nashville school shooting body cam video

Nashville school shooting body cam video

The video may be disturbing to some viewers, viewer discretion is advised. It was captured on body worn cameras from two of the officers who responded to the scene; portions of the video were pixelated by the police department before it was released, nashville school shooting body cam video. You can see officers arriving on scene and getting information from a woman outside the school.

Metropolitan Nashville Police Chief John Drake did not say exactly what drove the shooter to open fire Monday morning at The Covenant School before being killed by police. Amid the chaos, a familiar ritual played out: Panicked parents rushed to the school to see if their children were safe and tearfully hugged their kids, and a stunned community held vigils for the victims. It is time for Republicans in Congress to show some courage and to answer to these parents, to these families. Police gave unclear information on the gender of the shooter. For hours, police identified the shooter as a year-old woman and eventually as Audrey Elizabeth Hale.

Nashville school shooting body cam video

AP — Nashville police released video Tuesday from a body-worn camera that shows a team of officers entering and searching an elementary school, then confronting and opening fire on an assailant who had murdered three children and three adults in the latest school shooting to roil the nation. The woman then directs officers to Fellowship Hall and says people inside had just heard gunshots. Three officers, including Engelbert, search rooms one by one, holding rifles. Officers climb stairs to the second floor and enter a lobby area. Then a barrage of gunfire is heard. Then the shooter is shown motionless on the floor. Police earlier identified the shooter, who was killed by police, as year-old Audrey Elizabeth Hale. They say Hale was a former student and shot through the doors of the private, Christian elementary school. Hale had drawn a detailed map of the school, including potential entry points, and conducted surveillance of the building before carrying out the massacre, authorities said. For hours Monday, police identified the shooter as a woman. At a late afternoon press conference, the police chief said Hale was transgender. After the news conference, police spokesperson Don Aaron declined to elaborate on how Hale identified.

Aaron said there were no police officers present or assigned to the school at the time of the shooting because it is a church-run school.

Body-worn camera footage released Tuesday shows police entering The Covenant School in Nashville before coming face-to-face with the mass shooter who killed three children and three adults. The video shows the officers clearing the first story of the school when they heard gunshots coming from the second level, as previously described by police spokesperson Don Aaron during a Tuesday briefing. Two officers from a five-member team opened fire after being engaged by the shooter, fatally shooting the suspect at a. That was less than 15 minutes from when the first call was placed. Surveillance video also released by police showed the attacker shooting out doors to the school to gain entry. There were no police officers present or assigned to the school at the time of the shooting because it is a church-run school. The shooter, identified as year-old Audrey Hale, was previously a student of the private Christian school.

Both are being hailed as heroes for entering the building with a team of first responders and killing the suspect in a lobby on the second floor of the school. They fired on the active shooter, who was killed. Their body cam footage is in this article. This video shows the suspect driving on the campus of The Covenant School and shooting through the door to gain access to the building. She was armed with 2 assault-type guns and a 9 millimeter pistol. The violence occurred at The Covenant School, a Presbyterian school for about students from preschool through sixth grade. Police say the shooter was a year-old woman. Initially, police identified her as a teenager.

Nashville school shooting body cam video

Officials have released the body camera video showing officers racing through a Nashville Christian elementary school after three children and three staffers were fatally shot by an active shooter. Warning: Some viewers may find the footage disturbing. March 29, IE 11 is not supported. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. NBC News Logo. Israel-Hamas war Politics U.

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The woman then directs officers to Fellowship Hall and says people inside had just heard gunshots. BWC: Man fires shots in apartment, starts to raise rifle at Ariz. Updated: moments ago. The database does not include school shootings in which fewer than four people were killed, which have become far more common in recent years. Email This Link. A Tempe pizzeria and a popular Queen Creek Italian restaurant were hit with health code violations this week. Traumatized kids in Rafah get psychological help in a colorful tent. Then the shooter is shown motionless on the floor. Sopas de letras. Circle Country. Fox 17 Drone Videos. CBSN Livestream.

Footage shows Officer Rex Engelbert opening fire with a rifle several times on Audrey Hale before the perpetrator falls to the ground injured. Hale, 28, is then hit by a second volley of bullets.

FOX 17 Investigates. At least two of them were believed to have been obtained legally in the Nashville area, according to the chief. Profile My News Sign Out. Share on Facebook. You then see officers confront the shooter, who was standing in front of a large window in what appears to be an atrium. Then a barrage of gunfire is heard. They say Hale was a former student and shot through the doors of the private, Christian elementary school. Nashville Cameras. For hours, police identified the shooter as a year-old woman and eventually as Audrey Elizabeth Hale. Share on Facebook. Thousands of baby swings sold at Walmart, Target and Amazon recalled due to suffocation risk. Family of woman who drowned while cuffed in back of Tenn. They lamented the national cycle of violent and deadly shootings.

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