nifty gay stories

Nifty gay stories

Werewolf's Heartsong DizzyIzzyN. There I was, w Abuse Alpha Fated Mate. Alpha Dominant Fated Mate.

The following list is a collection of Nifty authors who have contributed a significant amount of content to the Nifty archive. Thank you for sharing your stories! Nifty Collections. Collections Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender. Publish a Story.

Nifty gay stories

By moc. Discover more Gay Authoritarian stories in the archive on the top right. Nifty Collections. Collections Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender. Publish a Story. Log in. Browse stories from: 76 97 83 87 72 62 35 39 4 4 0 0 0. Feb Breaking me in 1. By Robert Louis.

Jakob "JC" Klunyk. R B 5 stories, K words. Abba Dabba.

Nifty Erotic Stories Archive , also known as nifty. The site collects LGBT stories, straight stories and bisexual and lesbian themed stories by amateur writers as well as "General Erotic and Educational Information", [3] [4] with stories categorized by theme and subject matter such as "first time", "interracial", fan-fiction , missionary experiences , [5] and other categories. As of February 25, , the site contains over , stories. In , it was recognized by the U. Internal Revenue Service as a tax-exempt, nonprofit c organization. Nifty does not have a registration process, an aspect that has drawn criticism, as the site does not require users to verify that they are over the age of

By ten. By moc. Discover more Gay Beginnings stories in the archive on the top right. Nifty Collections. Collections Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender. Publish a Story.

Nifty gay stories

Nifty Erotic Stories Archive , also known as nifty. The site collects LGBT stories, straight stories and bisexual and lesbian themed stories by amateur writers as well as "General Erotic and Educational Information", [3] [4] with stories categorized by theme and subject matter such as "first time", "interracial", fan-fiction , missionary experiences , [5] and other categories. As of February 25, , the site contains over , stories. In , it was recognized by the U. Internal Revenue Service as a tax-exempt, nonprofit c organization. Nifty does not have a registration process, an aspect that has drawn criticism, as the site does not require users to verify that they are over the age of In online payment company Stripe suspended Nifty's account due to the site hosting stories featuring bestiality , which Stripe believed would violate Visa and MasterCard's brand protection rules.

Universal survival saga

R Roberts 4 stories, K words. I found my mate but he is already engaged. Danwoodsversion1 aol. Pfantazm 9 stories, K words. Jasin Chau 8 stories, 52K words. Dr Throat. Mike Kliewer 11 stories, 68K words. Matt Swimmers 7 stories, 42K words. Daemon D. Michael Prymula 24 stories, 68K words. Michele Nylons 21 stories, K words.

The quality of the stories varies widely, however, and The Best of Nifty list was set up as a readers' guide pointing to some of the best stories posted at Nifty. It has since been expanded to include other sites where excellent stories can be found. We hope this list adds to your enjoyment of reading on the Web.

Sanibel Boys. Andrew Todd. Internal Revenue Service as a tax-exempt, nonprofit c organization. Ralph X Ral. Ben Ng 8 stories, K words. In OutProud published data from a survey they had conducted with Oasis magazine where the intent was to find ways to improve communication with the target communities they served. Holloway 13 stories, K words. Encolpius 5 stories, 53K words. MaineboyXY 7 stories, K words. Barry Edmund 3 stories, K words. Bruce Turner 5 stories, 1.

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