naval ships technical manual

Naval ships technical manual

Mooring and towing systems, in conjunction with the anchoring system, naval ships technical manual, provide the full range of ship handling capabilities requisite to execute Naval missions. The purpose of NSTM Chapter is to provide general information concerning ship mooring and towing systems in support of Naval operations.

Cookbook 1. Missouri BB Salvage Report , , describes the successful salvage of the battleship after running aground. Submarine Camouflage Instructions , , camo-measuresubs Shipyard Outside Machinist , Bulletin K, A WW II training manual explaining how to align pumps, gaskets, etc.

Naval ships technical manual


The force due to current is dependent on the hull form and draft of the ship, the depth of the water, and the direction of the current. To educate the ships crew, specially


Selected NSTM chapters are available locally, while the remainder are not available to the general public. Chapter - Nondestr. Testing of Metals Qualif. Requirements for Naval Personnel V. Chapter - Gas Free Engineering V.

Naval ships technical manual

The chapters listed in the following paragraphs are related to your job as a Fire Controlman, both as a technician and as a member of a ship or station organization. Provides broad guidance for establishing a damage control organization. It is designed to help organizations plan before damage occurs, spend a minimal amount of time localizing damage that does occur, and make emergency repairs or restoration as quickly as possible after damage occurs. Provides information and instructions on electrical equipment, electrical safety precautions, electrical insulation and insulation resistance , and maintenance reconditioning of electrical equipment. It also provides the requirements that Fire Controlmen must meet in a shipboard safety program, including the use and maintenance of both organizational and personal electrical and electronic equipment. Provides major policies and instructions pertaining to the maintenance of electronic equipment and safety information on board both active and reserve ships.

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This construction is non-rotating and is also used for a wide range of mooring and towing applications. Gruner is a summary of the U. Ship Rigged to Tow. This category covers storm mooring conditions. This type of mooring is generally more economical than a multiple-point mooring but requires ample anchorage to prevent the vessel from interfering with navigation, adjacent structures, or neighboring vessels. For example, if the wind speed doubles, the mooring line loads A typical four point mooring arrangement is shown in figure While this type of rope has seen performance improvements thorough application of a Marine overlay finish, its performance and durability is still below the other alternatives discussed below, so this type of line has fallen out of favor. The manuals for the gun are in the ordnance section below. Departing a pier is usually less difficult than approaching it.


The drive machinery for the capstan is frequently located below deck, often times in the overhead. Mooring fittings on piers or wharves are designed with a load limit that will satisfy the largest ship to be moored at that pier, plus a suitable design factor. Never stand in the bight of a line or in the direct line of pull when the line is being pulled or is under tension. The inboard ship the one next to the pier should put out additional mooring lines to compensate for the loads imposed on it by the outboard ship s. Large circumference or long mooring lines weigh too much to be tightened by hand and requires that the line be taken too power. Mooring line accessories include tattletales, line throwing devices, rat guards, and fairleaders. A few of the most common unsafe conditions are: a. The sequence of operations is to pass the line and secure the initial lines on pier fittings. The anchorage should also be selected with an eye to other ships in the anchorage that may drag down onto the ship or foul the ships ground tackle. Selection of a specific type of multiple point mooring depends upon site conditions, existing facilities, and mooring use. The effective holding power of the anchor can be improved in a number of ways. In spliced eyes where eye makes contact with the mooring fitting Around the rope where mooring line passes through a chock Attached to fixed objects, along sharp edges that are in contact with a mooring line, or around the rope when it is not possible to attach chaffing gear to the object Around the rope where contact is possible with concrete pier edge during tidal changes This will allow the primary lines to absorb and dampen a significant amount of the dynamic energy created by the motion of the ship in the wind before any significant load is placed on the backup lines.

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