to settle down in London so Jasmeet can pursue her career in jewellery designing.

An Indian couple go to great lengths to move to London, England. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Namaste England 2h 21m. Play trailer Comedy Drama Romance.

Namaste england movie download


Play trailer Director Vipul Amrutlal Shah.


Namaste England transl. Greetings, England! The principal shoot of the film began on 23 February in Amritsar , Punjab. Param is a man residing in a small village within Punjab. During Dusshera , he goes to see Ravan Dahan with his friends where he meets Jasmeet and subsequently falls for her. Jasmeet is a young, ambitious and educated girl, whose grandfather and older brother are opposed to her seeking employment due to their conservative background. Jasmeet can't go against their decision but still dreams of independence from them. After their first meeting, Param and Jasmeet meet several more times, where she grows closer to Param. To get close to her, Param conceives a plan and asks a friend of his to marry one of Jasmeet's friends.

Namaste england movie download

An Indian couple go to great lengths to move to London, England. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Namaste England 2h 21m. Play trailer Comedy Drama Romance.

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Comedy Drama Romance. Pooja Hegde Movies. Alankrita Sahai Alisha. Powered by Alexa. Abhishek Bachchan Movies. Edit page. More like this. And copied music See more gaps Learn more about contributing. Mythology Movies.

Both fall for each other. She has to work there

Gadar 2. Box office Edit. The Kashmir Files. Photos Sunny Deol Movies. Vicky Kaushal Movies. Movies By Language. Salman Khan Movies. Atul Sharma Immigrant. Watch Namaste England Trailer. Macherla Niyojakavargam. Details Edit. Trivia Film was announced longtime back as sequel to Namastey London and was to star Akshay Kumar. Romantic Movies.

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