nellie american girl doll

Nellie american girl doll

Character's Year: Release Year: Archived Year:

Nellie was archived with Samantha's collection by American Girl in May , and sold out on December 4, Nellie with Nellie's Promise. Nellie's meet outfit is representative of the type of clothing she receives once she moves in with and then is adopted by Gardner and Cornelia Edwards. Blue and white knee length dress. Fabric of white dotted swiss over blue cotton. White eyelet lace neck ruffle trim.

Nellie american girl doll

American Girl Playthings! Nellie Doll. Reply Nellie Doll. Posts: 1, Feedback: Link. I don't know what is wrong with me. I loved Nellie and wanted her so desperately All the catalogue photos attracted me to her because she was simply adorable in them. But once I opened her for myself, I didn't like her anymore. Something's wrong with me! I adore Samantha but her little bff is not my taste for some reason!

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For the doll, see Nellie O'Malley doll. Nellie O'Malley is the best friend and later adopted sister of Samantha Parkington , and the first Best Friend released. In October , American Girl announced their intent to archive Samantha's entire collection ; she, Nellie, and their collections were no longer available for purchase online or through catalogs with the exception of the books. The Nellie doll and all items in her collection have been retired. After Samantha was rereleased for the BeForever retooling, it was unknown if Nellie would ever be available again; this was confirmed with the rerelease of Felicity Merriman which did not include Elizabeth Cole , so it is unlikely that the Nellie doll or collection will ever be available again. Nellie is a young Irish-American girl with strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes who is shorter and smaller than Samantha. She initially lives with her father, mother, and two younger sisters Jenny and Bridget.

The two girls quickly become best friends, even though they have lived very different lives. Practical and hardworking, she is the star of her story. In the Spring of annoncment was made of the retirement of the full Samantha line up. This announcement included the retirement of Nellie and her collection. All items left in her collection were available until they sold out in

Nellie american girl doll

For the doll, see Nellie O'Malley doll. Nellie O'Malley is the best friend and later adopted sister of Samantha Parkington , and the first Best Friend released. In October , American Girl announced their intent to archive Samantha's entire collection ; she, Nellie, and their collections were no longer available for purchase online or through catalogs with the exception of the books. The Nellie doll and all items in her collection have been retired. After Samantha was rereleased for the BeForever retooling, it was unknown if Nellie would ever be available again; this was confirmed with the rerelease of Felicity Merriman which did not include Elizabeth Cole , so it is unlikely that the Nellie doll or collection will ever be available again. Nellie is a young Irish-American girl with strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes who is shorter and smaller than Samantha. She initially lives with her father, mother, and two younger sisters Jenny and Bridget. Nellie's parents are Irish immigrants-—Nellie does not appear to have been born in Ireland [2] -—and thus she and her family are not looked upon well in White American society, as at the time Irish people in America were, while considered somewhat white, not considered as equivalently White as WASP White Anglo-Saxon Protestant people. Initially, Nellie served as a foil to Samantha to reflect her poorer, more rough life; when introduced in Meet Samantha she is a shy, withdrawn young girl who has just been hired by the Rylands to serve as a housemaid.

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Perfect for Christmas parties! Books and Media. Swimming with Samantha. She has been taught to defer to her betters including Samantha since her family is of a lower class, even calling Samantha "miss" and fretting--rightfully--that she will be in trouble if Samantha is seen fraternizing with her. It's so NOT blue, and though others have assumed it's post-adoption it seems pre-adoption to me- Bleck! Her dark blue eyes are striking and I think that they are her best feature. Her straw hat shades her face from the summer sun, and is trimmed with ribbon and pansies that match her drawstring bag. However, she still has effects from her poor upbringing. Checklist change Expected shipping date business days after order confirmation. She sees no benefit in the wealthy education she starts with after her adoption and is much more comfortable once she starts to attend a more practical-focused school and studying to become a teacher. Leave a comment Cancel reply.

Got a doll secondhand and don't know who she is? Want to sell your doll and forgot her name?

Books and Media. I found my Nellie at a thrift store and had no clue who she was when I found her, I only knew she was AG. Someone ordered within 3 days. High school graduate with a lot to say, mostly about hockey and baseball. Love my other Birkies, returned these. I was surprised by the color of her hair. I'm not too impressed with the shoes, though; they have a very cheap look to them, which is why Nellie's holiday shoes are worn with the meet outfit. Active Product Lines. I love to bundle! Nellie had never gone to any formal schooling until Samantha Learns a Lesson , but was skilled in math due to having to know how to purchase enough food for the family on small amounts of money. Nellie is a beautiful doll. Release Year:

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